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Saturday, December 20, 2003
Poor faerie. I really screwed her over. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:15 PM | shower me with attention
I've worked my ass off today to get the house ready for Christmas. I hope my family appreciates it. I hate vacuuming and I really, really hate making up beds.
I can't stop thinking about Pippin, and how he has the most beautiful singing voice and he should sing me hobbit-songs to sleep every night. Sigh. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:01 PM | shower me with attention
Another page! ANOTHER PAGE! Another page! ANOTHER PAAAAAAAAAGE!!! <-- my new favourite show.
Tomorrow I am going to join a gospel choir. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:15 AM | shower me with attention
erin and I quickly decided today that we could not live without seeing this movie immediately, even though we have plans to see it on Sunday. Plans and tickets.
So we walked a mile and a half down the road to the tiny, crappy-ass ghetto neighbourhood movie theatre, which, in this suburban land of People Who Drive, is attended only by the local pre-teens who aren't yet old enough to take the car to the GOOD megaplex in Clifton. Those little fuckers almost ruined the movie for us. The only other adults in the theatre, the couple sitting behind us, had to call the manager twice and the assholes still wouldn't shut up. Despite this interference, I had an amazing evening of excitement and weeping and glory and falling in love with my new boyfriend. Sean Astin, I love you. I know I said this after the last two movies, but I super-serious mean it this time. Fucking hell. I can't even talk about it, this movie was so good. I know you all know that, but, shit. Shit, man. Spoilers: So, I never did finish reading the third book and I'm glad because I didn't enjoy the books that much, but I love the hell out of the movies, so I'd rather save the surprises for that experience. Except I completely forgot that when I was a kid, my sister and I used to watch the 1980 Rankin-Bass version of The Return of the King all the freakin' time. So some point during the movie, images from the cartoon started flashing before my eyes. "No, images!" I thought. "Stop spoiling the story for me!" Luckily, my memory is crap, so it still managed to pack a nice, satisfying emotional wallop. Now that I know Aragorn and Arwen really do end up together-- I figured they would, but I wasn't totally sure because, honest, it woulda made more practical sense to pair up Eowyn and Aragorn-- I felt really bad for Eowyn, who really got shafted, storywise. I like that at the end, Jackson sort of implied visually that she and Faromir (so named because he looks just like Boromir, but much, much Fair-omir-er-- rowwwwr) might have a chance together. Was that in the book? That would be nice. Because I started feeling bad for the girl. Her ass was getting all Eponine'd. And they never really resolve that for her; they just make her an amazing, ass-kicking heroine. I wonder how much of that is from the book? Did Eowyn get to kill the head Nazgul guy in the book? I hope, I hope? So, to sum up: I almost killed a group of children today, and Return of the King rules. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:13 AM | shower me with attention Friday, December 19, 2003
Oh yeah. Since Gina hooked up the TiVo, which is otherwise pretty cool, we can't get her VCR to work. Since my family is coming here next week for Christmas (appropriating the empty Mint Manor for our first holiday since TJ sold the house), that means that we're not gonna be able to watch the traditional collection of Christmas videos. I'm gonna have to somehow fit in at least Muppet Family Christmas, Pee Wee's Christmas Special and Mickey's Christmas Carol in between Sunday and Christmas Eve when I'll be back home in the city. That is my bare minimum for it to be Christmas. (I left off Grinch and A Christmas Story because they're on tv all the time.)
Dammit. Does anyone know how to get a VCR to work with TiVo and Comcast Digital Cable? By the way, MOM, since I know you're reading this: we'd better get a tree and decorate it between Sunday and Christmas Eve, too. Just because Gina has a tree doesn't mean it's Christmas. It's not Christmas until we have a tree in our own apartment with our own ornaments on it. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:18 PM | shower me with attention
Happy Terry Day, one and all! Celebrate by smiling at everyone you meet. Seriously; that's how to celebrate Terry Day. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:32 AM | shower me with attention
Took the Latin final. It was, indeed, the hardest test I've ever taken. I'm not at all sure how I did. It's possible I passed. It's equally possible that I didn't. At any rate, I did not do well.
I'm at Mint Manor. Gina leaves tomorrow to spend Christmas in Kansas City with the fam. I'm staying here 'til Sunday (with company, tank dood-ness) to feed and water the kitties. I am exhausted. One more final to go, on Monday. This is the longest semester ever. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:31 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, December 18, 2003
Holy crap, Kirsten! Look! IF YOU HAD WINGS!!! (That's a link to the virtual version-in-progress. Here's one with photos.)
