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Thursday, April 27, 2006
I will play Daniella's magic 8-ball playlist game because, fresh from a musical that glorifies musical-theatre nerds (see post below this), I have no (and have never had any) shame.*

magic 8 ball playlist!

put your music player on shuffle.
press forward for each question.
use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense.

1. how am I feeling today? "Aoi Hitomi", Sakamoto Maaya
2. will I get far in life? "The Trial: People of Atlanta", Parade Original Cast Recording (ooh, scary, I'm going to go on trial for murdering a 14-year old girl)
3. how do my friends see me? "When Doves Cry", live Ani DiFranco (I think) cover
4. where will I get married? "In the Drink", Barenaked Ladies (HEE)
5. what is my best friend? "Suddenly Seymour", Little Shop of Horros movie soundtrack
6. what is the story of my life? "A Man Shaves His Balls", Patton Oswalt (HEE HEE)
7. what was high school like? "Old Friends", Merrily We Roll Along OCR
8. how can I get ahead in life? "Greatest Man in America", Moxy Fruvous
9. what is the best thing about me? "It Takes All Kinds", Aimee Mann (Gee...)
10. what is today going to be like? "Famous Grave", Craig Northey
11. what's in store for this week? "Mr Apollo", Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band
12. what is in store for this weekend? "Mass Romantic", New Pornographers
13. what song describes my parents? "Curtain Call", Barenaked Ladies (oh god, is that something ominous about impending death?)
14. to describe my grandparents? "Of Angels and Angles", Decemberists
15. how is my life going? "Melody Motel", Squeeze (JESUS CHRIST. See #2. I am definitely going to kill a prostitue or something. Why would I do that?)
16. what song will they play at my funeral? "Finishing the Hat", Sunday in the Park With George OCR (Oh, do.)
17. how does the world see me? "As Long As You're Mine", Wicked OCR. (Hah.)
18. will I have a happy life? "Bunker Hill", Michael Penn
19. what do my friends really think of me? "Pretending", Michael Penn (I KNEW IT)
20. do people secretly lust after me? "Why Must I", Til Tuesday
21. how can I make myself happy? "All Good Gifts", Godspell movie soundtrack
22. what should I do with my life? "Popular", Wicked (I should... get a makeover? Give someone a makeover?)
23. will I ever have children? "Some Grand Vision of Motives and Irony", Loud Family (HA HA)
24. what is some good advice for me? "Hold Me My Daddy", XTC
25. how will I be remembered? "Save Me", Aimee Mann
26. what is my signature dancing song? "That Wave", XTC
27. what is my current theme song? "I'm The Only Gay Eskimo", Corky and the Juice Pigs
28. what does everyone else think my current theme song is? "Give in World", Loud Family
29. what type of women do I like? "Early Morning Rain", Moxy Fruvous
30. what type of men do I like? "Learn to Fly", Foo Fighters

That was fun. I invite you to make your own magic-8-ball playlist.

*Case in point: Today J-Rock promised me a free movie ticket if I would wear the plastic Party City firehat for the rest of the work day. The day only being 45-minutes long from then, I readily agreed. Who wants to go to the movies with me?