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Saturday, October 16, 2004
Yes. Yes. (clip c/o sarah) Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:58 AM | shower me with attention
The plan for today is ambitious; we are going to perform some of the Rites of Autumn, with The Penthouse gang and my parents and Tante Joan all driving up (in two cars) to a farm about an hour and a half north of the city to pick pumpkins and do fall-type things. Then we're coming back to The Penthouse and eating the feast that Gina and Kirsten have prepared; the Feast of Bree, and other autumn-y foods. (Did anyone buy mulling spice, hey?)
Sadly, Kitana had to stay home to study and erin has a migraine. But hopefully they will join us later for the Feast. I hope my father behaves himself. I meant to pick up a muzzle. I was originally going to ride in the car with my parents and TJ because so many of us were going, but now I'm riding up with The Goils and leaving TJ without the all-important Buffer from my Dad. (Okay, so she's known him for 36 years and knows how to handle him, but still.) I told her to stick an apple in his mouth like a roasting pig and truss him up in the backseat. I suppose that's mean. Poor old Dad. He's a lovely man, you know. Just very, very yakky. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:26 AM | shower me with attention Friday, October 15, 2004
I just said, "What up, dawg?" to... the dog... and he jumped up and kissed me.
Don't encourage this foolishness, Adrian. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:00 PM | shower me with attention
All day long I've been saying, "What up, dawg?"
I try to stop, but I can't. I don't know where it came from, but I hope it goes away soon because every time I say it I catch myself and then laugh at myself like I'm the funniest thing in the world. I actually find it that funny. Okay, cause, I've been saying "What up?" ever since Matthew was saying it on Newsradio, but to have that "What up?" morph into "What up, dawg?" is just wrong and bad. Then again, I tried to stop saying, "Shut up" and it got me nowhere. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:55 PM | shower me with attention
He's so cute. He's so damn cute. Let's think about something else.
You know who else is cute? PUPPY! Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:51 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, October 14, 2004
I found a fix-- at least for now-- for the iPod-freezing-my-iTunes problem. I found it on the Apple discussion boards. If anyone else has this problem, what helps is if you do a search for "iPod" and delete all the iPod preference files, and then restart.
Not that anyone I know has mentioned having this problem. But still. It's my blog, I can answer questions nobody asked if I feel like it.* I don't know if it'll work next time but for now I was finally about to load Revolver and Everything's Different Now, so I'm happy. I took Benadryl for the third night in a row to ensure I get some sleep, but I bet it backfires in the morning. G'night evrabuddy. *Boy I'm defensive! Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:37 PM | shower me with attention
Today was a loooooong, loooooong day.
I don't really remember anything distinctive about it. Oh, I heard a new theory today: the world doesn't revolve around me. It's very interesting but I'd like to see it proven before we start teaching it in the schools... Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:43 PM | shower me with attention Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Hmm, on second thought, let's take the medication-deprived babbling down. It will only embarass me later, and this blog does have my name on it.
Sigh. You poor little lovesick pup, you. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:00 PM | shower me with attention
It's so funny that I'm always surprised when I figure out that I've missed a dose of Effexor. It's always a big mystery as to why I'm dizzy and nauseous and feel like my blood pressure has dropped about a million points*. Then it's a gigantic revelation, a huge OH!
Will I make it through Latin class without passing out and/or vomiting on myself? Stay tuned. All this hyperbole is going to get me into trouble one of these days. Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:52 PM | shower me with attention Tuesday, October 12, 2004
I was ridiculed today for liking the Muppets. It had never before occurred to me that the Muppets might not be completely awesome to some people.
It made me feel like I've been operating on another plane of existence altogether. There's a world out there, very close to ours, where the Muppets are not cool. I pity the fools who live in that world. And I'm sure they, in their infinite hipness, pity me. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:36 PM | shower me with attention
Kirsten and I made our poor, nice supervisor be a boss-man today and talk to us (separately but equally) about our lateness. It sucks, because we tend to make each other late in the morning. We always make up the time but the Big Guys, understandably, want us to stick to our schedules and had him talk to us about it. We felt really bad. Kirsten said she felt bad for about 10 minutes but I felt bad all day.
