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Tuesday, February 05, 2008
I think I really will be happy when I'm an old woman, because it will give me a legitimate reason to feel sorry for myself. I'm reading a novel right now (click the Goodreads button at left if you're curious) that's written from the point of view of an elderly woman, and I have to keep shaking myself to stop identifying with the character. I am aware that this is much due to Ms. Atwood's skill as a writer, but part of me is also aware that I am living the dull, quiet, overweight, medicated, partyless, knitting, crosswording, drooping, bespectacled*, old-man-loving, papery, baby-powder-scented life of a biddy. I am at once generalizing about and insulting elderly women, perpetuating stereotypes and being generally crabby and close-minded. If I am, in fact, all of the things I've mentioned above, and if I am, chronologically, a 28-year-old woman, than I am, by definition, describing the life of a 28-year-old woman. Period. *Yes, you know I couldn't wait to stick that one in there! |