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Thursday, September 15, 2005
Guess what time I fell asleep last night, on top of the covers, in my exercise clothes before even plugging in the Playstation or doing anything?
8 pm.
I slept for 11 hours.
Holy moly!!! Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:10 AM | shower me with attention
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
SON OF A BITCH WHY CAN'T I MOTHERFUCKING FALL AMOTHERFUCKINGSLEEP?????? Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:16 AM | shower me with attention
Monday, September 12, 2005
I honestly don't think I could be more bored with my life. Unless I was locked in a jail cell or something.
And I honestly don't think I could be more sick of myself right now. God, how dull, how irritating, what a complete bore. I feel as bland as boiled chicken. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:57 PM | shower me with attention
Sunday, September 11, 2005
I woke up today and something led me to read old newsgroup posts from that day four years ago.
Like this thread, where we all checked in and shared our stories and worries and relief.
Back then, people posted to the newsgroup, still, quite a lot. Scott was about to start his "Lowest Show on Earth" when the Towers fell and it had to be cancelled, never to be revived, which was a small tragedy, in my eyes, because I saw the show in Montreal and it was fucking brilliant.
God, that place was glorious in its time. A real support group, font of information, loser's lounge, haven for silliness. KITH fans were so great. I mean, they still are, but where the hell are they now?
I know that's not what I'm supposed to be mourning and remembering right now, but it's a small story inside a larger one, you know? It is.
I won't forget. Every year on this day I wonder what happened to the people I walked home with on that hellish trek from Wall Street to Roosevelt Island. Alex, my co-worker from JP Morgan; Richard, the Queens-dwelling man who was worried about his partner and their adopted baby; Shizoko, the man from Tokyo who was trying to call home... Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:19 AM | shower me with attention