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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Hey, whoever signed me up for those political email lists, I want to support the causes and all, but I really don't need the constant spam. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:40 PM | shower me with attention
I saw a policeman smoking in the subway this morning. He caught me looking and kind of "casually" dropped his hand behind his back.
Hm. That seems like sort of a poor example to set, doesn't it? Kirsten says we should've gone up and asked him for a light. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:09 PM | shower me with attention
Went to a benefit at UCB last night. Line up of NYC underground comedy all-stars. Eugene Mirman was the funniest, along with drunken David Cross. Birbiglia was funny too but I'd most of the material before. Jon Benjamin showed an hilarious short film. All was funny. It was worth staying up until after 2 in the morning, it really was. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:42 AM | shower me with attention Monday, August 30, 2004
My new Latin professor! Has said! That this class! Will complete my Latin requirement! Which means! This really IS! THE LAST CLASS! I WILL EVER! HAVE! TO TAKE!!!!
AS AN UNDERGRADUATE!!! (Tavie collapses in a heap.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:53 PM | shower me with attention
Why do people have such horrible handwriting?
The next time you have to fill out a form, please remember that it is someone's job to decipher what you wrote. Exactly. To the letter. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:33 PM | shower me with attention
The city stinks of sweat. It's nasty out there. Nasty, nasty, muggy, nasty.
Tonight is my first session of what I hope is my last Latin class ever. I'll know for sure when I submit my graduation audit papers on Wednesday. Please let this be the last. I don't know what else they want from me. Anyway, it's only two nights a week, 7-8:15 pm. Kind of late, but whatever. I saw The Exorcist: The Beginning over the weekend. It was cheesy, but fun. That guy sure became an archaeologist fast after leaving the church. I love the idea of "archaeologist" as a fallback position. "Oh, my current career isn't going so well, I guess I'll just be an archaeologist." Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:53 AM | shower me with attention Saturday, August 28, 2004
Who needs to go to a club for a foam party? We had one right here at the Penthouse!
We don't know how it happened that foam started pouring out of the dishwasher and wouldn't stop for an hour, but the theory is that someone left some Joy in a cup and that I put the cup in the dishwasher without looking. Anyway, Joy somehow got in the dishwasher and the result was a kitchen full of suds! We fixed it but it took a long time and was very messy. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:02 PM | shower me with attention Friday, August 27, 2004
I eat a lot of acidic foods. Drink a lot of coffee. Chew a lot of Rolaids.
Last night I had something called a Vietnamese Bloody Mary, which was a Bloody Mary with enough chili paste and horseradish to blaze a trail through your innards bright enough to light your way home in the dark. Good stuff. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:54 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Bea Arthur Causes Terrorist Scare at Airport!
Oh, Bea! Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:16 PM | shower me with attention
"Date of birth: 3/1986
Former employer: McDonald's Job title: Assistant Manager Reason for leaving last job: Getting too old" Oh my god. I laughed and laughed. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:14 PM | shower me with attention
I've needed a new purse (actually, large shoulder bag) for some time now, but instead of just buying some basic black thing with a zipper, I've been doing stupid things like comparison-shopping and searching eBay.
Worst yet, I've gotten a craving for a Le Sportsac, just because I borrowed one from someone once and liked it. How ridiculous. Like I have money to spend on fancy bags. Someone throw a canvas sack at me and take away my wallet. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:14 AM | shower me with attention
Yesterday I saw a disappointing movie (why, Stephen, why?) with a non-disappointing cutiepie or two. Then Kitana and I had a drink, except that I had two, and now I have learned that 2 drinks= I get on the wrong subway, end up taking a cab across the bridge in horrendous, horrendous traffic so that the ride ends up costing ten times what it would have cost me to simply take the F train in the first place.
Good martinis though. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:19 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Sis and I saw Jason from Mother on the subway this morning. Reading a magazine, looked like The New Yorker. And looking hot. Although still sporting cheesy moustache. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:53 AM | shower me with attention Monday, August 23, 2004
Mm, taste the toxicity. I can practically see the green miasma funking up every surface of this place. Emotional Agent Orange. It just ain't good for nobody to be living at home this long, not nobody not nohow. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:20 PM | shower me with attention
Alan Alda to join the cast of The West Wing! Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:59 AM | shower me with attention
Last night I dreamed I was riding a motorcycle around a wooded island. It was amazing.
Maybe I want to learn how to drive a motorcycle. And move to Scotland. Chew on that. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:06 AM | shower me with attention
Te semper amabo, Magister. I don't know where A- came from, you, most compassionate of all professors. Gratias maxime.
