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Thursday, January 11, 2007
When did I lose my ability to spell????
I spelled "traveling" incorrectly below (I fixed that), and then I capitalized "my Dad" (it should be "Dad" or "my dad") and didn't capitalize "West". Wait, I think I was okay with that, it would be "West" if I'd said "in the West", but I said "to the west", which means it was a direction, not a region.
Of course, I meant to say "in the West", so I've lost my grammar, as well.
Hold me. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:55 PM | shower me with attention
Tomorrow night I go to my parents' place after work; Saturday we go to Disneyland.
That's Disneyland; the inferior older sister to the west. My mom planned it months ago, talked me into taking a day off work, finally got me to agree to let her buy me a plane ticket, and then, when it was too late to back out of what I thought would be a mother-daughter vacation, invited my Dad to come.
(If you could see me right now, and if I had bangs, I would be blowing my bangs out of my eyes in a resigned manner at this moment.)
It's not that I don't love him, but traveling with my father is like traveling with an extremely immature toddler. They already know that I will not be eating in any sit-down restaurants where he's present; that's non-negotiable.
Otherwise, there's no use being a brat about a free trip to Disneyland, so I intend to enjoy myself. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:36 PM | shower me with attention
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
I was Googling* the lyrics to "Ray" by my favorite singer, you know who I mean, and I came across this rather amusing academic paper on Aimee's use of gendered language in her lyrics. It's fun, but for the following lyric:
Ladies and Gentlemen Here’s exhibit A Didn’t I try again? And did the effort pay? Wouldn’t a smarter man Simply walk away? (from “Nothing is Good Enough,” copyright 1999 SuperEgo Records)
Did anyone else ever hear that "smarter man" lyric as "smarter Mann"?
Do I over think this?
Anyway, this is what I was looking for:
And Ray, can we repay Ourselves for days that we’ve Lost through indecision With one of recognition
If so, then here I go ‘Cause some things you know And some you just believe in And hope it comes out even (from “Ray,” copyright 1996 Geffen Records)
I've been listening to this song a lot lately.
*BAM! Verbified again! Way to erode the value of the brand! Take that, Google! Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:52 PM | shower me with attention
Oh my god BUY ME THIS NOW.
I was going to suggest the name/art as the title/cover for J's band's latest album, but I didn't think I'd actually find that...
Really. I want it.
Doooood. I want. These too! Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:12 PM | shower me with attention
This is getting real damn old. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:43 AM | shower me with attention
Monday, January 08, 2007
All anyone could talk about when I got to work this morning was the overpowering gas smell that was making everyone feel queasy. Oblivious as I am to most odors, I was nevertheless mildly concerned as email after email arrived from Human Resources reassuring us that it was being investigated and if necessary any evacuation procedures would be posted.
I even got a concerned text message from Atlanta Steve about it!
It is true that I felt light-headed by afternoon, but I can almost guarantee you that was due to the incredibly slight amount of calories I took in all day until, desperate, I ran down to the grocery store and bought a low-carb protein bar and a container of cottage cheese.
I like vegetable soup, but lack of protein + potential enormous gas leak makes me woozy... Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:08 PM | shower me with attention
Stolen from Goose's blog and reposted here for Gina: Click the link. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:06 PM | shower me with attention
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Is it weird to find Gary Sinise sexy?
Whatever, I don't care. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:55 PM | shower me with attention
Buy me this. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:44 PM | shower me with attention
Who wants to come see Pan's Labyrinth with me? Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:41 PM | shower me with attention
I don't want to jinx it, but I've been eating properly, and I lost five pounds this week.
Despite my work stress and illness, my social self has been unusually happy this week. Also, I got a raise at work. And... well... nice things are happening. Things I need and enjoy.
Perhaps 2007 will not suck.
Woah, I'm jinxing it. Um... okay, the world is ending, it's 70 degrees out and that means that we're hurtling towards the sun and we're all gonna burst into flames any moment, and plus, I am still a really annoying person who's at least 70 pounds overweight and has no goals for the future.
Ahhh, that's better. This optimism can't be normal.
Perhaps I shoud just enjoy it while it lasts?
By the way, New Year's faerie isn't coming down until I get off my posterior and take the Christmas decorations in my apartment down. So there, lazybones. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:05 AM | shower me with attention