Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Sunday, June 26, 2005
i keep trying to post but it doesn't go through...aaarrrggghh!

the party was da bomb! i do regret the "littering" we did but it was pretty...

kristen and steve are trying to set me up with a guy they know who they say is a male version of me. i'm not entirely sure that this is a good idea...i mean, i don't like myself enough to date *me*.

i'm probably going to jinx it but darin might come to visit as well, but by now i'll believe it when i see it.

my new job is cool. i've only had the week of training so far but i love love LOVE the working-at-home thing! i just hope i get my productivity up to the point i don't have to worry so much about money.

i'm really starting to realize how much i'm going to miss my friends when they go away. i just had a taste of it with kitana but i'm already starting to miss erin and kirsten and they aren't even gone yet : (

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 21:20

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