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Saturday, February 28, 2004
I've got two tickets to see A Wrinkle in Time at the International Children's Film Festival. It appears to be the same version that I saw a preview for when I was in Disney World-- appalling commercial, Alfre Woodard spouting New-Age-y poop that seemed to have nothing to do with the book. That could just be the marketing people's fault. Anyway, it's a Canadian production, so that's something.
My mom wanted to go with me but she's gonna be in South Carolina with my aunt. So someone's gonna have to go with me. Step forward, sinners. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:23 AM | shower me with attention
Goddammit. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:10 AM | shower me with attention
Four hours. That's what I'm entitled to now. Four hours.
At least I'm up in time for Roseanne. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:17 AM | shower me with attention Friday, February 27, 2004
I've been awake almost all day. Too miserable to sleep.
Why is the number one ingredient in Nyquil high-fructose corn syrup? I'm dyin', here. The Bakhtin article is even worse than the Derrida article. At least it's shorter. This guy just needs everyone in the class to hate him, doesn't he. It's really unreasonably complicated, especially without any background or context. Are we supposed to automatically know what heteroglossia means? Critical theory was not a prerequisite for this course. Neither was semiolinguistics. This is just bogus. And I speak as one of the few who don't have to rewrite the first response paper. High-fructose corn syrup, give me a break. Someone come over here and put me out of my misery already. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:19 PM | shower me with attention
My nose runs and my throat hurts. I can't concentrate on schoolwork anymore, nor can I sleep. I cleaned out some of the kitchen cabinets. I wonder if anyone will notice the ancient cans of snapper turtle soup (boo!), chanterelles, stuffed grape leaves or refried beans are gone. I only threw out the really dusty ones, for pete's sake. Five bucks says that tomorrow someone-- someone of the male persuasion-- will dig old cans of crap out of the garbage to hoard for another 14 years.
I also took every single teabag that can be identified without the box and put them all in one big bin. It was like a teabag museum in there. Now it's all neat. Tell me I lead a frivolous life. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:47 AM | shower me with attention
In the continuing saga of "Roseanne" Reruns at 2 am: The Blog:
Boy howdy, I love it when Roseanne does her White Trash Dance. It's usually accompanied by harmonica music. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:38 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, February 26, 2004
Oh, yeah: I just saw a South Park bit that totally ripped off an old Rowan Atkinson routine. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:56 PM | shower me with attention
Much to do. Two papers and a quiz next week, readings and translations and memorizations. Finish up baby sweater already. Just finish it. For god's sake. And Andrew's girlfriend, sweet Kate, has dislocated her knee in an extremely hair-curdlingly painful-sounding way. To cheer her up, he has suggested an impromptu movie fest at her house tomorrow night. So no Mint Manor until Saturday. Which means that I have to do at least one reading, all the Latin written work, and one paper tonight before I go to sleep. (That's easy. I don't go to sleep until dawn.)
Think I'm getting a cold. Excellent Sex & Gender prof returned my first response paper with much excellent praise. Boy, he talks so fast, he seems so jumpy, he's so damn slender-- he must have the highest metabolism in the universe. This is what I thought of today as he discussed the intersection of sexism and racism in welfare reform policies: "I wish you could just suck the metabolism out of a person and transfer it to yourself." I had some points that would have fit in well with the discussion (I know because he raised them himself a few minutes after I thought of them), but was still too shy to offer them to the class. It's just too big a class. Don't have the problem in Satire or Latin, but I just can't bring myself to speak in S&G. I feel bad, too, because he really wants us to. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:46 PM | shower me with attention
We almost finished watching The Rock yesterday (about 15 minutes to go... the green glass ball was rolling off the lighthouse when he stopped it mid-frame...) and still no clue as to why we're watching it.
He said if we choose to write about this as our "movie" paper (as opposed to Wag the Dog or Man on the Moon), we can write a paper about how it's not a satire-- but, he stressed, we really have to convince him that it's not. So I guess the thesis is EVERYTHING is satire until proven innocent? (Actually, yes, that was the whole point of the Derrida paper. I should've seen it coming.) I don't buy it. Weak. He'd better come up with something more convincing next class. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:13 AM | shower me with attention
Oh, creepy. Do you know what? The actress on Roseanne who played Charlotte Tilden, the shy, chubby sister of the next-door-neighbour airhead who bothers Darlene and flirts with David? That's the same girl who played the young Christina Crawford in Mommy Dearest.
