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Friday, July 01, 2005
Thus concludes the most exhausting work week ever. J-Rock comes back Tuesday, but I'll be in DISNEY WORLD! My favourite place in the whole wide universe!

And not soon enough. Man, today one of the Dippity Do's came over with a new account while I was talking to Yoda. I've been setting up new accounts all week, and working my ass off at it, too. It's all complicated and annoying and only J-Rock and Yoda and I know how to do it. So I've been doing it while J-Rock's on vacation. Anyways, so this Dippity Do comes over and he asks Yoda who to give a new account sheet to. (It's Friday. J-Rock has been gone all week. Catch up.) So Yoda nods at me and says, "You can give it to her." And Dippty-Do looks at me all unbelievingly, and I reach out for it and say, "You can give it to me," and he actually jerks the thing away from my hand.

Excuse me!

Then he finally gives it to me, reluctantly, and starts asking me inane questions ("Will I get a copy of this? When can I get it back?") and finally takes it back to make his own copy. So I go back to work and forget about it for awhile because I am insanely busy. Then I remember, and I ask Yoda if Dippity-Do ever came back, and Yoda says yeah, and he hands me the account sheets.

That Dippity-Do went behind my back and gave it back to Yoda!

I mean, okay, he has no idea who I am--that's fine-- I only know his name because he's the loudest and most obnoxious of the Dippity-Do's. But, come on, what am I, retarded?

Anyway, screw all that, the day after tomorrow, me and my parents and my sister and Tante Joan and Steph (the original) are all going to Disney World for a week!

Remember last time I went and I took all the pictures of every lamp fixture I could find and I was going to make a gallery of the Lamps of Walt Disney World?

Well, a few months ago I kind of accidentally deleted all the pictures. There were like 300 of them. All gone.

But I pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again. I'm going to take pictures of every lamp I can find, again. See if I don't! I'll make that gallery yet!