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Saturday, May 29, 2004
Welcome to Love Connection, where old-fashioned romance meets modern-day technology!
Who left The Game Show Network on??? Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:00 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, May 27, 2004
Ladies and gentlemen, I come to you today with egg on my face.
I never attempt to disguise my identity on this blog. My full name is available for everyone to see. And so I must applaud my Satire Professor, Dr Bisla, for having found my blog, having my read my recent bald admission that The Rock is, indeed, satirical, and for rewarding (in the form of a good grade) my efforts at convincing him otherwise, anyway. How do I know he found my blog? Comment at the top of my paper on The Rock: A fine job. See the film again-- make it a blog topic. :) I'm tempted to go back and see if I've ever disparaged the character of this clever man, for it would have been a grave error to do so, I see. He certainly has a fine sense of humour if he doesn't hold my petty bitching and moaning against me. I'm sure I've blogged a few "I HATE THIS CLASS", "HE'S CRAZY", "HOW IS THIS A SATIRE?", and "FUCK FUCK FUCK"'s over the past semester. And yet, I came away from the class having been entertained, having read some good (even eye-opening, thank you Baudrillard) articles and even finer works of fiction. I'm not just speaking for his benefit now. I try to blog with no audience in mind. Okay, it's hard when someone winks to you that they know what you've been saying, but this has always been a public page, readable by anyone. Always keep it in mind, children. If he had misread my complaining as anything but good-natured, I would be a lot more embarrassed right now. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:05 PM | shower me with attention
Am I the only one who liked Barry Levinson's Toys?
I am, I know. It was on the other day and I watched it, and it's about to start now and I swear I'm gonna watch it again. Joan Cusack, man. Don't be in bad Kate Hudson movies. Once you were in bad Robin Williams movies. What happened? Coepi, coepisse, coeptus-a-um. Began. Perfect only. Odi, odisse, osus-a-um. Hate. Perfect form, present translation. Fero, ferre, tuli, latus-a-um. Bear, carry, bring, wear, report. Dammit, don't have so many meanings, stupid word. Learn. Someone needs to create a Tavie that knows how to learn, much like Professor Falken created a computer, Joshua, who knows how to learn in Wargames. Donald O'Connor was in Toys? What the fuck? That's awesome. Donald O'Connor and LL Cool J: Together at last. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:57 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, May 26, 2004
My dream job. Hire me. I'm a puzzle geek and I'm good'a wit'a de English.
You'll all be disgusted to know that it's 10:30 and I haven't even begun to prepare my essay or study anything. I'm also feeling cocky about my ability to pass without doing much studying, which is never a good thing. I'm gonna go start... now. In a second. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:23 PM | shower me with attention
This is insanely awesome. Thanks, Boing Boing. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:01 PM | shower me with attention
I had a small sum of money that is for me a large sum of money. It's the result of my student aid, which is pathetically small and would barely cover half of my books for any given semester, but seeing as I'm not taking that Latin class, the money is mine.
Having any money for the first time in ages yesterday, I bought lunch, and bought people pastries, and most excitingly, bought myself a book on one of those tables of used books that line Broadway up near Columbia. I wasn't going to buy anything, but I was looking at this big heavy collection of Frank Rich's theatre reviews from the NYT. Original price $40; sticker price $10. Wouldn't have occurred to me to buy it but had the guy not said, "The Frank Rich? You can have for seven." So I bought it. And I spent half of last night up reading it. Who knew that theatre reviews would be so compelling? I disagree with more than half of his opinions, incidentally, but I admire his writing and I'm such a damned Broadway nerd. I should this moment be writing that essay that I have to memorize for the final tomorrow, or studying Latin for the final tomorrow, but I think I'll get some coffee and read some more theatre reviews of the 1980's. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:52 PM | shower me with attention Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Today I withdrew from the class. Quick and painless. Then Andrew and Kirsten and I went to Ollie's for lunch, and to the Cathedral, and to the Hungarian Pastry shop (where I had Viennese coffee with a dollop of sweetened whipped cream, whoops!) and now we are here. I wore my new skirt. I felt naked in it at first but then I got used to it. I am pleased with my legs. Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:51 PM | shower me with attention
Obviously I'm going to be forced to explain. Just listen and hear me well:
I have never earned less than a B in college* because I know what I can do and what I can't, and only begin what I can finish. I can't function in a world with no transition between macrons and no macrons, no schooling in the subjunctive, or gerunds or gerundives, or vocabulary refreshment and expansion, no grammar or syntax refresher but rather a plunge into the icy waters of translation (and Roman history, to boot.) These are things that I haven't learned because at my school they are taught in second year Latin (except for the history, which generally gets its own class.) In the class that I went to yesterday, they were all assumed, and all of the students (10 besides me) were well-versed in these things, or at least completely relaxed looking at their mention. Several of them translated in a matter of seconds what would have taken me an hour and a dictionary. These, among other indications, were signals that I was not adequately prepared for the work of the class. To remain would have been a $5,285.00 exercise in futility. I was very disappointed as I left the class because I knew that I would have to withdraw, and have to spend the next two semesters making up the Latin credits. I was disappointed because instead of graduating next month, I will be graduating a year from now. That's why I was crying. I was disappointed that I wasn't ready. I was not disappointed because I thought myself a "quitter". I do not blame myself for "quitting" something that I know from the start I have no chance of succeeding at. Just believe me that I know myself and what I'm prepared for. I am not looking forward to the process of withdrawal tomorrow, but I will get it over with and move on. I've already registered for the next level of Latin at my school for this fall. Tonight I am very depressed, though. -- *Save that one exception where I missed a final and it was simply factored in as an F, earning me a C for the class Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:38 AM | shower me with attention Monday, May 24, 2004
My first Latin class at Columbia was a triumphant success in that I managed to get safely out of the building before I started crying. It was also my last Latin class there.
No money was paid. Facile venire est facile ire. I don't wish to discuss it so please don't bring it up. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:10 PM | shower me with attention Sunday, May 23, 2004
Look, it's me.
I was heavier in January. My pants are falling off now. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:58 PM | shower me with attention
This weekend I slept and ate some cherries and marched for Marriage Equality and sweated and saw puppies and saw Jordan perform and got a new skirt that Kirsten and Stephanie bought for me and saw Coffee and Cigarettes (the last short was the best) and that's about it I guess. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:50 PM | shower me with attention |