Patton Oswalt

New Jersey for Democracy
Huffington Post
Democracy for America
Sam Seder Show
Center for American Progress
Habitat for Humanity

previous posts
  • While that cat is away the mice will cut off all h...
  • I am posting a draft of the letter I am going to b...
  • I have got something to say...oh yes indeed I do.....
  • Friday night...Tavie and I are riding the light ra...
  • My locker mate from school found me on the net...l...
  • This is what the Dr. Phil personality test said ab...
  • So, my little sister seemed slightly insulted that...
  • Here I am, alone on a Friday night...reading a str...
  • So much to head will not let me rest. I ha...
  • The three boys across the hall are moving
  • Thursday, October 11, 2001
    Okay...the news is bad so I am going to stop watching so much, I'll stay informed but no more newsradio going all day and T.V. news at night. Just smaller doses. I am going to go out of this house more, to start I am going to the Pocanos this weekend ...I had a huge panic attack today and decide I could not go ...could NOT GO!!! Can't leave, what if something really bad happens...what if it does? I can't change it, I must go...I will enjoy it, it will be beautiful. I am going to go to my class next week. I am going to straighten out my life for my own sake. Pay my bills on time...clean up my check book...clean my house...paint my stupid dining room...lose weight. That's it...I was falling apart before it happened, and then slid even more, but enough is enough...
    Wednesday, October 10, 2001
    Scary Scary world....Why do I keep watching the news? I want to stay informed but they have become such Drama Queens...I wish they could report the news in an even voiced manner. I'd have more respect for them. I'm speaking mostly of the local newscasters, but the prime time news programs are just as bad.
    Please Newscaster people...I'm already scared, you can knock of the theatrics..
    Monday, October 08, 2001
    Erica says she has problems with spiders and ends by saying don't be afraid to visit????? What?? Me+Spider= HORROR!!!! IF I visit I will be jumpy and afraid to sit...not that I've been invited : P