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Thursday, May 17, 2007
(Cross-posted on myspace. I'm such a tool.)
The height of inconvenience to me is the fact that my employer has switched health plans, quite abruptly, and my psychiatrist, who prescribes the antidepressants I have been taking for the last decade, is no longer covered.
She was brusque and I couldn't really talk to her, but our arrangement was very convenient. Every three months I would see her for approximately 15 minutes for a perfunctory "How've-you-been", an exchange of co-pay for prescription, and that was it.
Now I have less than a month (roughly 27 pills left) to find a new doctor with whom I can share a similar arrangement.
My new health plan seems insanely obscure. (IBA - utilizing Magnacare and Multiplan networks. WTF?) So I'm putting out an APB - if you know of a meds-prescribing psychiatrist or any kind of therapist who is licensed to prescribe pharmaceuticals, please contact me by email. You know my email address.
I need them to be in the NYC or Jersey City area. I'd prefer a woman but since I don't plan to get all into it, I'll take either gender if I have to. Anyone who accepts my insurance, basically.
Thanks, peeps.Labels: happiness and sunbeams and cute little puppydogs Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:38 PM | shower me with attention
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Two things, both television-related:
1. The wrong bitch won.
2. An old acquaintance of mine from alt.tv.newsradio once won a prop mug on eBay, from the Titanic episode of Newsradio. He emailed me out of the blue recently and asked if I would like stewardship of said item, as it has just been gathering dust on his shelf. Geek said "Oh HELLS YEAH!" and it arrived today. I don't own it, mind, but I get to drink decaf out of it and take veryveryvery good care of it. It is soooo beaaaauuuutiful.Labels: sinking ship Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:07 PM | shower me with attention
Monday, May 14, 2007
So I have my computer back. It's like a little time capsule. The year: 2006. The month: October.
Were we ever so young?Labels: bleh Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:07 PM | shower me with attention
Happy birthday, Kit. I miss you! Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:22 AM | shower me with attention
Sunday, May 13, 2007
I took it to the Apple store yesterday. Waited an hour. They finally took a look and listen and told me the hard drive was busted - not from anything I did, it was just broken and they could hear it clacking around. They said they don't have the equipment to recover my data with it in that state and that recovery wouldn't be covered under warranty anyway. So I said OK, just replace it.
I'll get it back in a couple days and all my data is gone.
Could be worse, it's only 6 months worth of stuff gone. I can get most of my music back from my iBook and all my pictures are on Flickr and I wasn't writing a novel or anything, but I am still pretty depressed about it.
Happy Mother's Day, everyone.Labels: life goes on? Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:57 PM | shower me with attention
