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Saturday, December 04, 2004
A good lesson for everyone to learn is that sometimes people just don't want to be friends, and it's their loss if they don't want to hang out with you.
A good lesson for me, a good lesson for many.
Anyway, as for today, MAN do I love a day of doing NOTHING. Okay, so I did a lot of sleeping over Thanksgiving weekend, but it's not the same as sitting around in your pajamas watching tv all day with no one else home to claim the remote. Screw homework, screw everything, it's just me and "Broadway: The American Musical" and Buffy reruns and whatever's coming on next... Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:16 PM | shower me with attention
Had fun last night with my sister and Birthday Guy from work. (Guy Who Sits Next to Us, whose birthday it was.) We played Tetris on the XBox. It's fancy-shmancy. The controllers have many buttons on them. It's confusing. So many buttons. This is not the Tetris I played as a child/preteen/teenager/adult-until-I-left-my-Gameboy-in-Sweden. After two drinks my coordination actually improved, though.
Yesterday was also the two-year anniversary of when Miss Lily left us. I miss my pretty waif, who used to keep her head warm like this:
 Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:08 PM | shower me with attention
Friday, December 03, 2004
What's up with Blogger? First it won't publish all my old posts, and then it eats the post I wrote last night!
BAH! I can't deal with this! RECAP:
Went to magazine launch party for the new NYC indie music publication for which Miss Thang wrote the cover story, we are so proud, she is such a cool chickie, go cat go.
Even Lady Stay-at-Home showed up.
I saw Captain Elusive after weeks and weeks of missing her. She needs to work less, play more. Don't we all.
Wah, wah, I can't sleep.
I need to be a better person.
That's about it, I think. Steve, was there anything else of importance? Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:33 AM | shower me with attention
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Ha ha, I just got an applicant named Crissy who lives in a town called Foley.
That's the only time data entry is fun... Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:37 PM | shower me with attention
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
I have an appointment at 8:30 in the a.m. tomorrow.
That is so completely bogus, dude. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:24 PM | shower me with attention
Woah. Howard Rheingold is the MAN, people.
I wish I lived in California and had a lot of money to enroll in a class at Stanford... Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:16 AM | shower me with attention
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Hmm. I find the last message icky, so I'll write on top of it.
La, la, la, writing on top of the old message. La, la, la, nothing new to say. Today was a day like any other. This caffeine withdrawal is going to last just as long as it always does. Not the dramatic 14-hour napping of the first few days, but the headaches and grogginess will continue, I can tell.
Merry, merry, ding-a-derry!
Oh, would that I had something new to say.
I think Inca Stinka has something hanging out of the corner of his mouth. I think I should go investigate.
La, la, Latin. Latin. Then I should tackle that Latin. BLAAAAAH!!!!!! Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:11 PM | shower me with attention
Monday, November 29, 2004
How do I move so quickly from finding myself adorable to finding myself so completely loathsome?
If you were he, wouldn't you be in love with me by now?
And if you were he, wouldn't you be completely sick of me as well?
ARGH. I love me, I hate me, I love me, I hate me... Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:55 PM | shower me with attention
Oh, oh, I'll open it up to the group:
What should I ask for as a graduation present?
Now, if these things worked that way, I would simply say, "Please pay off one of my credit card bills as a graduation gift." But sadly, they do NOT work that way, and besides, my smallest debt is still quite a bit large for one present.
So, I was thinking that I might ask for a trip to San Francisco to see Rynnie.
Only that might not be so practical, what with the having a job and being a little too trip-taking-y already with that job.
So, if not a trip to SF (and I'm not ruling that out, as it would be in the springtime anyway), and not the cash equivalent to pay my debts, what should I ask for? Is there some electronic gadget that I should be coveting? (My thirst for a digital camera has quelled somewhat since my mom got hers.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:09 PM | shower me with attention
Tonight I had my first useful talk therapy session in my whole life. I've been with multiple therapists over the years, and on at least five different anti-depressants since the age of 10, and never before tonight have I had a session with a therapist in which I felt comfortable talking.
So this might be good, eh?
And I got a new prescription for the Gleemonex, so that's definitely good.
I'm in such a good mood I think I'll start Christmas on this blog a little early. (I usually try to wait until December, don't I?)
There you go, faerie. You look so pretty and Christmas-y. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:51 PM | shower me with attention
Sunday, November 28, 2004
My family's back from Vienna all safe and sound. They brought me nice things, including a big Advent-calendar-style giftpack of COFFEE!
I kinda forgot to tell them that I quit coffee.
But that was so sweet, eh?
It's now been over a hundred hours since my last dose of caffeine. I lazed the entire day long, after sleeping for almost 12 hours, but the headaches were a little more bearable. Everyone cross your fingers that I won't cave tomorrow.
I think I might try and dig out the "Smoking" episode of Newsradio tonight to cheer myself up. (That's the one, for you laypeople, where Dave tries to give up coffee and Bill tries to give up cigarettes. It includes the immortal line, "I don't know what caffeine does for your body but I'm pretty sure that without it, your head caves in.")
I started working on Gina's sweater from last year again-- finished both sleeves!-- and am trying not to be depressed about the whole Christmas-present thing. I know if I started to knit presents now I'd just drive myself crazy with guilt, because there's just not enough time to get anything worthwhile done for anyone, unless I knit one thing for one person, and then I'd feel bad for giving one person something when I love so many people. So I'm going to go with the ideas of my friends in the comment box in the post below this one, and concentrate on the sights and sounds and smells and good cheer. New York has them in spades. Even the good cheer part. And Gina and I hauled out the decorations tonight and started Christmasing up The Penthouse. I miss Mint Manor especially at Christmastime, but there's coziness to be had in that apartment, especially with the city twinkling like Christmas lights outside every window. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:32 PM | shower me with attention
