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Saturday, July 24, 2004
You know what? I'm getting pretty sick of being jerked around.
Sick of this. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:30 PM | shower me with attention
I'm goin' to Dinny Worl'! Labor Day weekend! My mom called me at work yesterday and said, "What are you doing Labor Day weekend?" and I said, "I dunno" and she said, "You're going to Disney World!"
Yay! See, she can tell when I hate my life and need to look forward to a trip to Disney World. She's so good. I'll have to miss one day of work and fly back early and go directly to work from the airport, but I get four days. (Which is the barest minimum, mind.) It'll be just me and my parents, which is weird. My sister is going to some convention in Atlanta and my dad doesn't want to go at all but my mom is making him. As long as he doesn't grump too much at me; Mom and I went together just the two of us a couple of summers ago and it was one of the best trips ever, so it should be fun as long as Dad doesn't third-wheel us. ;) Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:37 AM | shower me with attention
Thanks to the magic of technology, my friend Bill in Wisconsin connected me to BABYCAM, wherein I got to watch his adorable newborn son all sleepy and cuddly on the Wisconsin couch, and somehow it made New York Tavie sleepy enough to FINALLY want to turn the light out.
It's so nice when things like that happen. The internet provideth, once again. I needed something to think about that wasn't sad or stressful, and the cybergods provided a sweetsleepybaby. (Good thing, too. I was finally starting to get tired of the crosswords. Gasp!) Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:53 AM | shower me with attention Friday, July 23, 2004
Oh, sweet Jesus, Love, Actually was bad. I don't know why I thought Alan Rickman could save it. (I guess because he's Alan Rickman. He couldn't make Mesmer not boring, and he couldn't make Love, Actually well-written.)
Sheesh. What a waste of my life. I would never have lasted the whole movie if it hadn't been so full of such scathingly good-looking people. What a hot, hot cast. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:27 PM | shower me with attention
My 20G iPod will ship in 1-2 business days.
Praise the Man Jesus, Glory Hallelujah, amen. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:02 PM | shower me with attention
I'm thinking of pouring this hot coffee into my lap as a faster way of waking myself up than drinking it. Thoughts? Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:54 PM | shower me with attention
Now, don't get me wrong. I get a lot of work done and I'm lucky to be able to listen to a CD player at my desk.
I'm just saying that I think that I could get a lot MORE work done if there were soundproof cubicles, and I could SING while I work. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:32 PM | shower me with attention
Note to self: NO MORE LOOKING AT PETER PAN GUY AT WORK. Data entry is not supposed to engender laughter! Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:05 AM | shower me with attention
Well I'm here, dammit. Where's the party? I'm at work and I got here at 8:02.
CONGRATULATE ME. I'm representing the entire department at this ungodly hour. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:22 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, July 22, 2004
I'm so tickled that I typed "latter" for "ladder" down there that I'm not going to fix it. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:51 PM | shower me with attention
Oh sure, oh sure, OH SURE.
Now that I've settled into a job (that I will refrain from describing in case they find this web page, which should tell the astute something about my feelings about it), NOW that I've been there two weeks, NOW the HR person from [publishing division of media giant] calls me back. After a month. I'd stopped calling her because she kept putting me off. I had to take this job even though I really wanted that other one, that other one that's in a field I'm even vaguely interested in. NOW they call me back. The poetic sickness of it all is that she calls me on the day [the job I've settled for] tells me I have to start coming in at 8. Starting tomorrow. Just to kick my misery in the shins. Oh, and I did abysmally on the Latin quiz today. I could answer almost nothing. At least I knew some subjunctive forms. Everybody's got the right to be happy Don't stay mad, life's not as bad as it seems. If you keep your goal in sight, you can climb to any height. Everybody's got the right to their dreams... Even Sondheim mocks me. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:25 PM | shower me with attention
Also, Tavie's decided that Tavie is going to dip into her slender savings account and purchase a modest 15G iPod to help her through the dullness of her life.
Yes, I just decided that this very second. Good prices on overstock.com. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:30 PM | shower me with attention
They officially want me to start coming in at 8 every day now (8-4:45, and no, I haven't gotten in trouble for being in late, as I've been in training this whole time) so: No one may ever talk to me after 11 pm ever, anymore. I really want to try this thing where I get enough sleep at night.