Best. Teacher. Ever. I told you, he grades on intent. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:19 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, August 22, 2004
Some people
are very against the use of the phrase "flip the floppity floo". I laughed and laughed. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:42 PM | shower me with attention
I got the new Elfquest graphic novel, The Searcher in the Sword. Long-anticipated, it was the first new Wendy-and-Richard-only story in a long time.
I was pretty disappointed with it. The story felt unfinished, there were too many loose ties in a story that looked like it was meant to feel self-contained, and I found the art disappointing. I think something about the inking, or maybe Wendy's over-reliance on Photoshop to do her shading for her. The blurring effects, too. And, ugh, Most of all, the lack of detail was disappointing. I'd been anticipating this too much. I was a bit let down. It was still nice to have a new story, though. Expensive, but nice. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:20 PM | shower me with attention
I don't got nothing to say. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:18 PM | shower me with attention Friday, August 20, 2004
I miss you every day, my Rosie.
But in happier news... Happy amy Day!!! Tonight The Frogs with my mom. And that signals the beginning of T H E W E E K E N D ! ! ! Yay! No time to be sad and miss my kitty when there's so much sleepy weekend fun to be having soon. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:46 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, August 19, 2004
Where's the cheesecloth? Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:45 PM | shower me with attention
Do you know what his favourite dish is? It was in the papers: beef!
I hear in his spare time he enjoys collecting coins! It's gotta be morbid to be listening to all these songs about presidential assasinations, right? Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:41 PM | shower me with attention
Kitana is reportedly back in town! I'd like her to prove it to me by making a personal appearance within a ten-foot radius of me.
I just got coffee on EVERYTHING! I have nothing else to say. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:25 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, August 18, 2004
must do laundry
but too tired to move Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:51 PM | shower me with attention
Or at least make me stop wiping the salt off my fingers onto the shoulders of my navy shirt! Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:59 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum
bum bum bum bum bum Mr Sandman... Hey, you know what, I realized my favourite song in Assassins is "The Ballad of Czolgolz" some time ago, but the other day I also realized that is the hoe-down song, as in "there's always a hoe-down song", and that, more often than not, the hoe-down song is my favourite song in any given musical. (Except The Music Man. I mean, Shapoopie. Come on. Shapoopie.*) Maybe I should host a hoe-down. Are hoe-downs hosted, or do they just happen spontaneously? And do they require the appearance of an actual hoe, or a fiddler or something at least? Do they need to happen in a barn? Has New York City ever hosted a hoe-down? Can I rent a barn? Can I rent a fiddler? (Can it be Joshua Bell?) Should there be bales of hay? I wish Michael Kidd was here. And that's the first time I've ever said that. And probably the last. What a weird thing to say: "I wish Michael Kidd was here." I have to go to sleep now. Good night. *Lifted from that cunt, Andy Prieboy. I don't actually have a favourite song in The Music Man; I find all of the music fairly tepid. I just wanted to make a White Trash Wins Lotto reference. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:14 PM | shower me with attention
My routine is as follows:
Rabunda! No, my routine is, every night I set up the coffee machine at home to brew one cup to drink on the way to work. When I get to work I get my first refill, and then continue to refill as needed. This morning they were cleaning the kitchen when I tried to get my first refill. I thought I was going to die in the doorway. (No, not really, I just can't stop this morning.) Anyway, I went back to my desk and thought, "Maybe this is the morning I start cutting down." So I announced to the guys next to me, "Hey, I'm going to start cutting down on coffee. I'm going to see how long I can make it in the next two weeks before class starts again. If I keel over at my desk, poke me with something sharp." He looked skeptical. I looked at my watch; it was 8:51. I added, "I'll probably make it until about 9:15 this morning." It's only 9:05 and I've already caved. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:05 AM | shower me with attention Monday, August 16, 2004
I am fresh out of my Latin final. And thus concludes my time with Professor Mayer. I shall miss him.
It was every bit as hard as I expected, and I left out a full third of the test. A whole section. Simply couldn't make sense of it. I wrote him a little note about it. So I can't hope for more than 66% anyway, which I believe is just barely passing. Furthermore, I did a lot of guessing for that other 66%, so there's not much chance I passed this, lenient as he is. However, the other first-years and I have discussed the good professor's generous grading policies and all agree that he bases them on effort-- not even effort, but intent to do well. So if I factor in the pity points and the knowledge that he is aware that all I want to do is get my credits and get out, hope for a passing grade is not entirely lost. If I can get my pity points, all will be well. And if not, at least I can flunk with the knowledge that I didn't deserve to pass. So I feel fine about it. Scared, but okay. I suck at Latin. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:05 PM | shower me with attention
Let's see. Yesterday, Steph P and I had lunch with Goose and her gander. It was a strange grouping, but it turned out okay. Those two are just such low-talkers, and I'm a deaf old lady.
