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Saturday, June 18, 2005
It's Saturday morning and I'm watching Trekkies. Good times.
Er. Last night we went to the Lemongrass Grill on University place and found that they had changed locations, a block away. So we went to the new location, and it sucked. Don't go there. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:34 AM | shower me with attention
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Just a couple of things I care about that I wouldn't mind you clicking:
Watch this and read the comments about it on the page. Erin did a good job of summarizing it on her blog so that's all I'll say. When I watched it I was screaming at my computer and pounding the table in anger.
As you know, Knitty is my favourite knitting website; it provides a great service for knitting enthusiasts and the staff is friendly and helpful. Now they're getting ready to walk in Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure. I went to the Knitty blog and donated a couple of Canadian dollars for the team, and I think it's a really good thing to do. Sometimes there are so many "causes" out there as to be overwhelming, but you can't argue against the importance of fighting breast cancer.
I'm a big fan of public television (and if I listened to the radio more, I'd be a big fan of public radio.) I think it's worth some of my tax dollars to fund it. So I signed this petition asking Congress to oppose the massive proposed cuts that will destroy it. I don't know if online petitions ever accomplish anything, but it was easy to do. If you agree, then sign it, too.
{End vague sense of self-congratulatory social awareness. Head back in clouds.} Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:01 AM | shower me with attention
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I tried watching an episode of House tonight and I must report that I am, quite, quite vexed at Hugh Laurie's American accent.
Half the fun of Hugh Laurie is his beautiful British accent.
I am quite vexed.
He's still hot though. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:18 PM | shower me with attention
Monday, June 13, 2005
According to the rules I've set for myself, the latest I'm allowed to turn off my light is 11:30. This allows for a theoretical 8 hours sleep (in practice, more like 7.5)
But it hasn't been working that way lately. I turned off the light at the right time last night, and the tossed around until 1:30. That's a pretty long time for me. I don't normally toss around for more than half an hour before turning the light back on or something.
It was horrible. I was sleepy, but at 1:30 I was so pent up full of nervous energy from tossing around for two hours that I couldn't stay in the bed anymore. I was in this evil not-quite-asleep state, unable to actually sink down past the unconsciousness mark. So I actually went out and passed out on the couch immediately. Woke up again at 6 and crawled into bed for the last hour and a half.
(Welcome back, blog-as-sleep-diary.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:20 AM | shower me with attention
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Today is International Goil Day-- the 6th anniversary of the day that Ade, Djin and I met Gina and Cheryl... and the world changed forever. Bua ha.
Triple-threat, it is also Scott Thompson's birthday, and mentioned in one of my favourite Aimee Mann songs.
Yay for the 12th of June! Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:35 AM | shower me with attention
Yesterday, Don McKellar assured Gina that Twitch City is slated to be out on DVD next year.
I don't believe it until the DVD is in my hot little hands, but it was still a nice moment. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:24 AM | shower me with attention
