Patton Oswalt

New Jersey for Democracy
Huffington Post
Democracy for America
Sam Seder Show
Center for American Progress
Habitat for Humanity

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  • While that cat is away the mice will cut off all h...
  • I am posting a draft of the letter I am going to b...
  • I have got something to say...oh yes indeed I do.....
  • Friday night...Tavie and I are riding the light ra...
  • My locker mate from school found me on the net...l...
  • This is what the Dr. Phil personality test said ab...
  • So, my little sister seemed slightly insulted that...
  • Here I am, alone on a Friday night...reading a str...
  • So much to head will not let me rest. I ha...
  • The three boys across the hall are moving
  • Friday, August 06, 2004
    The only good thing about my birthday was dinner with Stephanie, Stephanie and erin.

    Tis whole week has pretty much sucked. I was so sick with a migraine on Wed night that I could not drive home and spent the night at E&B's house. I slept from 1:00 in the afternoon well into the next morning. I woke up a few times, once to talk to Steph P and then Steph M when they called me and once when E was trying to see if I was still breathing. When I went to sleep I was in the guest room bed. When I woke up the next morning I was half sitting up on the couch with my glasses on. I have no idea when I got up, why I got up or why I needed my glasses.
    I drove home and went right back to sleep with all the animals surrounding me until Steph M got home. Then I slept more.
    Still don't feel all that well. Hop I perk up for the weekend.

    I turned my back on Adrian for less then two seconds and he peed all over the quilt my Nanny made, a pillow, and the pillow case of drool pillow...lucky for him no pee got on drool pillow or I would have been more then the upset that I was that he peed on the quilt.
    All is forgiven now, however , and I swear he just meowed at Spike.