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Saturday, June 12, 2004
I'm a happy monkey. A. emailed me today and invited me to her concert in Brooklyn on the 22nd, that which I would not have been able to afford to go to otherwise!
Yeah! Woo! She's swell!!! Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:48 PM | shower me with attention
Happy Fifth Annual International Goil Day! I met Gina and Cheryl five years ago today at a screening of The Wrong Guy downtown.
Also, happy Scott Day! Also, happy twelfth of June/ a gibbous moon/ was this the longest day? Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:37 PM | shower me with attention Friday, June 11, 2004
Whose birthday is it today, kids?
Happy STEPH Day!!! I believe there may be some serious partying tonight. And I don't party just for anyone, as you know. Usually I'm a regular Marian the Librarian. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:19 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, June 10, 2004
Woah, what did Comedy Central DO to this movie?
"You see what happens, Larry? You see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps?" WHAT???? "Fuck a stranger in the ass" = "Find a stranger in the Alps"? That's not the same thing at all! Unless the Alps are famous for more than just yodeling and ski lodges? Is there something someone's not saying about the Alps? Am I the only naive schmuck in the world that doesn't realize that the Alps are the sodomy capital of the world?? Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:24 PM | shower me with attention
What am I doing tonight? First I had no plans, for three days I had no plans, and suddenly I have too many plans. And furthermore, is my money available for withdrawal yet? (I got some money. Some edumacation money. More than last time; more than I need to pay for the paltry remainder of my edumacation. Which opens up possibilities for going out of this apartment and not having to rely on other people paying for me.)
Whatever, man. Man. Nice marmot. We are nihilists, we believe in nussing. Whatever, man. White Russian, man. Don't fuck with the Jesus. Man. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:08 PM | shower me with attention
From famine to feast! Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:58 PM | shower me with attention Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Happy 70th birthday, Donald Duck. You look swell.
Yeah, like Donald Duck reads my blog. Goofy, maybe... Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:54 AM | shower me with attention
Can someone please make me a version of The Fisher King with the Red Knight scenes edited out? I always forget when he's going to show up and sometimes I don't cover my eyes in time and then I have a heart attack and die because he scares me so much.
Is it over yet? Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:32 AM | shower me with attention
Lots of good movies on tv tonight. First I watched Lost in La Mancha, a sad documentary about a Terry Gilliam movie that looks like it would have been awesome, but never got made. Then First Contact, which I hadn't seen in awhile, and then there was this movie with Alan Rickman (my new boyfriend, didja know? Snape, marry me!) about the first ever heart surgery. Now I just had to choose between Bringing Up Baby and The Fisher King. I went with the Gilliam because it complemented my earlier choice better.
I started to formulate a theory about how Robin Williams movies are only good if he has a beard (Moscow on the Hudson, Awakenings, The Fisher King) It has come to my attention that Robin Williams does not have a beard in Jakob the Liar. This completely changes my statement. I've never seen it, but it looks dreadful, so I assumed that it would ruin my theory about beard movies being good movies. But now that I see he doesn't have a beard in it, my original theory stands. Thank you. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:25 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Why was Dr Pulaski such a cunt? She does nothing but torment Data. "Nyah nyah nyah, you're just an android, nyah nyah nyah!" Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:14 PM | shower me with attention
My money's on Osama. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:40 PM | shower me with attention Monday, June 07, 2004
Today I had a job interview. It seemed to go quite well, and if it weren't for the fact that I have to take night classes until December and they need someone who'd be able to work a lot of overtime, I'd have gotten the job. Latin ruins my life once agin!
Saw Scott at Eating It. He was hilarious but it was a very painful sort of comedy, more like a therapy session between Scott and the audience, where he recounted a lot of "embarrassing" stories from his youth, some of which were way more horrifying than embarrassing. All stories, he later confirmed, were true. Rape with a toothpaste tube, Carrie-like high school locker room abuse... ha ha ha! And yet the way he told them made it okay to laugh. It was kind of awesome, really, that he could take these experiences and thirty years later completely rob them of their power, turn them into silly jokes for people to laugh at. That's very cool. His skin is so, so soft. I must ask him about his regime. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:32 PM | shower me with attention Sunday, June 06, 2004
I love how excited the Avenue Q guys are to win. They're almost Cuba-esque. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:14 PM | shower me with attention
I asked my dad to put a tape in the VCR and tape the Tonies for me as I was going to be late. I walked him through it and he told me when he pressed record.
Then I got home and saw the tape sitting next to the VCR, which was off, and a completely different tape sitting in there, and I turned on the tv and saw the very musical number I had wanted to get on tape ending. But just now, John Rubinstein (!!! see below !!!) came out to the strains of the very song that's been in my head all day (see below also!) and now LL Cool J is here and Carol Channing just said, "What up, Ladies Love?" So I feel a little better. But I really wanted that song from Wicked, and also, is my dad going senile? (No, it was just a mistake. I do it all the time.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:09 PM | shower me with attention
My first David Bowie concert. (Not counting the time I saw him live on Conan O'Brien, which was spellbinding.)
I would have been able to enjoy it reams, miles, fathoms, tons, heaps more had I not been misinformed about: 1. The weather. 2. The fact that it was an outdoor venue. Because I was not aware of these things, I wore the new skirt my sister bought me, and spent the day both starving and freezing. Freezing. So cold. Not even Bowie could warm me. But he came pretty close. I think he's made out of magic. I was telling Stephanie about how I spent the whole evening having this very sweet, innocent, pure fantasy that he and I were kissing. Sometimes kissing, and sometimes we'd join hands and fly. It was like a faerie tale. In retrospect, I think the cold may have been making me hallucinate. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:08 AM | shower me with attention |