This is not great art. This is not great anything. I am not claiming these are any indication of my abilities to draw or to not draw.

This is the Hedwig colouring book. One of the many times Gina and I (and I think Cheryl and Mike, too) were sitting around Gina's house watching Hedwig, I decided that we needed to colour. So I ran upstairs and I got some crayons, and I got some computer paper, and I started scribbling out roughly what I was seeing on the screen.

It was fun. I highly recommend making your own.

Gina coloured them in. She did a very beautiful job, I think. She's not quite done yet, as you can see. Maybe you'd like to try printing them out and colouring them yourself!

I am putting them on this page so that Kitana can look at them all easily, and to cheer her up, and because she asked to see them.

Please do not steal them. They are not good enough to steal, so I'm trusting that if you've found your way here and you're not one of my friends that you won't take them and use them for nefarious purposes. If you would for some reason like to use them for nefarious purposes, please email me and let me know, first.

Thankee. And stop that snickering. They each took me like two seconds, I swear I can draw better than that. A little. Heh.

