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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Parker dragged me all around the peninsula park today. That was my exercise for the weekend. I took pictures. Labels: puppy love Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:32 PM | shower me with attention
Heat in my hand! I am alive! Bruce McCulloch Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:20 AM | shower me with attention Friday, March 30, 2007
Ha ha, Toothpaste For Dinner: ![]() Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:42 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, March 29, 2007
Another one under the belt: this time the current revival of Stephen Sondheim's Company, a musical the Original Cast Recording of which I have long cherished and a show which I almost got to see the 1995 revival of (d'oh) and have always regretted not being able to. An important musical for Sondheim, by the way. This revival was in the style of the Sweeney Todd I saw not long ago and although the actors-playing-instruments thing didn't work quite as well in this one, I quite liked it. I do think they should've made it a period piece and set it in the '70's, instead of the not-quite-"timeless"/vaguely updated thing they were doing here. You can't have a song with the line "I'll call you in the morning or my service will explain" in the chorus and couples in their thirties "smoking grass" and "feeling square" and have characters make references to busy signals without it feeling a wee bit old-timey, but it's okay, "Spot the Anachronism" is one of my favourite games. My mom liked it too, especially in the second act. Barbara Walsh was amazing, a cross between Dorothy Parker and The Drowsy Chaperone her-own-self, and not at all Stritch-esque, which is hard, since that role is totally Elaine's. Raul Esparza has a beautiful voice and an excellent deadpan. They done good. I was very happy. And hey, I finally got to hear the dialogue. I never quite understood how we got from "Everybody riiiiiiiiiiiiiiise" to "Somebody hold me too close..." ETA: The Times agrees with me. Labels: broadway, company, i am a big nerd, sondheim Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:56 PM | shower me with attention Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Happy Linn Day! Pick berries! Dance in the woods! Be a sprite! She's... my god, are you 30 now? Old Swede. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:18 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, March 27, 2007
D lured me in to the most addictive website in recent memory. Everyone join and add me as your friend so I never run out of prospective books to read. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:50 AM | shower me with attention Monday, March 26, 2007
Oy! Oy, people! Today was the day of The Worst Benadryl Hangover In History. It was awful. Oh, god. It lasted all day. Usually, when I take a normal dose too late in the evening, I can be in for a rough morning. But take 25 milligrams more and suddenly I'm in fogginess hell. That coupled with the poor sleep due to swollen throat made me an utter zombie. Really, the only reason I even made it to work was because the fresh air from walking Parker woke me up enough to get that far. I was almost useless at work today. I'm really afraid I'm gonna find out tomorrow that I screwed up all sorts of things. I dragged myself home and the little woman had made a delicious dinner, despite having gotten even less sleep than I did last night. She was so tired that I told her I'd take Parker out for her last walk, and Parker decided it was time to RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!!!!! around the peninsula. During all this running I managed to drop my cell phone. I discovered it when I got upstairs so then I had to go back down and wander around the dark park calling and calling it from Cheryl's cell phone. I am tired. Labels: a dog's life Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:43 PM | shower me with attention
Much better this morning. Throat a little sore, but swelling gone. And walking Parker helped me shake a bit of the Benadryl-hangover (although I still feel it.) Taking the late bus this morning - I hope I'm not late to work. I still have to work on the timing with the new routine. Labels: not dead Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:43 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, March 25, 2007
It appears I am allergic to cuttlebone. Dr Cheryl figured it out. She's so smart. I had gotten Progo a cuttlebone, like you give to parrots, because I read online it's a good source of calcium (and will also help keep his beak in good shape.) I always wash my hands after handling turtle-related things, of course, and so I hadn't thought anything of it and I was lying on the futon doing the diagramless and half-watching Jeeves and Wooster with Gina. When I sat up, I realized that my throat hurt. Not just hurt, but felt like I'd swallowed ground glass, and felt decidedly swollen. And my palms itched like crazy. I took a Benadryl and complained heartily to Gina, and she got very concerned, especially when I saw myself in the light and my face was red, my lips and nose puffy. Gina was ready to take me to the emergency room, and we were about to leave when Cheryl got home. She has a lot of experience with severe allergic reactions and agreed with me that we should give the Benadryl a chance to work, since my tongue isn't swollen and I can breathe fine. So we're waiting now. I'm under close watch. Anyway, Cheryl's the one who said, "Now cuttlebone is made from a fish, right?" Duhhhh! A mollusk. And I'm allergic to shellfish. She is so smart. I am so not. Labels: allergies, dumb tavie, pets Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:35 PM | shower me with attention
Check the timestamp, babies. On a Sunday. Thassright. Uh-huh. Got my paper and everything. Coffee's brewing. Ohhhhhh yeaaaaaaah. I love this dog. Labels: early bird Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:22 AM | shower me with attention Saturday, March 24, 2007
