Patton Oswalt

New Jersey for Democracy
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  • Thursday, February 13, 2003
    Last night while I should have been sleeping, I was thinking about my childhood. It all started with me thinking about how I hate people telling me what to do and hating having to depend on others. I think a lot of this comes from the freedom I had growing up. My mother, who would not allow me to cross our street, did not mind that I would disappear for hours into the woods behind our house. There were a lot of bike trails that had section where your bike would fly up into the air over natural ramps made by giant tree roots. This was before headgear had even been thought of, yet here I am today. I would play in the creek that was down a pretty steep drop off (well for a little kid anyway!) you had to hold on to tree roots to pull yourself back up. There was also a tree that had fallen across the creek that we would run across (I would be horrified if I saw a child doing such a thing) I would say it was a good 6 or 7 feet above the creek itself. Their were crawldaddies, toads, water bugs and snakes to be played with and spiders to run screaming from! I could almost smell the earth and trees as I lay there trying to get to sleep last night.
    My sibs and I were pretty much unsupervised for most of our growing up. Both parents worked and my older sister did not want to be bothered with actually watching us, she watched soaps or read instead and kept us locked out of the house.
    I think I shall continue this later, but for now Miss Tavie is on her way and I must go pick her up.