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Thursday, December 27, 2007

The haul (from family)
Originally uploaded by Tavie
I usually find it off-putting when people post pictures of their Christmas gifts all lumped together, but mine look so pretty, all in cool, blue-y hues.

The best part, of course, is the giving, and I gave my most-anticipated gift last night, when I delivered to Miss Stephanie Apell her new iPod. She was my big-ticket item of the season, and to see her sprawled out in front of the fire at her cozy Staten Island home, poking at it and turning it over and over in her hands, it filled my heart with the spirit of giving. Or maybe it filled my stomach with her delicious peanut-butter-chocolate cookies. Either way, I felt blessed.

All Christmas photos are up. Rather than go into detail, just enjoy the photos and here's a brief outline of the events that transpired:

Last week: Gingerbread cookies were baked. They went over real big at work. Best batch ever.

Last Saturday: We finally decorated for Christmas. Lizzie Borden made a friend.

Sunday night: Kirsten arrived. Tante Joan made Thanksgiving dinner at K's request. We gathered in Brooklyn Heights and ate and ate. Kirsten told stories. Mom and Dad played "patty-cake." This is not a Roger Rabbit-esque euphemism, and it was my favorite moment of the evening.

Monday afternoon: Kirsten, TJ, Mom and I attended the premiere of Hansel and Gretel at the Met. I fell asleep.

Monday evening: Mom, TJ, Kirsten and I drove around the old neighborhood in Brooklyn, looking at lights.

Monday night: We picked up Dad and returned to Penthouse 54, where Gina, Pena, Mush and Cheryl* laid out an incredible spread. We ate until we bust, then watched The Playboy, starring Aidan Quinn, because he is Irish and that's the damn theme, dammit. Santa came, ate cookies, left presents. Drusilla was afraid of Dad. It was funny.

Tuesday morning: TJ, K and I woke up, made breakfast. People eventually woke up and joined us. TJ's homemade scones went over big. Presents were opened and enjoyed. Lazing about occurred. Benny and Joon was watched (see note above.) Christmas dinner was served, to great success (with minor, expected bitch-moan-fest from His Majesty Lord Kidney Failure.) Mush and Cheryl retired, TJ drove Dad home and the rest of us all went to see Sweeney Todd.

Which brings us to Sweeney Todd, which I still intend to review. Soon.

*"Mush and Cheryl" = "Moose and Squirrel" now. Learn it.