I can't believe I'm disturbed by this, but I am. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:18 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, February 25, 2004
I really did want to go out tonight. This sucks. This sucks. Now I don't get to see Kitana until next week, don't get to see people making fools out of themselves at Movieoke, and don't have any excuse to put off my homework.
I really want to graduate so I can get some money. That's my only goal in life anymore. Graduate so I can get a crappy job so I can go out without my friends having to pay for me. Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:21 PM | shower me with attention WHEN am I gonna start paying attention to which blog I'm posting in? Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:53 PM | shower me with attention
Inca, Inca
Lord of Stinka likes to drinka water, likes to lap straight from the tap and I don't think he oughter. At very worst he'll quench his thirst by drinking from my cuppy. That little finka, what a Stinka. Shoulda got a puppy. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:54 AM | shower me with attention
No! Stupid! No! Stupid! I had stopped taking melatonin because I realized that it had made me absolutely dead the next day. Drugged. Stupid. Unable to wake up no matter how much I try. Not worth it, eh?
Except ten minutes ago I saw a bottle on the counter and took one without thinking. On a whim. What the fuck is that? So, okay, class in 12 hours, let's see what happens. It's Satire, it's the second half of The Rock, so at the very worst, I sleep through it and watch my tape of The Rock at home. But I won't do that. (Besides, what if he explains why in hell we're watching The Rock in the first place? I can't miss that.) All I talk about is my sleeping habits. I bet you're missing that knitting talk right about now, aren'tcha? Addendum: False alarm. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:50 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, February 24, 2004
The SWEDES are coming! The SWEDES are coming!
It's snowing out. I'm going to class now. I have deliberately skipped part of my Latin homework. He gave us a practice copy of the National Latin Exam and it was too damn hard and I refused to do it. I can't remember the last time I deliberately skipped homework. Neca me. (Necate me?) Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:44 PM | shower me with attention
Packrats and collectors take note: starting March 1, the last place in New York City that accepts subway tokens will switch to Metrocard.
Must remember to go buy a souvenier token before then. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:56 PM | shower me with attention
WHY CAN'T I SLEEP AT NIGHT???:??? Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:10 AM | shower me with attention Monday, February 23, 2004
Frodo of the nine fingers
and the ring of doooooom Why does he have nine fingers? And why is it a ring of doooooom? Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:47 PM | shower me with attention
All weekend, my sleeping was marvelously fucked up. I'd fall asleep around 8 am, and be awakened between 12 and 1. Then I'd fall asleep around 3 pm, and wake up at 5 or 6 pm. Three days in a row this went on.
Yesterday, I made myself get up before 5, and did the Exercise thing even though I was sleepy. (Yes, walking at a sustained pace, and uphill, is definitely Exercise for me.) Very lovely, that was. And last night I went to bed before 12 am, and was asleep by 2 am. VERY exciting. Except that my body, as usual, decided to get all the make-up sleep that I'd missed over the weekend, and now I've gotten up groggy at 2:30 pm. Which is better than it could be, but not, as they say, good. They say people with messed-up sleeping patterns should keep a sleep journal. I'm afraid that this is it. Now, today I'm going to go to Satire class and we're going to watch, I swear to god, The Rock. Starring Nicholas Cage and Sean Connery, yes, that Rock. In Satire class. I'm not sure where he's going with this. Possibilities: 1. He's trying to show us what satire isn't. 2. He just really likes The Rock. (It is one of the few action movies I genuinely enjoy. We have it on tape.) 3. He doesn't understand what satire is. 4. It really is a satire, and I don't understand what satire is. 5. The whole class is itslef a satire of a Satire Class. (This last suggestion is Stephanie's. It's my favourite.) So, time will tell. After that, I'm off to carve more of Stinka's likeness into a piece of wood. Good times. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:14 PM | shower me with attention Sunday, February 22, 2004
Did you know that there's no love for Laurie Metcalf on the web? Not a single fan page. Unbelievable.
I think she's one of the most talented people in television history. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:00 AM | shower me with attention |