Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Friday, August 06, 2004
what kinda funky mood was i in that last post? : )

can't wait for tomorrow. packing up tonight to visit jersee and my goils! best thing is kristen and steve are coming. i always love when new people meet the goils...the blank stare as they watch the luvfest. and kristen has been jonesing for a goil-fix since the last time she visited...and it's been a while.

sayonaree baybee!

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 22:41

(0) comments Wednesday, August 04, 2004

going through a weird phase right now...kind of an in-between mode of living that is permeating everything. knowing that my time living here is terminal, knowing when i will be packing up and trying on a life elsewhere has paradoxically made me both increasingly anxious and confident. i've become disabled to a certain degree by this anxiety; however, i am able to do other things i haven't been able to do in a long time. it's all very strange.

and my love life, which until this point was beyond stagnant, has sprouted only to have both of us stomping it down to keep from feeling more pain when i leave. irony is a bitch goddess...

otherwise i've been fine...

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 17:36

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