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Thursday, January 06, 2005
Someone wants me frustrated. Someone up there wants me to tear all my hair out.
I got a letter in the mail from my school today, from the graduation audit department. It had no note, just a form with a box checked off saying that I don't have enough SOCIAL SCIENCES CREDITS to graduate. Excuse me? Ex-fucking-cuse me? Not only am I a fucking anthropology major, I took much more than the six Social Science credits that the catalogue (which I have just gone over again to be sure) says I need to fulfill the requirement. Just off the top of my head, the World History, Intro to Feminism, Intro to Sociology and Sex and Gender classes alone are more than double what I'd need. What. Is. This. Bullshit? It says I can "still attend Commencement" but "these issues must be resolved before you can receive your diploma". I'll be calling them tomorrow and straightening this out, but dear god above, dear sweet lord in heave*, I am done with school. This has to be a mistake. I can't deal with reality if this turns out not to be a mistake. * I meant "heaven", but it's an appropriate typo, so I am leaving it in. |