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Saturday, April 02, 2005
Rainy weekend at The Penthouse. Last night, assorted miscellaneous goils and I went to see Man in Gray at Luna Lounge. Yes, Luna Lounge. Still. They keep saying Luna Lounge is closing, and they keep booking shows there. I've "said goodbye" to it twice now.
Today 9 of us took my sister out for lunch to celebrate some amazingly good news that she got. Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:12 PM | shower me with attention
Friday, April 01, 2005
My best friend of 20 years turns 26 today. We're taking her to lunch at Riazor, the delicious Spanish restaurant around the corner, and plying her with gifts. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:57 AM | shower me with attention
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Generally it's difficult for me to stay angry at people who've wronged me. I tend to flare up brightly and then fizzle out shortly after. Not this time; I'm very proud of myslef. Everytime a party who's ill-treated me tries to speak to me in a non-work-related capacity, I pretend I don't hear them and put my headphone on. Yay me. Obviously it would be easier for me if the person would admit their fault and apologize for speaking to me that way, but since that's not going to happen, I do what I have to. Anger is painful and difficult, but sometimes it's necessary. I am strong, strong like bull.
Kirsten made a stunningly good chicken soup tonight.
That's all I have to say right now. If God loves me he'll let me fall asleep early tonight, because the insomnia is driving me insane. Why would God want me crazy? Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:36 PM | shower me with attention
Want this shirt.
Oregon Trail was probably my favourite damn computer game when I was a kid. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:46 AM | shower me with attention
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
I got nothin'. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:15 PM | shower me with attention
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
The blogosphere closes in on me...
First, I post on D's group music blog about hoedowns.
Then, D emails me to point out a random post from a stranger commenting on my post.
I go to check out the random post and happen to scroll down the page and notice that it's Franklin Bruno, whose blog I had previously seen when Goose pointed out a post of his which addressed her brother!
Shapoopi! Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:59 PM | shower me with attention
Monday, March 28, 2005
I've been going through my stuff-- boxes, I need boxes!-- and, sweet Jaysus, I have a lot of tapes. I need to get rid of at least half of them. Just keep the essentials.
What am I going to do with the rest? Those superfluous dubs of the KITH HBO screeners, for instance? Now that almost all three seasons from the masters are on DVD, I have a whole lotta videocassettes ready for the trash pile. (I'm holding onto the original masters, though; those are both precious, and not exactly mine.)
Speaking of extra copies of KITH things, I got a beautiful package from BV today. If anyone's counting, that's free set #3 of you-know-what. (I'm not greedy, I just have a lot of friends who, like myself, are in shaky financial shape, and who deserve to be rewarded with important DVDs.)
Oh my god is there a lot of dust in here. I need to clean and pack my toys into storage. How do I choose amongst my dear old friends? Who will come with me? My storage space in the new apartment is limited... they know I love them all, that's why I won't let anything bad happen to them.... Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:25 PM | shower me with attention
It's LINN DAY!!!
My Swedish sister's birthday is today. She's busy playing some graphics-based online RPG all the time so we hardly ever hear from her lately. I don't understand the graphics-based ones. I like the ones where your imagination supplies the images.
But I miss her, I hope she comes to visit us soon... Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:48 AM | shower me with attention
Sunday, March 27, 2005
In honour of the holiday, a shot of the late, great Lynne Thigpen from Godspell:

The Penthouse is preparing the Easter feast and there will be much eating and colouring of eggs. And watching of Jesus-themed musicals. And watching of comedy sketches that parody Jesus-themed musicals. And, for those of us that eat meat/like ham (although of the former, I am not one of the latter), eating of damn salty ham. Gina just damned the salty ham, so you know it's Easter. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:24 PM | shower me with attention
