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Saturday, November 27, 2004
I was going to post about how depressed the Christmas season is making me (poor as a church mouse with neither time to knit nor money to buy things for people) but then the news of the oil spill on the Delaware River distracted me. Gina and I are going to try and find out if we can volunteer to help in the clean-up.
That has to wait until the morning, though. It's too late now. So back to my holiday blues:
I don't know how to make this Christmas meaningful. I'd had no idea I was so obsessed with baubles and trinkets and frippery and frappery. Are gifting and sweets-eating the only parts of Christmas? Can we do away with them? Can I? Last year I had no money, but I had all this yarn and Kool-Aid, and all this time on my hands, and everyone got something handmade. Now I'm working full-time and graduating college and having financial disasters and I don't know how to make Christmas fun when all I feel is guilty that I'm not planning people's gifts. That's so dumb.
Let's compile a list of Christmas Specials that stress the whole Christmas-isn't-about-the-presents motif. I think I need to watch them all. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:33 PM | shower me with attention
Friday, November 26, 2004
Day Three Without Caffeine:
It may be my imagination, but it seems a little easier today. Sure, I dozed for most of the day, rising from the couch only to eat leftovers (carby ones, at that-- I've decided that I must go back to eating properly starting now, and not when the leftovers are gone; Gina simply made too much stuffing!), but the headaches seem less skull-breaking today.
I even made it into the city to pick up my umbrella, and feed the pets*, and I came back with a load of laundry to do here. (Free laundry is better than paid-for laundry, and I need clean work clothes.)
Back to the couch.
*Little kitty stinkers ate ALL the food and drank ALL the water I'd left for them. In a day and a half. I left them twice as much this time, to tide their greedy little bellies over until Sunday. Progo didn't touch his food. How is he still alive? Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:07 PM | shower me with attention
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Actually, Day Two Without Coffee started at around 4 pm, because that's when I hit the 24-hour mark.
It's hard. I sleep a lot. I surface and eat turkey. I sleep some more. My head hurts. I am really, really, really addicted. Withdrawals hurt.
But I have to go back into the city tomorrow to get my umbrella, which I left in a bar last night*, and feed my pets, which I left in the apartment.
That's tomorrow though. I can go sleep some more now.
*I called and asked about it, and the bartender found it and said, "No wonder you want this back so bad, it's really cool. Listen, a lot of people work here and you might not get it back unless..." and then he proceeded to give me a lot of complicated directions about when to come for it and who to ask and where to tell them he hid it, which makes me feel like a Super Secret Spy or something. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:29 PM | shower me with attention
It has been almost 19 hours since my last cup of coffee.
Yesterday afternoon I was toying with the idea-- out loud-- that, what with having four days free from work and school, maybe I could try detoxing from the caffeine. I'd gone cold turkey before and it had taken be a couple of weeks to get over the withdrawals, but maybe this time I could beat it in four days.
Of course, I was talking about this while drinking a cup of coffee, which was helpfully pointed out by a certain co-worker of mine in such a way as to present an irresistable challenge. So I dropped the half-finished cup of coffee in the trash, and spent the rest of the day moaning about my headaches and nausea.
Day Two, no coffee.
HAPPY THROGSGRAFEN, EVERYBODY! Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:52 AM | shower me with attention
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
I miss my sweet, funny, brave, contradictory, beautiful, lit-from-within goil. I can't wait until she moves here and I can see her all the time. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:31 PM | shower me with attention
The family is on their way to Vienna. I am home, I have eaten, and am now trying to muster up the energy to wash my hair before I fall asleep.
'Tis a glamorous life I lead, my darlings.
It's not bad being here alone. It won't be for long-- I'm going to The Penthouse tomorrow night-- but I'm enjoying the momentary solitude. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:10 PM | shower me with attention
I did it, I did it, I finally, finally, finally made a doctor's appointment.
I want a prize. Where's my prize? Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:13 AM | shower me with attention
Monday, November 22, 2004
I think I'm really going deaf or something. My desk sits in this sort of alcove area, and maybe it blocks off sound or something, but mostly it's because my co-workers are really soft-spoken so I can only ever hear my sister and M., who sits next to me, but everyone else pretty much whispers and they won't repeat themselves because they think I'm kidding or something when I say I can't hear them.
It's really frustrating. Either they think I'm kidding, or they're just really annoyed that I can't hear them and refuse to keep repeating themselves.
Either way, it's like watching people rollerblade... I feel like I'm missing out on something... Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:24 PM | shower me with attention
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Two month rule is still in effect: you don't post to your blog for two months, you're off the list.
Just a reminder because I did some housekeeping. (If you post again let me know so I can put you back and remember to read your blog...) Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:04 PM | shower me with attention
Well, that was nice. No Kate-- BOO-- but Andrew's father and brother came, and we had food and talked and it was good.
The only downer was Inca. Whatta Stinka. Oh, man. That cat, unaccustomed to so many strange people in the house, disappeared early in the afternoon and was missing for hours. There are tons of places in this apartment for a cat to hide, but we'd left the unscreened window in our room open, and I was horrified. My mom and I actually went downstairs to look for his carcass on the ground underneath our fourth-story window.
Finally, after I'd given up looking for him and retired to my parents' room to get some homework done, he popped out all sleepy and innocent from underneath their bed.
Whatta Stinka. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:41 PM | shower me with attention
I finally made it out to The Penthouse this weekend. It was like a shot of B-12 or something. I hadn't been there or seen my goils in almost a month, and that usually gets me pretty depressed without even realizing it.
It was nice. Gina and I watched Elf (SMILING'S MY FAVOURITE!), which got me in the Christmas mood, despite the fact that I shall have not a cent to get anyone anything this year, or even time to knit them things despite my abundant stash of yarn. There's just no time for Christmas. Maybe something magical will happen to save it, but it won't be involving me giving people presents. :(
I came home early because we're having Thanksgiving here today, as the family will be in Vienna on Thursday. Tante Joan and Andrew are coming, along with his girlfriend Kate. I'm glad Kate will be here, as she and I will be the only ones not going to Vienna and it would suck to have to sit there and listen to everyone waxing excited about the trip.
I got a call from Rynn and Amy this weekend, too. They're in Vegas at the taping of Celebrity Poker Showdown and passed on a message of love from Dave to me, which is also like a B-12 shot. I do love that man, for specific reasons that hopefully I'll be able to discuss here in the weeks to come, if things go as planned.
I smell turkey. Happy Pre-Throgsgrafen Day. (I'll have a second Throgsgrafen celebration on the real day, which I'll be spending at The Penthouse.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:23 PM | shower me with attention
About to give up on this pattern. If anyone can help me figure out the increases, row by row... or else I'll have to figure out something else to do with that one ball of yarn. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:57 AM | shower me with attention
