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Friday, October 01, 2004
Serra just sent me a link to one of the greatest stories I've ever read in my life. It's certainly the best subway story I've ever heard, and, furthermore, it is The Dream.
You know what I mean by The Dream if you've been reading this blog for any length of time. It even has jazz hands and people spontaneously harmonizing. I will treasure this story forever, and wish that it could happen to me. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:53 PM | shower me with attention
There's a little too much silliness in the data entry department today.
I just completely lost it. I typed in a zip code and the city "ASSAWOMAN, VA" came up. I read it as "ASSWOMAN" and cracked up so hard I had to step away from my desk and laugh into the wall of the copy room. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:39 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, September 30, 2004
My dad's in the other room laughing his ass off. What's so funny? What's he watching that's cracking him up?
If I listen really closely, I can hear the answer: he's watching Leno. My teeth are curling. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:43 PM | shower me with attention
The end
is nigh? Repentrepentrepent. (Sis sent me the first link just as this came on my iPod...) Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:18 PM | shower me with attention
Vote for KITH Season One as best DVD of a 1980's series.
Just do it. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:17 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, September 29, 2004
I wonder if my co-workers really think I'm stupid, or if they understand that I'm utilizing self-effacing humour in frustrating situations...
Can't tell. Hm. On second or third thought, chances are they don't give much thought to my intelligence one way or another. I think that will probably best serve my secret plot to take over the world. Heh heh heh... Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:55 PM | shower me with attention
I've an awful ache from the left side of my neck down my left shoulder.
There's no aspirin. I thought you should know. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:52 PM | shower me with attention Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Who knew? New York City is not equipped to handle rainstorms. I don't remember there being this many problems with the subways in a rainstorm when I was younger. Is the whole system just breaking down, or is it because my commute was much less frequent when I was a kid?
The F train stopped in the tunnel between 47-50 and 57th today for about ten minutes. Then at 57th we were all told to get out, that no trains were going through the 63rd street tunnel (read: the only way home to Roosevelt Island by subway) and that all trains were going back to Brooklyn due to massive flooding at 21st street. No train service to Queens. No train service to Queens? After much confusion and crowding, we were told to come upstairs, where they were handing out bus passes and directing people to the N and R train. None of which helped me, of course. "How do I get to Roosevelt Island, then?" I asked, fearing the answer. "You can't get to Roosevelt Island," he said flatly. That's it? I can't get home? No trains at all to Roosevelt Island? I asked several people, uniformed and non-, all of whom gave me different answers. No answers diverged more than those spoken by different uniformed people. The left hand has no idea, and the right hand is a drooling moron. Finally, I ended up doing what I'd feared I'd have to do all along, and walked in the rainstorm from 56th and 6th to 59th and 2nd*, where, of course, the tram was not running due to lightning. It was quite a squelchy, teeth-chattery walk at that. What really pisses me off is that they never, ever, ever divert a city bus for Roosevelt Islanders in this kind of situation. Even during the blackout they didn't bother to try and get shuttles to take us home. We were simply left to fend for ourselves. And if they weren't going to help us in a massive blackout, they certainly weren't going to help us during a storm. That's when I got really lucky. Some people (all of whom turned out to know each other, everyone except me, I didn't find out until later!) decided to share a cab and invited me along. Of course, there were no cabs, but then one of them remembered that her husband worked nearby and had a car about 10 blocks away. 10 minutes later we were all riding in cozy warmth over the bridge. They sure were nice. Some of them appeared to be Belgian. At least, they mentioned watching Belgian news, and spoke with Frenchy accents (except the kids.) There were two middle-aged women, two 13-year-old boys, and an older gentleman. They didn't even ask me where I lived, so I guess they must have recognized me from the elevator or something, because we all got out in front of my building. (How embarrassing! They recognized me and I had no clue we were all neighbours!) Good Samaritans save the day yet again. I was the stupid one, going in to work today. Everyone else in my family stayed home. What was I thinking, trying to earn a living during a rainstorm? *Non New-Yorkers note that this is 6 long avenues, not 4. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:34 PM | shower me with attention
Too heartbroken over my lost knitting this morning. You get this, courtesy of Andrew:
Bert & Ernie's Gay Love Affair Look, everyone knows you two are lovebirds. Why not do the brave thing and admit it to the world? The times are kinder nowadays. There may be the odd ultraconservative bigwig or overprotective mom, but so what? Piss on 'em. Come on out of the closet. It's ok. Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:55 AM | shower me with attention Monday, September 27, 2004
Aw, man. I lost my knitting. The Grace in Plassard Soft from the menu on the left. The last I saw of it I shoved it in a suitcase to take to Disney World. I never took it out during the trip and when the suitcases were unpacked at home, it was not to be found.
Only I never took it out in Disney World. And, and, it's not in the usual places. Weeks and weeks of work. This could set me back months-- I'm so discouraged I feel like I could never knit again. Aw, man. Aw, man. :( Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:58 PM | shower me with attention
Help me out here. I'm having a crisis of follicular faith. Please only vote if you've actually seen me in the following styles. Don't just guess:
I could only find examples of a few: Braided bun front/Braided bun side Loose Clipped halfway, low Clipped halfway, high High ponytail Clipped halfway, braided Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:53 PM | shower me with attention Sunday, September 26, 2004
Tonight we're having a welcome-home dinner for Steph M, who's been travelling the country for the past week. We're making some approximation of a vegetable curry from a dubious recipe I found on the internet. I hope it turns out okay. I'm also making Mint Manor Salad. It's my favourite salad. Because I have nothing else to blog about, I'll share the recipe with you. Amounts can be adjusted. This serves 2-4:
1 bag/head butter lettuce 1 purple onion 1 large red or yellow pepper Two handfuls shelled unsalted walnuts Crumbled feta cheese Lemon-tahini salad dressing Chop big things so they're salad-size. Toss together. Eat. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:52 PM | shower me with attention |