I guess it's a good way to guilt people into coming in on time. (Also I missed three days in September, which were not my fault, but still.) So that sucked. But other than that today was uneventful. Inca is looking at me with such eyes. Such Stinka eyes of disapproval that my hands are typing and not petting him. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:24 PM | shower me with attention
Happy birthday, Cybermom. I miss you. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:19 AM | shower me with attention
I know it's tiresome to post about my insomnia, but what else is there?
Now it's officially insomnia, because I didn't make my deposits at the sleep bank over the weekend and now I'm on day three. I coulda fallen asleep at 8 pm, but I forced myself to stay up and watch The Third Man with my mom. (Guess why she wanted to watch it. Hint: the movie takes place in Vienna. Oh! I gave it away!) It wasn't even worth it, as I found the movie to be boring and lacking in compelling characters or interesting plot twists. Overhyped to disappointment, although I guess the cinematography was pretty cool. I don't know anything about cinematography, just that things look good or don't look good, and it did. I thinK Jon Favreau could place Orson Welles in a biopic, just based on looks. But Liev Shrieber is a better actor. What was I saying? So I forced myself to stay awake, missed the sleep boat, and am staring wide-eyed into the dark once again. Tomorrow should be interesting when I keel over into my keyboard and get drool on all those faxes. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:09 AM | shower me with attention Monday, October 11, 2004
I don't think I've had an actual (I almost typed "acute", and that also works) real-life crush on someone since the fifth grade. I've found people cute, but most of my crushes since then have been directed towards the safety and faerie dust of the celebrity. It's easiest that way. The celebrities have so many sighs directed towards them that your voice gets lost in the chorus and it's nice and safe and fun.
So, real-life crushes, they're pretty useless. They're annoying. Not completely unpleasant, and they do give one something to think about besides the crossword puzzle. But then what? Not much. I feel silly. That's all I'll let myself feel, because if I get too into it, I'll have to confront all sorts of self-esteem issues, and that's not fun. I'd rather think about crossword puzzles. So I'll just walk around feeling a bit silly and half-hoping it goes away, and half-hoping it doesn't. But I won't put anyone in the embarrassing position of knowing they're the object of my puppylike affection. I've been trying to throw them off the track by dipping everyone's pigtails in the inkwell, but his are too tempting. I think I reach for them too much. I should pull back a bit. It was easier in the fifth grade. I just ran after Danny Nicholson and tackled him to the ground, on one notable occasion. Doesn't work that way anymore... Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:26 PM | shower me with attention
Rest in peace, Superman. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:46 AM | shower me with attention
Today, Steph P and I saw Shaun of the Dead, which was one of the funnest movies I've seen in ages. Hilarious, and a great, shriekety horror movie audience to be a part of.
Then there was an abundance of cuteness wherein my cute mom and I went to see Neil Innes, who was opened for by the adorable Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players, a group I had been urged to see for quite some time. They were very amusing, and Neil Innes continues to be charming and downright edible, he's so cute. He's morphed into this adorable old bald British man with a collection of gee-tars that kept falling over, wherein he spent half the night tuning them and apologizing all Britishly. It was a very cute Britishy sort of day, only slightly ruined afterwards by the ratio of vodka to food I consumed today. (Not usually a problem. I went sort of overboard this weekend.) Maybe I'll wake up a funny British zombie tomorrow. I feel sort of undead right now. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:45 AM | shower me with attention
Fuck, I can't sleep, fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:32 AM | shower me with attention
Fuck, I can't sleep, fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:32 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, October 10, 2004
Yea verily did Erin and I go to the P.I.T. tonight to see lady Sarah and her troupe perform of the improvisation, and didst we doth laugh yes we doth didst, 'twas funny. She's the diva that I wish I could be. She was the star of the show without even meaning to be (for 'twas a group effort, but doth didst she thus shine.)
Then didst we drinketh of the vodka and come hometh at foureth in the morningeth and blogeth drunk... Good nighteth. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:19 AM | shower me with attention |