I love how my name was coming up Stupid, just because I got frustrated while editing my blog...I wonder if the change I just made went through...
Thursday, January 17, 2002
I love how my name was coming up Stupid, just because I got frustrated while editing my blog...I wonder if the change I just made went through...
Kitana and Tavie are both beautiful and smart and witty and fun to be around...otherwise I would not hang around with them as I only chose to be around people who are brilliant...then I can sit around and bask in brilliance and not have to have a thought in my own little brain.
though I always beat Tavie at scrabb...oh never mind.
As soon as I have the money, Cindy will take us to the clean place and the guy will ink us up, Miss Tavie...come along if you would like to Miss Matt
I've been a nasty little brat lately and I find that it doesn't bother me in the least.
Take the Which Hedwig and the Angry Inch Character am I? Quiz Check out the Hedwig and the Angry Inch web site. Poll created by jsmusic Hee...I predicted I would be Phylis...she came in second. No DSL = not much online time |