There will be a lifestyle change now that Parker is here. I have to learn how to get up early at least half the week and take her out (I've been practicing.) Tonight we went for a walk and she dragged me around the marina and the peninsula at quite the speed. If I do that daily, that's some fine cardio for me. She's a very, very sweet girl. Her mama gets back from Amsterdam in June. (I don't know if I mentioned; Parker belongs to Steph Peña's co-worker and friend, Liz. Whom I've never met. Although I have met her dog. Yes, it's weird.) We took Miss Peña to Peter Luger for some incredibly sumptuous porterhouse, and former Mayor Ed Koch was sitting a few tables away. Gina and I were excited, because we love him. I've always loved him. In the '80's, I had a small stuffed dog named after him. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:23 PM | shower me with attention Friday, March 23, 2007
Saw Scott tonight - haven't seen him in ages, he was doing stand-up at a comedy club very close to where I work. I'm not a komedy klub person, and suffered through the opening acts with the help of lite beer and fried foods (whoops), but Scott was very much up to his usual envelope-pushing antics, and incredibly refreshing in a laugh-until-you-hiccough sort of way. He was also very pleased to see us, which is always very sweet, even if I do sort of turn into cocktail-party-hostess-slash-morning-chat-show-hostess when I'm with him and a large group of people. I feel like I have to hit all the "talking points" or I'm not doing my "job". Heh. I'm weird. He says the show was partly Scottastrophe, but that Scottastrophe-proper will come to NY soon in a non-komedy-klub kind of venue; he threw this one together in a couple of weeks, which is why Buddy hasn't updates his blog lately. So that was fun. Tomorrow Parker comes to live with us for the next two months. I hope she's happy here. She's a very sweet dog. Labels: calamari, kith, our god, puppies Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:23 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, March 22, 2007
I a really obsessed with the Old 97's right now, and Rhett Miller in general. Really, all I ever want to listen to is them and Regina Spektor. I know I'm behind on the music and all that so it's really very exciting for me to like something that isn't, you know. Sondheim. And yes, Gina, alt-country. So not the same thing. Stop snickering. Labels: moozick Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:30 PM | shower me with attention Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tonight I had dinner with TJ and her best friend, Angela, and Angela's daughter, Sable, whom I've known since she was born. We ate at Maroon's, one of my favorite restaurants. I am obsessed with their succotash. Ever health-conscious, I had a martini instead of a sugary girl drink. (/deadpan) My life is boring. But I like it. Labels: aunts, aunts' friends, succotash Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:30 PM | shower me with attention Monday, March 19, 2007
I was sick today but I'm feeling better now. Enjoy this extremely early computer animation test by John Lasseter (!) and Glen Keane (!!!!). Labels: animation, disney, glen keane, john lasseter, maurice sendak Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:14 PM | shower me with attention Sunday, March 18, 2007
Except for wearing basically the same clothes all weekend, I had a decent time and did way more outside-stuff than usual. On St Patrick's Day, Mom and I met TJ and her friend and saw this theatre troupe do a reading of Oscar Wilde's An Ideal Husband. You wouldn't think it, but a bunch of actors sitting in a row reading from a script in front of them can be very compelling theatre. Also, they gave us wine. Today my mom brought me trout for breakfast, and coffee and tomatoes, and then we went for an afternoon of nostalgia - yes, we were the only unaccompanied adults in the theatre, and yes we felt silly, but it was actually lots of fun. Little kids getting into a live show are very, very, very cute. Afterwards, Mom fed me corned beef and cabbage and sent me home with lots of presents. We also watched my mom's new DVD of Twitch City (mine to keep once she's watched them all through) and finished up watching the second season of Slings and Arrows. I will be very sad after I have watched the third and last season. Such a good, good show. Labels: caffeine, canadian tv, evolution for kids, family, salty foods Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:47 PM | shower me with attention Saturday, March 17, 2007
Did you ever put something on your Amazon wish list so long ago that you don't remember why it was there in the first place? I'm at my parents' this weekend, having stumbled here tipsily after last night's Department Dinner (Junior's in Times Square, inferior to the real Junior's, but the cheesecake still good) - and this morning they dragged me down to the diner and poured eggs and coffee into me. Sufficiently revived, I was suddenly reminded of my current lack of portable reading material. (The Stand, mentioned below, is twice the size of my purse, and I finished the Gregory Maguire book two days ago. Imagine my panic.) So we went to the thrift store across the street. I adore pawing through musty piles of books in junk shops. It's one of life's purest pleasures for me. I am, you know, Fred Phillips' daughter (and partially raised by Byros.) Mostly what you find is crap, well worth being abandoned to a thrift shop, but sometimes you encounter something worthwhile. Today I came across Little, Big by John Crowley. I have no idea who John Crowley is, but for some reason, the title struck a chord. Why was this book familiar to me? Was it on my Amazon wishlist? Why would that possibly be? Well, it is on my wishlist. As best as I can recall, I encountered someone's recommendation of this book-- in person? on Usenet? somewhere else?-- and the recommendation was compelling enough for me to want to read it, so I put it on the wish list and then forgot about it, until stumbling across it today between battered copies of The Corrections and The Rules of Backgammon. I'm excited and mystified. I wish I could remember why I had it on my wish list. If you're the one who recommended it, make yourself known. Meanwhile, I'll discover whether or not it was worthy of the spot. Labels: amazon, dust, early alzheimer's, junk, must, novels, reading is funadmental Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:37 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, March 15, 2007
