Patton Oswalt

New Jersey for Democracy
Huffington Post
Democracy for America
Sam Seder Show
Center for American Progress
Habitat for Humanity

previous posts
  • While that cat is away the mice will cut off all h...
  • I am posting a draft of the letter I am going to b...
  • I have got something to say...oh yes indeed I do.....
  • Friday night...Tavie and I are riding the light ra...
  • My locker mate from school found me on the net...l...
  • This is what the Dr. Phil personality test said ab...
  • So, my little sister seemed slightly insulted that...
  • Here I am, alone on a Friday night...reading a str...
  • So much to head will not let me rest. I ha...
  • The three boys across the hall are moving
  • Wednesday, October 09, 2002
    Two nights ago a leak started in my laundry room. Plumber came back and refixed toilet. It rained in the laundry room that night. Portions of the ceiling tile caved in, landlady assured me it was just run off from the problem that was solved. Cried and threw myself on futon, knowing that all was not welland my mother would be walking through my door in a few short days. Came home from work at lunch today, it was still dripping, plumber came and spent 3 hours fixing it. Will it be okay? Don't know yet. Can't use it till tomorrow. Had to use the landlady's bathroom, will use a bucket if I really have to go in the night.

    Oh well...
    Monday, October 07, 2002
    The plumber was here on Saturday fixing things. I walk into the laundry room and what do I see?? Water dripping from above. I can't believe it. My parents will arrive in four days and once again I have plumbing issues. I could cry, I almost started to as I was talking to my landlady. Why can't thinks just go nicely? Am I such a bad person?

    I have decided that when I finally find the perfect pillow covers I will not have to stuff them with anything other then the hair that is in this house. It is everywhere, my hair, Tavie hair, cat hair, everywhere. Long strands hanging off my just washed clothes, strands wrapped around the roller under the vacuum, tons of cat hair on the furniture and carpet. I comb this cat several times a day and yet the shedding never stops. I brush my own hair, but aparently I shed too and so does Miss Tavie.