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Saturday, January 29, 2005
Cheryl is here for the weekend and we're all celebrating our five-year anniversary. It's nice. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:17 PM | shower me with attention
How do I do that? How do I manage to screw everything up so neatly?
There should be an award for that sort of thing. Most Impressive Screw-Up. Nothing, I'm talking about nothing. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:51 AM | shower me with attention Friday, January 28, 2005
You were always ready for new wizardry
Musta thought that miracles came easy to me Here's what I give you and put it up on the shelf 'Cause now it's time for this here Wiz to wiz on himself, And I'm wizzin'... Damn, that last one's just the best line ever written for a musical. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:17 PM | shower me with attention
I just realized I never gave a follow-up about Dad, which I just got from my mom, so here it is:
After I left the hospital I went home and went to bed at my normal bedtime, around midnight. I got no calls from Mom in the night and heard both of my parents this morning leaving for a previously scheduled doctor's appointment, so I knew all was well. After I left the hospital, they did a CAT scan and bloodwork which all came back fine. They say the white lights were from a drop in blood pressure, possibly because he stood up too quickly and he's on blood pressure medication. They got home around 3 a.m. He's absolutely fine. All is dandy and tonight we're all going to Queens for Brazilian barbecue, yay. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:44 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, January 27, 2005
Kirsten's and my best friend since first grade has applied for a job at our company. They wouldn't put her in our department, as it's already too incestuous, but it would be amazing to have her working there with us. I never see her anymore because she's an Indenture Servant to her family, and because she lives in Staten Island. I haven't seen her in about seven months. It's sick and wrong. How I would love a situation where she is forced to eat lunch with me every day... Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:29 PM | shower me with attention
Kirsten's and my best friend since first grade has applied for a job at our company. They wouldn't put her in our department, as it's already too incestuous, but it would be amazing to have her working there with us. I never see her anymore because she's an Indenture Servant to her family, and because she lives in Staten Island. I haven't seen her in about seven months. It's sick and wrong. How I would love a situation where she is forced to eat lunch with me every day... Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:29 PM | shower me with attention
Kirsten's and my best friend since first grade applied for a job at our company. They wouldn't put her in our department, as that would make it all just completely, ridiculously incestuous, but, wow, that'd be nice, to have her working there. I never see her anymore because she's an Indentured Servant to her family, and lives in Staten Island. I haven't seen her in about seven months, I think. It's sick. It's wrong. I would love a situation where she is forced to eat lunch with me every single day. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:29 PM | shower me with attention
Always with the drama. So, around 9:30, my parents and I were watching tv, and my dad started complaining of dizziness and white lights behind his eyes. We were concerned but not alarmed, but mindful of the mini-stroke symptoms his doctor had warned us about. (My dad, at 67, is a world-class drama queen; when he stops complaining about his health is when we worry.)
When the complaints didn't subside and he became short of breath we became more concerned, and when he stood up and slumped into us, unable to stand, and didn't respond to our pleas to sit back down until we physically forced him back onto the couch, then we became worried. His blood sugar was fine when we checked it but his lips were pale and he seemed very weak and began insisting that he was fine, which was the scary part. Kirsten was skeptical, my mom was trying not to panic, and looking to me for cues, and when Dad couldn't stand up by himself I could feel the control slipping and I told Kirsten, with just a hint of panic, that she should call 911. Which she did. I don't know how I became in charge there. I don't want to be in charge. But we're supposed to watch out for any signs that he might start to have a real stroke, and for all I know... and my mom was looking to me. It's all backwards. I'm the adult? When the (wonderful) EMT's arrived, he began to seem better and started cracking jokes and before we knew it we were rolling our eyes and seeking escape. But they wanted to take him to the hospital to get him checked out, and my mom wanted me to go with her, so I rode in an ambulance for the first time. Now I wonder if he's somehow bringing the symptoms on subconsciously for the attention. Somehow. Because suddenly he became The Great Fred Phillips, and was holding forth with these people. Just like back in Disney World. That is not a sick man. My mom, choking with her asthma, was in worse condition than he was by the time we were in the ambulance. Dad seeking attention is nothing new, but these seem to be extreme measures. My mom joked that this is what happens when we don't let him watch ER one night... Anyway, he's still at the hospital, getting a CAT scan, but Mom said all was fine, so I went home in a cab to try to salvage a night's sleep. Kirsten was right all along, thank god, but you don't wanna take chances, right? Even with a drama queen? The worst part was that in the elevator out of the building, he said to one of the EMT's, "I hope this isn't a false alarm." Isn't a false alarm. That is a scary, stupid thing to say, dammit. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:29 PM | shower me with attention Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Today was an endless day of nausea and cold sweating (and mysterious earaches?!), compounded by the misery that is now my work day. It's so fun being Professional all day long. So fun. Being Professional and Hungover is the best combination of all. And it's so fun giving up on people. I feel just swell all around. Please kill me.
