Dave rules. Broken links? Bring 'em on! Praise and love? For me, I mean, not Dave? Remembering that I am not Dave, but merely a fan, and can't contact him for you? Right here, baby!

Announcement-type things or what-have-you in the world o' Dave:

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Some more news about the post below: tickets are available here and the event is open to the public, of course. The tickets are only $20 and it's for a really good cause. I'm reposting the banner so you can click it and go to the website to read about it:

This is a rare opportunity for KITH fans to see Dave, Kevin and Bruce perform sketches and other material between bands. The bands that will be performing are:

Brian Wright and the Waco Tragedies

Sally Jaye


The Peculiar Pretzelmen

This happens at Safari Sam's in Hollywood at 9 pm on September 22. Dave will probably be on Craig Ferguson promoting it shortly beforehand, so keep an eye out for that, too.
posted by Tavie at 7:46 PM

Old news.

also, while you're here, you might as well...

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