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Thursday, November 02, 2006
They took my coffeepot away today.

Or, rather, they told me I have to get rid of it. This is the coffeemaker I "inherited" from someone who left the company-- she always saw me making my coffee with my little over-the-cup pour-the-boiling-water-in dripper, and on her last day she told me the coffeemaker was mine. The company wants us to buy the horrible coffee for fifty-cents a tiny cup from their hideous, buzzing monster machine, so I was only too happy to have a way to make a pot at a time of whatever coffee I liked. I started making it every day and sharing it with everyone in my department and all of my friends outside the department-- basically, anyone who didn't want to drink the gross fiddy-cent stuff was free to take mine.

This had been going on for month; someone in my department started bringing in Starbucks grounds that her boyfriend got for free, and we all enjoyed the luxurious tastiness of freshly made coffee whenever we wanted, as much as we wanted.

Someone in another department decided to start making her own in a tiny little pot that she would clear away as soon as she was done so as to free the counter space; no one was hurt; everyone got coffee; everyone was happy.

But someone decided that they had to put the smackdown on people... plugging things in... and I got a call today from an Authority who told me the pot had to go.

I am extremely disgruntled. If they think I'm going to start drinking that putrid machine crap, they're wrong; I'll go back to my over-the-cup thing. But I feel bad for all my friends who had been enjoying the free coffee with me. Now they're out of luck.

So that was pretty annoying.

To make the day complete, a guy on the PATH offered me his seat today. I politely declined but I couldn't see any reason why he would offer me his seat, except that he thought I was pregnant.

I'd never been mistaken for pregnant before, at least not to my face, which is so fat that people generally understand that I am just a fat person, not a pregnant person.

Maybe I'm paranoid. Maybe he was just being a gentleman. Can you blame me for being paranoid? They took away my coffee.

(There is an upside: I'm taking the coffeemaker home; no more four-cup coffeemaker for me!)