Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I have finally quit my job at the church. It had turned into torture just going there... amazing how a work-place can be so totally destroyed because one person gets replaced. The new boss has just gradually worn down everything that was nice about that place... now everyone just keeps their back against the wall and fends for their own. It's just... awful.
They way I've been treated this past year has just be unbelievable... really didn't understand how bad it was until I took a step back. Didn't understand how much it affected me in a negative way, how it sucked all my energy out. I'm not going back there. And it was such a great job at first, just sitting around reading and drinking coffee, working hard for two hours and then go home.
Today I instead applied to two medical experiments! Yes, it is the road I'm heading down now haha But to think, one day and one night can make me as much money as working at that place for a whole summer! So worth it... (unless I die!)
Linn,4:00 PM