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Saturday, January 12, 2008
A long week of exhausting bullshit finally closed. I had a lovely, long waste of time at a routine doctor's appointment this morning which had to be rescheduled after I'd waited an hour, and got to work to find the computers all stricken by a virus, and half the world off being carnies, and such a lot of work to do on the computers that actually work, which was like trying to run underwater. My whole day was like one of those dreams where you're in a hurry to get dressed because you're late, but you can't find your shoes, or you can't quite get your shirt over your head no matter how much you try.

Finally I am relaxing. I'm listening to myoozick. It's very pretty myoozick. I don't think I'm allowed to say whose it is, but I love it. You should listen to them, they should be famous. There's some maracas and stuff happening. This is much more my style than the scream-y stuff Mon Capitan usually gets to play. And now, a nice, strummy waltz. Yes, please.

This evening I saw Avenue Q, and that was a lot of fun. Even the 90th- run cast or whatever they're up to now, they were brilliant and not at all phoning it in. I like to see that in a show that's been around for awhile. I went with me mum and me auntie, who were just a bit too old to fully appreciate the genius of the parody, but found it funny anyway.

Waiting on the platform at 42nd street, the three of us were deep in conversation about shoes or something, and a crazy man storming down the platform towards us barrelled into my mom, knocking her flat, terrifyingly close to the edge. He was muttering to himself and elbowed her very deliberately to knock her down. It was very scary and shocking for a moment, and when we got her up, she kind of lunged at him and we had to pull her back. She's fine and he went on his crazy way to almost kill some other innocent. We called the transit police but no one showed up. Fuck this city, sometimes. That man's lucky he went on his way after that, because if he'd been close to us an instant later, I would have kicked his fucking skull in.