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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
I did something incredibly stupid in regards to work today. I feel kind of awful about it. I'm pretty sure J. is mad at me. Well, to try and distract self from the guilt, here are photos from my trip. I jotted down impressions on our hotel stationery after the show, and I'll transcribe them for posterity now. (I may expand the language a bit in places, but remain mostly faithful to the short notes. Writing longhand gives me hand cramps so they're pretty lazy.) I realize, reading over them, that they're less about the show itself and more about my experiences with the guys. I wonder what that's about... July 20, 2007. KITH in Montreal w/Mom. Things to remember: We sat in the 2nd row of the 2nd balcony - "No Man's Land". I emailed MM bef. show to ask him to crush my head. He told me after that it was the 1st time he had tried to go that high and repeatedly asked if he "got" me. Show was mostly new - half new and half stuff I saw in LA 2006 (staggered old/new/old/new) New skits included: -Let's Rape Kevin (eh) -Buddy - Jesus Gay? -Ratcatchers ("There's no sex like futon sex!") -Imaginary Girlfriend (GREAT) -Bruce mon. - "Nicole Richie" -Carfuckers -Superdrunk! -New Headcrusher ending ("Separatist, Loyalist or Tourist?") After the show we saw Himelf. hanging out & stuck heads in to say "hi", introduced him to Mom ("Hi Tavie's Mom") - he immed. pulled us in and took us to the afterparty, making me feel v. special. Mom wasn't sure she was included, adorably. Like I would leave her. I grabbed a LaBatt's like I owned the place. It was a very narrow, crowded hallway that everyone was crammed into. Mark waved right away. Bruce came over first, hugged & talked to me; I congratulated him on "Carpoolers" and he said he was excited. He looked v. tired. The guys were taken away for photos, to the consternation of a crowd of what appeared to be fans like myself. Jim came over and explained they would be right back, they were just going into the "magic machine" to make themselves pretty for us. Then he saw me, and said, "You're familiar with the machine, Tavie, tell them" and as he kissed me hello I said, "That's right, you're gonna go freshen themselves up." He included me in the joke. Grin. A girl tapped me on the shoulder and said "Are you Tavie?" I said yes and she said she'd been lurking on my Dave page for five years and wouldn't have known about the Montreal shows if it hadn't been for that. We chatted awhile, she was really nice. Her name was Jocelyn. (Are you lurking here? Hi Jocelyn - I have your picture... email me... ;) Mark was talking to an older woman I recognized from the restaurant Mom & I ate in earlier. I remember noticing her tshirt being unusually sparkly in the rest. which was funny for an old lady, and so when I saw her talking to Mark I realized it was a KITH tshirt and laughed and pointed her out to Mom. Mom was v. eager to talk to Mark about Slings & Arrows but I didn't want to interrupt them and he and the lady talked forever. So I took Mom over to Dave to introduce her. Dave said, "Well, come here!" and gave me a big hug and kiss, seeming v. pleased to see me. (Squee.) Wearing blue striped shirt of cuteness. Talked to Scott (the hugslut) a long time re: his blog. Craig was there! Dave tried to introduce me to him but Craig said right away, "Hi Tavie!" which was the cutest and we chatted awhile. I introduced him to my mom and he made a point of calling her "Dea" which no one else did (it was loud in there). I found that incredibly charming. Craig and I talked about him playing BB King's in NYC (he said "I should have contacted you, I was just in NYC!" D'aww.) He said BB King's was "a little too Disney" and I said, "Well, it IS in Times Square." (Sigh.) He said Mike Myers had been at the performance and detracted attention from his show, and we both cursed Mike Myer's incredible fame. We talked about how we flew instead of driving even tho NYC is driveable. I said I hadn't been expecting to see him and barely recognized him on stage from No Man's Land seats. He said he'd been doing music for the LA shows (and sending stuff digitally when he couldn't be there in person.) Scott and I talked about the new Buddy mon. - Was Jesus Gay? Maybe best ever ("gospel of Andrew Lloyd Weber") and I told him so. He seemed stunned/pleased & kept repeating, "Really? Best ever? Wow." I said I wasn't certain and would have to "go review the material", and that I may be biased because I have a Jesus fetish. He said, "Me toO!" and said it was sick because he's "kinda Christian". I said, "Well I'm a Jew*, so he's just a nice Jewish boy..." Finally marched over to Mark and said, "You're talking to me now!" (Finally grew some brass balls after all these years. Thank god.) He replied, "I was looking for you! Did I get you? Did I get you?" He asked about N. right away and we discussed her awhile. [Editing notes here to protect privacy of mutual friend.] I asked if Bruce's show was "interfering" with plans to tour and he said he was amazed Bruce even made it to the shows, and that he might not have in the same circumstances. (I was gently chastened for the subtle suggestion, in the question, that KITH is more important than Bruce's career, I think.) I agreed that it was great he made it and we'll take whatever we can get from them. He talked about possibility of shows in Toronto. I approved heartily, as Toronto is also "driveable". He asked where I was going to school and I pointed out that I had graduated a cpl yrs ago and have been working. He marveled at that for awhile. I said I was now 28 and had been 20 the first time I saw them tour. I think I blew his mind a little, remindinig him of his vast age. ;) I said, "You guys gave me beer before I was 21" and Mark glanced comically at Mom and cried, "No we didn't!" Then Mom gushed about Slings & Arrows awhile and I told him about our marathon watching sessions ("That's how I watched Deadwood, that's the best way to watch a show," he agreed) and expressed disappointment at the lack of a 4th season. He said he had a meeting scheduled with Bob and Susan and we squealed. "Tony-winner Bob", he corrected himself, then asked if I'd seen the Drowsy Chaperone. We discussed that awhile. Jim came over and Mark told him of how I'd emailed him about head-crushing. Jim: "You were texting during the show? No wonder your timing was so shitty!" We laughed. I asked Jim about the Thomas the Steam Engine show and said it was about to start a 3-year world tour. Finally ready to leave, Mom and I went to hug Scott goodbye and ended up going on for awhile longer about Buddy's blog. (He's v. passionate about it, it's so cool.) I told him that whenever he was ready to pick it up again, we'd be there. He hugged me extra hard after that. Then we tried to find out way out. It was confusing. We couldn't figure out how to open the door. We got back in the elevator and went upstairs. Dave was talking to Jocelyn. I looked helplessly left and right, and then marched over to Dave (he was closest) and asked him how to leave the building. ("Aw, you're leaving?" AW INDEED!) That's when he explained to me that "'sortie' means exit". Oy. I know that. Then he mentioned the part about pressing the green button to open the doors. ("There's a green button?") Jocelyn came out with us this time. Yes, there was a green button but the signs around it were only in French. Poop. *Ethnically. As for Kevin's show, I didn't take notes, but it was amazing. We got there early enough to get close enough to the head of the line to get good seats. I was very happy to see the large line-up of fans outside the small theatre. (The shows sold out.) Craig popped out of an office door right behind me and Mom and said, "Hi Tavie! I'm starving!" which was cute. ("Hi Craig, Go eat, then!") The show was great - incredibly sad, incredibly brave, incredibly hilarious. I don't know of many who can maintain the balance without depressing the audience too much or trivializing their own experiences. And there's just something so incredibly cool about seeing Kevin up on stage without the other guys, holding his own. His comic timing blows me away. Out of all of them, its his comedic style that I identify with the most (not to mention his "passive-aggressive monster" personality.) J'adore, Kevin, J'adore. Great show. It's pretty much as must-see for any KITH fan, as the "backstage" stories about them were as funny as it gets. (He does a brilliant little physical flourish when describing both Mark and Bruce that just has to be seen.) The only crap part of the whole weekend, really, was that Gina didn't get to see either of the shows. So now it's my mission in life to get them to bring them to her. Hmmmm. |