Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:21 PM | shower me with attention
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Who can tell me why John Travolta is playing Edna in the movie-of-the-musical-of-the-movie Hairspray and not Harvey Fierstein, who originated the role on Broadway?
And why no Marissa Janet Winokur, who originated Broadway's Tracy?
They are the new Julie Andrews (passed up for the film version of My Fair Lady) until I hear otherwise.
Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:20 PM | shower me with attention
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
As my obsession with strange old men continues (see previous post)... please forgive the awful sound quality (someone obviously pointed a video camera at a tv, which obviously resides in a room made out of tin cans):
This song makes me happy; Jim Dale makes me happy.
This is, by the way, my second-favourite movie in the world, and if you ever want to get me a gift, obscure Pete's Dragon memorabilia is always the way to go. (Any memorabilia is, by now, obscure.)
Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:11 PM | shower me with attention
It's snowing like a fairy tale. Gina and I set the DVR to record the Oscars, pulled on boots and coats over our pajamas, and went down at 8:30 to walk in it, just a little, a spin around the marina and back to the apartment.
It turned our hair and clothes white. It was so, so pretty, like magic. Wish I'd brought my camera.
Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:00 PM | shower me with attention
Kitana is here! Kitana is here! My Kitling is here after mrfle-frfle months of absence. Oh, nasty, nasty grad school Columbia monster trying to consume the soul of my darling. We saved her with meatloaf and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We even talked her into staying a second night to watch the Oscars with us tonight.