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Thursday, May 15, 2008
I'm really glad my personal KITH tour isn't over. I'm glad my gubmint stimulus money came at the same time as my bonus, and that I'll get to see everyone one more time, in the place where it all began. It'll be a mini-goil reunion (tragically minus Gina, who can't get off work - this is so depressing to me that I refuse to think about it) - but Cheryl's coming with me, and Erin is flying over from Portland, and of course Kitana will be there. Massey Hall was the first place I ever saw a live KITH performance; it was the first time I was invited to an afterparty and it was just, dammit, where the magic began. We're even gonna stay at Cambridge Suites, the hotel we stayed at during the 2000 shows.

I'm kind of jealous of Lisa and Jenny and their friends over at the KITH livejournal - not jealous that they're making a documentary, per se, although I was part of an aborted attempt at one back in the day, and I am tinged with regret that that never got completed. (Long story short for that is: when the KITH DVDs were still coming out, Dave suggested to Britta at Broadway Video that they include a documentary about KITH fans in the extras section, and suggested me to produce it. They contacted me and we had a couple meetings, and I got some of my filmmaker friends to help me. We even conducted one single, great interview with Erin's friend Brian, who had amazing things to say about the troupe and made us all look really smart. Sadly, Broadway Video's legal department put the kibosh on the project because I wasn't actually on BV's payroll. And the footage is still somewhere in Jordan or Erin's possession, I guess. But I think it might have been really great.)

Anyway, I'm not jealous that they're making a video, because I am no kind of filmmaker. I'm jealous of the "personal" touring they've gotten to do - visiting so many shows together with their friends, filming it all for posterity, bonding as a group while seeing the funniest comedy troupe ever. It's exactly like the Tour2K adventures I had with the Goils. I'm jealous of the bonding, the inside jokes and the road food and the all-nighters and the hanging out with one's heroes. (I've done a bit of that on this tour, but nothing will beat 2000. Nothing should try, because it can't be done.)

I'm glad that they are making a video and I'm glad I got to play my small, behind-the-scenes role in getting it to the attention of The Right People. I like to help. Not my first time doing that, either. I wonder if the guys know just how much behind-the-scenes connecting I've done for them over the years... all the Bellini footage in the DVDs, all the photos in the "Tour of Duty" booklet, the Myspace and Facebook pages... I'm so lucky to have gotten to be involved. I will never not love them.

So, yeah, I'm really happy to have one last chance to enjoy the magic in Toronto. And I hope we have time to do dinner at Marshall's.

And I hope Gina breaks down and tells her boss to stick a sock in his ear.