Goth Sunshine |
Words from a walking contradiction.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
this isn't actually going out to you but i need to get something off my chest. i hate the way things ended between us. i hate that you probably think i'm a bitch for finally snapping even though i believe i had every right to; i'm soooo not a bitch. but it is very frustrating to have someone in your life who *says* they want to see you but do not *act* like they do, who state things like "i'll be in NH most weekends" which do not feel particularly informative but more preemptive, like "don't expect time with me". this is especially hurtful after a conversation where i tell you that you hurt me and you apologize and say you'll make it up to me.
I don't think you sound whiny; you sound like you're giving an ass kicking to a dick who deserves.
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Getting this person out of your life is making you available for someone who will treat you like the goddess you are. So there. |