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Saturday, December 24, 2005
My sister is home for Christmas and I am happy and tomorrow is Christmas Eve and then Christmas and there's going to be a lot of people in my house so I'd better go home and clean it.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning. I'm at my aunt's place with Kirsten all snuggled asleep next to me on the fold-out couch and that's just fine,
No time for blogging, so Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:26 AM | shower me with attention
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
This Kids in the Hall thing is going to haunt me forever. I don't know what I was thinking with this whole internet nonsense. It's so damn boring now. And relentless.
Someone sent me this link to an old (2003) interview with Mark, and there's some... let's call it interesting... commentary from Mr. McK:
GM: The biographical information doesn't change. Have you ever met any of these webmasters who devote their lives to following you? MM: They show up on tour a lot. One of them is a woman named Tavie, who writes a lot of stuff and kept a couple of the message boards going. She must have shown up to fully a third of the shows on the last couple of tours we did.
GM: And? Is she all there? MM: She was probably singularly not impressed with us.
GM: Why's that? MM: Well, I guess she really likes our comedy and is just okay about us.
Wow, can he really not tell the difference between "cripplingly shy" and "unimpressed"?
See, shy people get a bad rap. We're not aloof... we're terrified.
And if someone offered you free tickets to see your favourite comedy troupe live, you'd take them, dammit! Even you, Mark. Especially if you were 20. ^ ^
Some day I'll regret the fact that the internet will forever tie me to this stuff, freezing me at age 16 in the throes of obsession for as long as I live... Some day...
... maybe even today...*
*Yeah, right, this from the girl who THREE POSTS ago is all, "Tour again! I was born ready!" Yeah... it never really goes away. Otaku forever. It's just... kind of... too tiring lately. I try to make myself as excited as I used to about it, but all I can think is, "I hope they don't do live shows on a work night..." Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:27 PM | shower me with attention
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Heterosexual Man video! Yes!
STILL hot after all these years. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:55 PM | shower me with attention
So, The Strike. What a pain.
Actually, I hesitate to admit it, but the strike made my commute easier. They added another PATH train between WTC and 33rd street, which meant I could get to work without having to switch trains. But my colleagues had a much tougher time. I heard tales of people being shoved and pushed onto the LIRR, having to walk miles through the freezing cold, waiting endlessly for cabs... one guy in my department (his last name is a kind of vegetable, so let's call him Cuke) walked from his home on 94th street to our office on 17th street. J-Rock had to take a cab in from Brooklyn. My poor Stephanie had to walk to work from the Staten Island ferry. So I find this all very evil and horrible, and it had better end soon. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:18 PM | shower me with attention
Monday, December 19, 2005
So, the Kids really do want to tour next year. And they really are going to try and do a week of shows in February. In L.A. And if they do, I'm going. I'm going, going, going.
And I heard that they want to be on tv again but they don't believe anyone cares. And it's hard for me to dispute that when the newsgroup and the websites and the message boards are empty. O where have all the Kids in the Hall fans gone? If I can prove it to them that the fans are out there, this can happen. And I'm ready for a new tour, and a new show, and new whatever. I was born ready.
Come back, come back, because it all depends on you... Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:02 PM | shower me with attention
Sunday, December 18, 2005
I didn't take my Gleemonex until late today, which may explain why I did the stupidest thing ever today and washed my cell phone. It was in my jeans, which I threw into the wash.
I'm going to try and have my number transferred to Kirsten's old phone, I think, which is with her in Japan and thus must come back with her when she comes on Friday. Until then I'll be without a cell phone for a week or two.
I suck. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:13 PM | shower me with attention
