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Thursday, August 04, 2005
Quickly, because my day was hellish from lack of sleep and I'm not anxious to repeat the experience--
Kathy and I saw The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee tonight, and wow, wow, wow! It actually EXCEEDED my high expectations for it--I knew it would be funny, but I had no idea the music would be so good! Now I'm determined to explore William Finn's other musicals. And did I say it was funny? It was the funniest musical I've ever seen. And it actually had some of those moments that I look for to, you know, complete the emotional experience. I really didn't want this one to end, and that's very rare. Usually, no matter how much I'm enjoying a live show, at some point I want it to end-- this one didn't go on long enough.
Again, again!!! Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:18 PM | shower me with attention
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
On a whim, I bought something on eBay last week. Ever since Andrew showed me Dance Dance Revolution, I've been fixated on the idea that I need to have access to this game regularly. So I found someone selling an old Playstation, 2 dance pads, 2 controllers and a copy of the game all together for $15.50 plus shipping.
It arrived today. It's really hard and I look like a giant, flailing dork when I play. It's awesome. I figured out how to get it to the slowest, easiest possible mode and I was playing for a good long while without even feeling it, but at the end I was all sweaty and red in the face.
Which means I was exercising and having fun at the same time.
Which is a first.
We are pleased.
Took Gina to Melt for her birthday. (Her real birthday dinner is tomorrow, in Chinatown.) Before going, I sent Glenn, the proprieter, a private message on the Jersey City website we all frequent:
"Dear Glenn, We're taking Gina to Melt for her birthday because it's her favourite local restaurant. I'm sorry you don't serve salads anymore and there's nothing on the menu I can eat. I'll just order an iced tea and eat a can of tuna when I get home."
I'm evil. Glenn, whom we'd never actually met in person, came to our table and lectured me good-naturedly about the grilled vegetables that I can order, and then delivered my bunless burger himself, setting it in front of me and declaring, "Your Atkins special!"
Tee hee. It's weird knowing people in my community... I've never done that before... Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:13 PM | shower me with attention
Happy GINA DAY!!!!!
My roommate and one of my bestest friends turns the magical number that is they key to Life, The Universe and Everything today.
There will be celebration. (But on Wednesday, when she's free.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:40 AM | shower me with attention
Monday, August 01, 2005
Six Feet Under blew my tiny little mind tonight. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:13 AM | shower me with attention