Currently, my favorite thing on the internet is this fellow's recaps of the show that I call, simply, The Models. He illustrates his reviews with little animated gifs that make me laugh until I hiccup. It's the little things, Marv. Labels: bitches Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:57 PM | shower me with attention
I was up in her room last weekend, clawing desperately through her books as I neared the end of my own current reading, and saw the huge, hardcover tome. My eyes lit up - I grabbed it - "Oooh! I've never read the unabridged version before!" She stopped me with a warning, as serious as a fresh grave: "If you spill anything, if you get one coffee ring, if you leave it upside down, if you bend its spine, if you bend a single corner of a single page, I will kill you." *** Just now, I reached over to turn out my bedside lamp and my night table fell over with a crash. Lamp, medication, sudoku, mechanical pencil, laptop - all fine. Glass of water. 1990 hardcover Doubleday edition of The Stand: Complete and Uncut. It was the only thing that even got wet. Soaked up the water like a sponge. Already swollen to twice its side. It's the biggest thing I've ever seen. It's a bloated, wrinkled, sopping monster. I hadn't even cracked it open yet. I am so, so dead. Thank god for Amazon. A new copy - same edition - is already on its way. I may still get my neck wrung, but at least I've taken the proper steps. Labels: beware the ides, damp, horror stories, real-life nightmares, stephen king Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:12 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I dreamed that I was roller skating down a New York City street and I rolled past a woman who grabbed my arm and I looked up and it was Catherine O’Hara. “Hi!” She pointed at my skates and then at her own feet, which sported black skates. Or were they purple? I think mine were pink. ”You’re Canadian!” I said. I pointed to my tattoo. “I love Canada!” She had a woman with her, she said it was her sister. The three of us skated down to Brooklyn and had pizza. Labels: dreams Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:09 AM | shower me with attention Monday, March 12, 2007 ![]() You see above my one true love. His name is Spike; it's him I like. Because he's reallyreallyreallyreallyreally super-cute, and I'm shallow that way. Now leave us alone to cuddle, world. Labels: m.y.o.beeswax Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:18 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, March 11, 2007
OH MY GOD I NEED THIS SO BAD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! Labels: alarm clocks, butle, butled, butler, butling, ecstasy, heaven, rapture, stephen fry Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:13 PM | shower me with attention Saturday, March 10, 2007
Did anyone else read The Anansi Boys? I want to discuss his clever (non-)handling of race in the book and how it made me feel about my own ingrained racial assumptions. (i.e. Whine! Neil Gaiman made me confront my own racism! I love him!) Also, did anyone see Mirrormask? I want to discuss my awe and delight at this visuals, and my disappointment at its lacklustre story and unengaging characters. Labels: jim henson, neil gaiman, racism Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:39 AM | shower me with attention
Why is he The Man in the Yellow Hat? He's clad entirely in yellow, innee? Why is only the hat of interest? Labels: my favorite color, my favourite colour Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:37 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, March 08, 2007
The greatest invention of 2007 is FYF. FYF is something that J-Rocka invented; it's like FYI, but it's for your face. The best, most informational work emails from J-Rocka are FYF. Pass it on. This is the new "bitchcakes". Labels: your face Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:42 PM | shower me with attention Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Adding Cartoon Brew to my blogroll at left, because it's become an every day must-read. Edited because I know how to spell the word "diversion". Labels: animation, blogs, diversion Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:56 PM | shower me with attention Monday, March 05, 2007
I never got a chance to mention that I had to take a ferry to work on Friday. Because the PATH train broke. Everyone had to take a ferry. Which meant everyone had to stand in line in the cold rain for 45 minutes so we could squeeze onto the ferry. I was so cold, so grumpy, so caffeine-deprived, but you know what? If it didn't cost $4.50 each way and leave me a ten-minute walk from the subway, I would want to do it every day. Boats are fun. (See how I gave the story an upbeat ending there?) Labels: bobbing along, tragicomedies Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:30 PM | shower me with attention Sunday, March 04, 2007
Saw Bridge to Terabithia yesterday, and officially retract my horrified rant. It's one of the most faithful film adaptations of a book that I've ever seen. Leslie could've been more androgynous and the tiny "updates" that took it out of the '70's were slightly strange, but altogether a lovely movie. Labels: bridge to terabitha, important childhood books Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:49 PM | shower me with attention Friday, March 02, 2007
Ohmigod! DANDELION!! Look, Sis, look!!!!! Labels: caroline, memories, nostalgia, nursey school, paper bag players, wine Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:21 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, March 01, 2007
Who can tell me why John Travolta is playing Edna in the movie-of-the-musical-of-the-movie Hairspray and not Harvey Fierstein, who originated the role on Broadway? And why no Marissa Janet Winokur, who originated Broadway's Tracy? WTF? They are the new Julie Andrews (passed up for the film version of My Fair Lady) until I hear otherwise. We are appalled. Labels: evil, musicals, scientology Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:20 PM | shower me with attention |