Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Friday, March 18, 2005
right now i'm looking forward to dragging my entourage to rhode island with me...gina was coming with me but i'm dragging a tavie, a mike and an adrian. so much to do. i'm grabbing my compootor, selling my car to my sister, and grabbing some stuff that i forgot when i moved.

i haven't even really talked about my move...i feel bad and i'll get back to it at a later date but i feel amazing here, like i can't imaging myself anywhere else. i'm truly happy here, even if my job leaves something to desire (hee, gina). erin is the best roommate ever (but don't ask here if she thinks she is : ) and my confidence is already building.

of all the people i would have loved to hear from from my "old" life, darin, my gefilte fisch, etc., who emails me but asshole mike. the nerve. i ripped him a new asshole and will ignore him from now on. i felt better getting some crap off my chest. but really...

i'll post soon, especially once i have *my* computer here. i'm estatic about where i am and i'll have plenty to say soon. promise.

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 22:18


So many happy Blogs today, I don't know what to do with myself!
::too excited to talk::

OH. MY. GOD. You are all going to live together. GOIL-FANTASTICO!!

Can't wait to see you!

This "asshole Mike" isn't Coffee Mike, is it?
sorry...i didn't read this until now. yes, "asshole mike" is Coffee Mike. Coffee-asshole Mike...
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