Goth Sunshine |
Words from a walking contradiction.
Friday, January 14, 2005
truly i am okay...however, for the last couple of days, i've been in a bipolar-type situation complete with ADD episodes. i've been unhappy, brought on by situational issues :::coughboyscough:::, and this has led to me starting to do something then, before i'm done, i come to the conclusion that i don't want to do that anymore and i move on to something else. i constantly need distraction which is hard to come by right now. thankfully my friends mechelle and joe stopped by tonight and served as such for the time being. i find myself in, or wanting to curl up in, the fetal position much of the time and have found myself sitting and rocking back and forth. i'm restless but inert at the same time. i have so much to do but have completely shut down. i know this is for a very short amount of just sucks while it's going on.
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That strange feeling of being inert and restless at the same time-- I know it all too well. This will pass, but until it does, I know it's a bitch. |