Then we went and saw a truly terrible movie. At the end, when the credits popped up, I burst out laughing. I like to think I gave other people in the theatre permission to laugh, too. I heard some titters. I came home, studied a little, pronounced it hopeless, fell asleep way too late. Came into work very late. My final is tonight, and that's it for Latin with Professor Mayer. Sniff. All I want is a passing grade. A D. That's all I want. Just a D. (Wait, is that passing? I don't know. I've never gotten a D.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:56 PM | shower me with attention Saturday, August 14, 2004
I had such noble plans for today. I was going to wake up, come straight to The Penthouse and start on my Latin essay and do a lot of studying of gerunds and subjunctive endings and things like that while everyone is out at a concert.
Instead, I rolled out of bed late, left with my mom, opened a checking account at a new bank, and wandered the Upper West Side with Mom in search of tickets to The Frogs (found, and 'spensive), new walking shoes (not found), a new shoulder bag (not found), the new cast recording of Assassins (found) and lunch (not found.) Oh, and coffee. A'course. (Found at Edgar's Cafe.) Mom ended up coming back to Jersey City with me, where we had dinner (DUCK!), came back to The Penthouse, made more coffee, watched Casablanca and cuddled the Puppers. She just left and I just scrabbled together a pathetic little essay about Roman attitudes towards life and death. I guess I'll do the subjerundiviciples tomorrow. I'm too sleepy now. Or too wired. I can't tell the difference anymore. Hey, look, a puppy. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:51 PM | shower me with attention Friday, August 13, 2004
I just went into the living room where my parents are watching the Olympics and Bjork was about to come on and sing. She started her song and GODDAMN if Couric and Costas didn't CONTINUE TO TALK while the woman was singing. Like she was a damn sporting event.
I find that outrageously disrespectful. You commentate on sporting events, not over a vocal performance. I'd write an angry letter if I were a Bjork fan, or weren't too lazy to look for an address to direct it to... Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:12 PM | shower me with attention
Can someone please turn this sound clip up into a dance mix? Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:38 PM | shower me with attention
Oh god, I need to detox. Oh god. Check me into Saint Juan Valdez's Rehab Clinic. Oh god. Jitterjitterjitterjitterjitter. I type so fast I can't see my fingers anymore but my eyes are like cherry jawbreakers, unsucked-upon; dry, red. Arrrrr.
Drunk with the access to free coffee, drunk with the possibility of nonstop flow from cup to gullet to nerves, I have OD'd. Like Orson Welles OD'd. Next week, next week, after the final on Monday, I have two weeks with no school. Two weeks free of school. Maybe, maybe I can detox. Maybe... maybe I can detox. Mom got some nice half-caff from Trader Joe's. Maybe... I'll fall asleep at my desk, but at least I won't have school... Jitterjitterjitterjitter. That Puerto Rican coffee is muthafuckin stee-rong. Nextweeknextweekmaybemaybemaybemaybemaybemaybe Backtoworkbacktoworkbacktoworkbacktoworkbacktowork Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:26 PM | shower me with attention
Today's coffee-centred Post of the Day:
I did it! I did it! I made it into that super-special mysterious-coffeemaker-that-lives-on-the-lunchroom-counter club! Well, my sister did it. She was talking to a guy who turned out to be the guy in charge of the little coffee club. She told him how I wanted in on that action and he told her to tell me the "rules", which are: throw some money in once in awhile, make a new pot if I finish it up, clean it out once in awhile. I can totally do that. I did it right away, in fact. They use that really strong Puerto Rican coffee, too. Muy bueno. Things are looking up. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:29 PM | shower me with attention
Apparently some people were playing a game last night where they were trying to guess one another's zodiac sign. Apparently an Aquarius tried to give a hint by referencing the song "Age of Aquarius", and when my sister didn't get the reference, that Aquarius prodded, "You know, it's from one of your sister's stupid musicals."
I just hope that a certain Gemini was in attendance for that, as I happen to know that that Gemini is also fond of said "stupid musical". I would also like to state that I don't talk trash about other people's musical tastes behind their backs. Except for sometimes my sister's, but that's all in good fun. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:03 PM | shower me with attention
Beware the ides of August, children, for they fall on a Friday. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:01 AM | shower me with attention
Music go bye-bye. I thought I charged it up last night. Dammit. Dammit dammit. Right in the middle of "Blame it on Cain", too.
