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Saturday, February 10, 2007
Did you miss my complaining? Here's something to prove it's still me:
The inside of my nose has been so cracked and dry lately that I've been sneezing blood for weeks.
Will this dry winter air ever go away?
There. That felt good. Bitch, bitch, bitch! The bitch is back.
(But she's still happy.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:58 PM | shower me with attention
Friday, February 09, 2007
I am too, too obsessed with Regina Spektor right now. I am listening to this song on a constant loop. Her breath control is amazing.
Chickens, I'm listening to music again.
And I'm still happy.
Today was a bad, long, endless work day of poor J. being sick for the third day this week and I am so, so tired and I lost one of my favorite pins that I've been carrying on my purse forever, and you know what?
Still happy.
Better better better better better better better better... Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:45 PM | shower me with attention
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Happy birthday, baby bird. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:46 PM | shower me with attention
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
I am currently obsessed with Buddy Cole's blog. It's so novel to have something good to read, that's frequently updated.
He's such a magical fellow, he really is. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:15 PM | shower me with attention
Happy birthday, darling!!! Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:11 AM | shower me with attention
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Frozen dog pee can be so beautiful. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:12 PM | shower me with attention
Monday, February 05, 2007
Aw, man. I thought I invented "Rhymes with gravy".
Dammit. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:19 AM | shower me with attention
Sunday, February 04, 2007
I feel rich. Not with money - HA HA HA - but other good things.
In the most inappropriate segue ever, Puppy peed on me TWICE today, when his Mama brought him over to Penthouse 54 to watch the Superbowl.
Which was, by the way, very boring.
Anyway, how flattering for me that Puppy was so excited by my presence that he peed on me twice in one visit!
Truly I am richer than a thousand kings.Labels: gold, laundry, wealth Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:05 PM | shower me with attention
We're toggling back and forth between the Superbowl and The Pirates of Penzance (starring Kevin Kline and Linda Rondstadt.)
Only one of these appeals to me, but Gina is equally entertained by both. This is one of the things I love about her. The extremes of light opera and football are both pleasing to her. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:02 PM | shower me with attention