Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Monday, June 12, 2006
i feel i would be horribly remiss if i didn't post on today of all days. Our Seventh Anniversary! what is that anniversary?? ...paper, wood, Hugh Laurie? i wouldn't be living here if not for that fateful day when i very uncharacteristically got on a bus bound for NYC all by myself to meet a near stranger. even my sister asked before the trip, "what are you gonna do if gina's a GUY?!"

obviously gina's NOT a guy, and the day was more that i ever would have dreamed of. the decision to get on that bus has completely altered the course of my life and i couldn't imagine it any other way. i love you guys!

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 22:37

Changed my life too. LOVE YOU!!!
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