It's going to be one of those really long days, now. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:56 AM | shower me with attention
I'm glad that my memory's remote
'cause I'm doing just fine hour to hour note to note... (Name that tune.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:34 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, August 12, 2004
My last two posts were about coffee.
Hm. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:35 PM | shower me with attention
I think I probably average 500-600 milligrams of caffeine a day. (16 oz + 8 oz x 2-3 coffee + 2 cans or equiv of Diet Coke.) Is this a lot? It doesn't seem too terrible but without it I just want to die. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:39 PM | shower me with attention
The 50-cents-a-cup coffee machine was busted today. I thought I was gonna die. I still didn't have the nerve to use the mysterious coffeemaker that lives on the counter, and I was desperate. What to do, what to do?
My ingenious resourcefulness saved the situation: I "borrowed" a coffee filter from mysterious-coffeemaker, grabbed a single-serve foil packet (Sumatran blend, the strongest coffee of all!) that goes with the 50-cents machine, and stuffed the filter into a paper cup. I tore open the foil with my teeth and emptied the grounds into the filter. Then I took my nail clipper, poked a hole in the bottom of the cup, and fit the whole deal into another paper cup. Then I heated some water in the microwave and poured it into the first cup. I held the first cup up and let the coffee drip into the second cup. My very own one-cup dripper! And disposable! I think I'll just start bringing my real one-cup dripper in with me and save myself the 50 cents a cup that way. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:16 PM | shower me with attention
I am Miss Lonelyheart. That is my new name, everyone address me as such. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:06 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Addendum: Don't click the following link if you're at work. It's a picture of a penis. (Added because a couple of people almost did that.)
Oh shit, oh shit, Patton, oh shit. This is why we're not supposed to read blogs at work. How do I explain the tattooed penis picture in my cache, eh? Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:46 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Anyone who reads Andrew's blog should know that he's working on having it fixed; apparently someone hacked the site. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:29 PM | shower me with attention
Great gosh almighty, did you know there's a Gaylordsville, Connecticut?
I am MOVING THERE~ Oh, I hope it's as I imagine it to be... Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:42 PM | shower me with attention
I added some people back to the list at left, because they started blogging again. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:03 PM | shower me with attention
Let the record show: Josh Malina is a hipster-geek god among men. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:42 AM | shower me with attention Monday, August 09, 2004 SOROR AVG[usti Caesaris] Tonight was Latin gravestones again. That's freaking creepy, man. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:13 PM | shower me with attention
Have to take care,
unless there's a "where" you'll only be wandering blind. Just more questions, different kinds. Where are we to go? Where are we ever to go? Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:43 PM | shower me with attention Sunday, August 08, 2004
Today we had a pick-a-nick in Central Park. We ate from a pick-a-nick basket. We had champagne. We played Texas Hold 'Em. I didn't play. I watched and commented and drank champagne. I fulfilled Dave's exact function on Celebrity Poker Showdown (where champagne = whiskey?) Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:50 PM | shower me with attention
Today was a fun day because not only did CHERYL!!!!!! come to visit (she's staying over at The Penthouse until tomorrow) but we also got to spend the evening with FRANCIS!!!!! I sure love those guys. I wish they were here more. Why do people have to live in different states?
We saw some shows at the UCB. Because it's Saturday night and that's what we do. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:00 AM | shower me with attention Friday, August 06, 2004
Hey hey hey, happy SERRA day! Happy birthday, New New Yorker.
She's having a birthday party tonight that I was fully intending to go to, but the crushing weight of duty that robs my every waking moment is once again looking to steal any enjoyment I might have from my so-called "free time". So it looks like I won't be able to go. Which is why I reiterate: (see post below) Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:43 PM | shower me with attention ![]() Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:29 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, August 05, 2004
There's little on the internet left to love for me, but one of my great passions still remains: Disney gossip:
That's not to say that EVERYONE always got along while working on "Beauty & the Beast." Will Finn (The lead animator on Cogsworth) and Nik Ranieri (The lead animator on Lumiere) shared an office while working on this film. And -- over the course of the production -- these two artists began to mirror the temperament of their characters. Meaning that Will & Nik really seemed to get on one another's nerves. How bad did it get? Ranieri still jokes about the day he looked at the calendar that Finn had pinned up next to his animation desk. On this calendar, Will had circled -- in bright red ink -- "Beauty & the Beast" 's drop dead date. The day that every single piece of animation for the film had to be completed if "B & B" was going to actually make its November 1991 release. But then Nik noticed that Will had written something on the calendar for the day that came right after "Beauty & the Beast" 's drop dead date. In little tiny letters, Finn had already filled in his plans for that day. Which were: "Kill Nik." I love this site. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:40 PM | shower me with attention
You know what, I find that icky choking sound people make when they hold back their sneezes a lot more disturbing than if the person just lets 'er rip.