Anyway. After work I met Kitana and we went to the renowned yarn shop in her general neighbourhood, which I'd been meaning to go to for years but I have a phobia of second-floor yarn shops so I can't go to them for the first time unless I'm with someone. The selection was good, although the staff was pretty brusque. I didn't end up buying anything (GOOD GIRL!) because I discovered that I have no idea what Steph P. will consider a "good purple" for the skull hat I'm going to make her, so she'll just have to go shopping with me. And I was tempted to buy yarn for myself. Ohhhh, was I tempted. But I didn't. I'm very self-controlled lately. Except for with alcohol, apparently... Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:13 PM | shower me with attention
Today is my personal Kids in the Hall 2000 anniversary. Five years ago today I first saw KITH perform live at Massey Hall in Toronto. I went with a bunch of friends who were or who would soon become Goils (in fact, it's the first time that Gina and Cheryl met Kitana.) Make of the fact what you will, but this is an immensely important day in my personal history, and just an incredibly special, emotional (yes, emotional) memory.
I'm going to take a moment to just sit here and remember how I felt when the first show ended and the music started playing and I teared up a little. (Yes, I did. Not ashamed of it, either.) Five years ago today kicked off a four-month period that would turn out to be the best time I've ever had in my life, to date. And today I'm at work with a hangover. How far I've come. :P Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:28 AM | shower me with attention
I puked. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:40 AM | shower me with attention Monday, January 24, 2005
I'm just going to take a few moments to point and laugh at myself.
Ha ha! Ha ha! You posted lyrics to an entire Beach Boys song on your blog! You posted the whole damn song! I RIDICULE YOU! (Someone emailed me and referred me to an online dating site, so I guess I know what kind of message my post is sending out.) I ridicule you, Tavie! And I pinch your cheeks, you damn mopey cutie, you. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:05 PM | shower me with attention
Wow, this Project is going to be something. I can't talk about it yet, but, whoof! I hope they get the response they're hoping for. The internet's been verrrrry quiet lately on that front, but I know the fans are out there... Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:49 PM | shower me with attention
Please Note: The AOL Newsgroup service will be discontinued in early 2005. For members using AOL over a dial-up connection, you will no longer be able to access Newsgroups... NOOOO! AOL's newsreader's the only thing I use AOL for anymore! It's the whole reason I have AOL! Because I can't get used to any other newsreader. I've been using it for over a decade and I react badly to change. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:05 PM | shower me with attention
Forgive the following, but it's how I feel right now. (Not the part about the "fair-weather friends", don't worry. :)
I keep looking for a place to fit where I can speak my mind, I've been trying hard to find people that I won't leave behind, They say I got brains, but they ain't doing me no good, I wish they could Each time things start to happen again I think I got something good goin' for myself But what goes wrong? Sometimes I feel very sad Sometimes I feel very sad Can't find nothin' I can put my heart and soul into Sometimes I feel very sad Can't find nothin' I can put my heart and soul into I guess I just wasn't made for these times Every time I get the inspiration to go change things around, No one wants to help me look for places where new things might be found, Where can I turn when my fair weather friends cop out? What's it all about? Each time things start to happen again I think I got something good goin' for myself But what goes wrong? Sometimes I feel very sad Sometimes I feel very sad Can't find nothin' I can put my heart and soul into Sometimes I feel very sad Can't find nothin' I can put my heart and soul into I guess I just wasn't made for these times (I guess I just wasn't made for these times) I guess I just wasn't made for these times (I guess I just wasn't made for these times) I guess I just wasn't made for these times (I guess I just wasn't made for these times) Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:59 PM | shower me with attention Sunday, January 23, 2005
It's so exhausting being mad at people. It really is. Anger takes so much out of you.
Anyway. Another weekend gone. It was so cozy. We ate soup and watched Dogville, which was pretty damned interesting and worth getting to the end of, and also a Swedish movie with an extremely unsatisfying ending, and a lot of "Celebreality" on VH1, and I actually made it to the exercise room for the first time in like seven months, which was much more satisfying than ever before now that I have an iPod. And I'm almost done with the crazy hippie-clown sweater I've been knitting for Gina for the past year. But it's exhausting being mad at people and trying to hate them when you secretly don't but you really want to because they really hurt your feelings. Lordy, can I just get the fuck over things? Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:10 PM | shower me with attention |