Patton Oswalt

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  • While that cat is away the mice will cut off all h...
  • I am posting a draft of the letter I am going to b...
  • I have got something to say...oh yes indeed I do.....
  • Friday night...Tavie and I are riding the light ra...
  • My locker mate from school found me on the net...l...
  • This is what the Dr. Phil personality test said ab...
  • So, my little sister seemed slightly insulted that...
  • Here I am, alone on a Friday night...reading a str...
  • So much to head will not let me rest. I ha...
  • The three boys across the hall are moving
  • Friday, July 05, 2002
    Worst 4th ever...really. Was supposed to spend the day with Terry and kids, but found out that her family was going to be there, so tried to wiggle out of it. It worked only enough to keep me from them till late afternoon. Then off I went, so the kids would not be upset with me. Her brother and sister are not my favorite people. Her sister, who has never worked outside the home has never been there to help Terry when the chips were really down. When everything in Terry's life went wrong and she was barely hanging in and taking care of her two kids, while her soon to be ex was off fucking his secretary and snorting whatever money he made up his nose, her sister would not help. Would not take the kids for a few hours if Terry had to work late, would not pick them up, would not do anything! Take one wild guess at who was the person who did her best to help? Not patting myself on the back, just saying it is not hard to help people you care about when they need, especially when you know they would do anything for you. Her sisters husband is another story and would do anything to help, but has been stopped by his wife, who says things like, "She shouldn't learn to depend on you!" If you can't depend on family, who can you depend on?

    Terry's brother (who is obnoxious in his own right) is married to a woman that I find it very hard to be around. The differance here is that the woman means well, she is just so in your face that you want to scream...well, I want to scream. There was a small spider on the table at dinner and I jumped up to get away (very afraid of them, I am), I did not scream or yell, did not jump up and doen, just stood away from the table waiting for it to be gone. The woman kept telling me over and over to just calm down. I WAS calm. I was just standing. She would not stop. Terry told her that I had a phobia and that I was handling well, just kill the spider already. The woman wouldn't do it. She wanted to save it and bring it outside. Terry finally reached over and killed it so we could get on with our lives.

    Before dinner I had to sit for 45 min. while her brother and her sister in law flipped quickly from channel to channel, never stopping longer then a few seconds at each channel. The TV was on full blast. They bickered over every channel stop. "NO! I don't want to watch this!" "Well, I don't want to watch THAT!" "Flip BACK!" "Flip FORWARD!" I was crazy by the time it was all over.

    I came home and was too cranky to go see fireworks, though in my heart of hearts, I wanted to. It turns out that I could see most of the display from my front porch, so kitty and I stood out on the porch and watched them. That was nice.

    Didn't mean to be so cranky. Shouldn't feel so strongly about people I rarely see (it's knowing how they behave most of the time that gets me).

    Glad we made it through. Love my country.
    Wednesday, July 03, 2002
    Spent almost 3 hours in the bookstore with Jamie and Evie tonight. Enjoyed myself very much and bought three books. It was nice sitting with Jamie, discussing the pros and cons of the stack of books she had picked out. She made some nice choices and her mother also bought her some really good books to supplement. All in all another good evening.
    We were supposed to go to the fair, but due to migraines (not mine!) and very little sleep (Jamie), I thought it would be best if we did not go. I don't think the extreme heat and those factors mix well.

    Chillin' is NOT what me and the cat are doing. It is a hundred degrees in this house and I am not kidding. It is also 11:00 at night, so there is not much hope for any sleep, just like last night.

    Hope none of us die tomorrow. I hope all goes well.
    Monday, July 01, 2002
    One more thing...if I look up from what I am doing and see that FUCKING SPIDER COMMERCIAL one more time, I will become Elvis and shoot my TV screen...okay, I don't have a gun and I like my TV and I'm not rich, so I won't, but STILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I plastered the bathroom yesterday, well, most of it any way. That stuff is smelly and when I started working with it I got it all over me (as is my way) and did not want to stop to clean up and grab a fan. Course it was really hot too, which did not help. So now I know better and there isn't that much left to do. I paid some bills, mowed the lawn and did some laundry. Boring as hell, but I feel pretty good about getting stuff done. I keep falling into the hole where I just don't want to do anything. I don't care what I'm doing to my credit, I don't care about what is happening in the house, I don't care about what is happening to me..doom everywhere.
    So, I pat myself on the back for getting stuff down and for shaking of the doomsday feelings.

    Spent the evening watching a Brendan movie with Jamie (she shares my fasination) and Evie, though Evie left early for her hot date with her hubby (otherwise known as my boss). It's a great way to spend the evening, hanging with that kid.
    Tomorrow, evening out with the work gang and Wed. out to the fair with Evie and Jamie. Pretty busy week so far. I like it like that.