Not naming names here. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:16 PM | shower me with attention
Oh, so, hey. I'm going to Amsterdam...
...with my mom. Whuh? She asked me real casually over dinner, "Wanna go to Amsterdam with me?" and I said "Sure", right, real off-hand. Next day she emails me the plane confirmation. Um?? I'm a bit bemused, as you might imagine. I think I'll have to take only one day off work, but still, I hope they don't, you know, have a problem with that. I haven't been out sick except for that one time when I was dyin', but, see, I'm also going to Disney World (one missed day) and Vienna (two missed days after my paid-vacation days kick in.) All of this during various autumn months. So Mom really needs to triple-check with me before she starts making plane reservations in the future. Also, Amsterdam... with my mother. I guess we'll be seeing those museums I missed out on last time because I was too busy "drinking coffee"? I dunno, I just wish I was going with Matt instead. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:23 AM | shower me with attention
I've lost three more pounds. I am now ready for you to fall in love with me!
Whoever you are! Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:49 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Wow, I just realized that in the previous post, I referred to this blog as "my private life". As if anything I put here is remotely private, or as if my Dave website is somehow my "public" life.
I'm very amused by this. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:23 PM | shower me with attention
Argh, I hate it when I post on the wrong blog. Obviously the last post was meant for my Dave blog, and I'm not keeping it here. In fact, I'm slightly irritated because now it looks like I'm actively promoting that movie in my private life, when, in all honesty, the trailers look pretty gross to me.
Argh. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:18 PM | shower me with attention
Kirsten went to the post office at lunch today before meeting me in the park, so I read some more of The Once and Future King as I ate. When she arrived I was still absorbed and read something aloud to her:
"Oh, Merlyn," exclaimed the Wart without answering, "please give me something to do, because I feel so miserable. Nobody wants me for anything today, and I just don't know how to be sensible. It rains so." "You should learn to knit." To which she evidently replied, “I think a King ought learn how to knit. Although I imagine it might irk his barons, lords, knights as well as his rivals to know that a Great King excels at something strictly confined to women. There isn’t much room for intriguing ambiguity when you’re battling Saxons and trying to unite a country. Sure, a worldly King should be knowledgeable in all things in order to become truly great but one’s image is a thing to be wary of when you’ve got the possibility of a coup. All over knitting! Really, were people in the Middle Ages so incredibly picky?” (I didn't hear this at all, as I was still reading as she was talking. She kindly emailed me a transcript of her speech, reproduced above.) I said, "SHHHHH!" (K: Tavie hasn’t been listening to me at all.) “Something wonderful just happened!” Kirsten: "What?" And I read aloud, "...I wanted to mention that you have been knitting your beard into the night-cap for three rows now." "Well, I'll be..." "I should think the best thing would be to cut off the end of your beard. Shall I fetch some scissors?" "Why didn't you tell me before?" "I wanted to see what would happen." "You run a grave risk, my boy," said the magician, "of being turned into a piece of bread, and toasted." Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:28 PM | shower me with attention
Tavie's Appropriate iPod Song of the Day:
"The Puppy Song", Harry Nilsson Dreams are nothing more than wishes A wish is just a dream If only I could have a puppy I'd call myself so very lucky Just to have some company To walk around the block with me I'd take my puppy everywhere Ah no, I wouldn't care We'd stay away from crowds And signs that say no dogs allowed I said we... I know he'd never bite me Uh huh... uh huh huh I'm so adding this to my imaginary cabaret act. It'll be a string of songs that, put together, will turn out to be vaguely autobiographical. I just decided this. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:44 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, August 03, 2004
One thing I have learned so far during this week of pretending to share an apartment with just my sister is that I am apparently a very difficult person to live with because my hair is everywhere, in everything and on every surface.
I guess it wasn't so noticeable against the filth of our family manse (ha ha), but amongst the pristine purity of Tante Joan Land, this is a very annoying thing. Apologies to everyone who's ever tried to live with me. I do try to get it all up but sometimes I don't notice where it gets. Am I molting? Why are you in |