I'll be the only one in the department in that early. They should really give me a swipey-card for the front door by now. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:26 PM | shower me with attention Wednesday, July 21, 2004
I've had two Newsradio-esque office moments in the past week: "Coffee machine broken, no coffee" and "Marquis de la Supply Closet"-- "How many sticky pads do you want??"
And now there's a guy on a latter behind my sister, trying to change a lightbulb. Do the math, people. I, like Matthew, still have not gotten my health insurance. (Total? Per penis.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:42 AM | shower me with attention
Tavie: Have you seen Don Knotts's website?
Kirsten: No. Tavie: It's awesome. Kirsten: Who's Don Knotts? Tavie: Who's Don Knotts? Kirsten: Who's Don Knotts? Tavie: You don't know who Don Knotts is? Kirsten: No, who is he? Tavie: ... ... ... Kirsten: ? Tavie: ... I'M TELLING! Kirsten: Who's Don Knotts? Tavie: MOOOOOM! KIRSTEN DOESN'T KNOW WHO DON KNOTTS IS!!! Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:04 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Don Knotts's website is all about fun with Comic Sans.
I love it. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:57 PM | shower me with attention
I love you and your funny website, Paul Scheer. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:20 PM | shower me with attention
I don't think I'm incorrect in recalling that today is the 35th anniversary of the first moonwalk.
But I can't remember to check if my wallet's in my bag. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:49 AM | shower me with attention
Strange morning. No alarm although I was sure I set it last night. Left my wallet at home although I don't recall taking it out of my bag last night. Worst of all, incredible difficulty getting up, room spinning, dizziness, queasies- exactly as if I'd missed several doses of meds, but I have not. Room's spinning like I have a hangover, but I haven't drunk in weeks. The dizziness is not going away and I took the meds almost 2 hours ago. This is highly unusual. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:44 AM | shower me with attention Monday, July 19, 2004
Oh, oh. Asti played for us some of the DVDs that Uncle Tom made of our old home movies of trips to Disney World that our families took together in the '80's. One of the best moments was in the 1985 trip, when we were five-going-on-six. Asti and Aunt Barbara are lifting all of us kids up to pose for pictures in the stocks in Liberty Square. (Twisted, twisted.) Adam and Kirsten are taking it gamely, but a zoom-shot reveals that I am not in the mood to pose in the stocks, and am crying and squirming as Aunt Barbara tries to lift me.
A moment later there's a cut to me standing by a bench with my back turned to the camera, and Adam is standing next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders. Cute little five-year-old Adam comforting cute little five-year-old Tavie. It's my favourite moment in the whole video. What a sweet baby he was. I can't believe he has a daughter that age now. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:13 PM | shower me with attention
Asti left early this morning. Yesterday we all went out to Katz's deli and then the Peking Duck House (with a detour afterwards to Wo Hop to pick up lunch for the next day.) Lots of eating. I've not been careful. I've gained a couple of pounds. Diligence, diligence. Too much watermelon, too much duck. (More the duck than the watermelon, I admit.)
Kirsten and I took a brief detour to my favourite yarn store in the city so I could pick up some needles. There she fell in love with a scarf on the wall, and bought the yarns for me to make it. It's made out of three different types of novelty yarn which look immensely tricky to deal with, but I eagerly anticipate the challenge. The shopgirl photocopied the pattern for me for free. (Good thing, too, as those needles ran me up a lot of money.) I wish the rain would stop, or that I would buy myself a new shoulder bag so I don't have to use the big, open canvas thing from Labyrinth books. It gets everything wet. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:09 PM | shower me with attention Sunday, July 18, 2004
Asti is here visiting. We spent the day in Brooklyn. There was an unexpected detour to the old neighourbourhood in Brooklyn, where we scrutinized the house where we all used to live as children. I then followed Kirsten and Asti around as they sampled wares from what felt like every pizzeria and Italian bakery in Dyker Heights. I did battle with cannoli, butter cookies, semolina bread, Italian ices, and the realest pizza that exists, and I emerged triumphant. Then we went to Coney Island and I ate a really big sausage. So there.
Then I came home and watched Sense and Sensibility, which is a perfect movie in that it not only contains The Rickman and Hugh Grant, but that epitome of underrated sexiness, Hugh Laurie. (I had no idea he was in it!) Beautiful movie, that. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:56 AM | shower me with attention |