That first page almost made me cry. The predecessor to "Dreamflight" still exists in memories and imaginations other than yours and mine. ::switches off schmaltzy music and gets up to make coffee:: Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:37 PM | shower me with attention Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Everyone should be very glad that I'm not sending out Christmas cards this year, because if I had been, this would've been it:
Scary Foley-as-Bowie! Me-heh-herry Christmas! Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:43 PM | shower me with attention
Okay, woah, this is what I want for Christmas: a TAVIE bobblehead.
Someone get Santa on that for me. Tell him to pick a flattering photo. Not TOO many chins on the Tavie bobblehead. Just a few. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:52 PM | shower me with attention
Christmas-ing up Nicole's blog is what I did yesterday for fun. I couldn't be more proud of myself. Then I studied Latin, I really did. I don't feel like I know any more than I did, but I did study. And I'll study more after my coffee kicks in.
My head hurts. I can't wait until tomorrow night. No more Latin, and, Scott-willing, Return of the King... Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:49 PM | shower me with attention
I hope I remember to light Faerie's candles. Poor thing. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:16 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, December 16, 2003
And thus concludes my ego-stroking for the day.
No, wait. Let's reduce it further: Ahhhh. Thank you, Dave! Back to Latin. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:56 PM | shower me with attention
I've done a remarkable amount of Latin for one (five-hour??) sitting, and now I get to rest, watch tv, and gaze at the pretty new screengrabs that sarah sent me.
You know what's strange? I've been so busy doing work and watching HBO miniseries, I haven't looked at my KITH DVDs once. Maybe time to do that now. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:55 PM | shower me with attention
To cheer me up, Lord of the Rings meets Buffy the Musical, courtesy of Boing Boing. Thank you, Boing Boing; you've given me the strength to conjugate. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:02 PM | shower me with attention
So, my aunt and uncle are officially divorced and my aunt is as happy as can be. She's sold the house that we've spent the last thirteen Christmases in, and that's the end of that. I'll never see Don (former uncle of 20 years, who turned into a monster completely off-camera for me, who became bewilderingly awful behind closed curtains) again and I'll never see that house again, so that's that.
(That's not that, but it is all I am permitted to say about it to anyone except myself in my own head because whenever I bring it up to anyone else they tell me to get over it already. I'm trying to. Whatever.) I've done the stupid coloured paper exercises and now I'm trying to get through this impossibly difficult Latin. I'm very tired and sad today. This Latin is hard. I think I will not pass the final on Thursday, or if I do, with a very low grade. Perhaps the lowest grade I've gotten in college. But I'm trying. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:48 PM | shower me with attention
One more thing about Angels in America: the scene with the Twin Towers rising into the mists in the background made me cry and it also made me angry because the filmmakers set up the shot and framed it and timed it in a way that gave it more meaning than it was supposed to in the context of the play and I found it distracting.
Okay, good night. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:05 AM | shower me with attention
Sorry, Latiny-atin and Artsy Fartsy, but God gave me a gift recently and that gift is Sleeping at Night which means that at 1 in the ay-em, I am a sleepy person ready to go night-night.
I should've started studying as soon as I got home instead of locking myself in the back with part 2 of Angels in America (I watched part 1 last night while everyone at Mint Manor was asleep). It was too good not to watch. I'm sure it would've been more powerful as theeyater, especially the really over-the-top bits with the Angel (who lost her power to inspire awe as soon as Emma Thompson started singing) but it was pretty good as teevee and definitely better than most things I've seen on teevee lately. Jeffrey Wright is amazing and I couldn't remember where he was from so I had to look it up: Basquiat. I remember seeing that in the movie theatre back when Erica was still my friend. Several lifetimes ago. Rambling. Sleepy. Good night. Sum-es-est and cutting out little squares of coloured paper on the morrow. Tonight was my last official night of classes. Thursday and Monday are finals and then there is rest. I like saying "Perestroika". Perestroika Perestroika Perestroika. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:57 AM | shower me with attention Monday, December 15, 2003
Buying pens never works out for me. They're always gel rollers and they always deliver a faint, staccato line. They always cost more money than I can afford (that is, any money) and they never work. Boo to bad pens.
I have purchased coloured index cards. I had never felt the need for coloured index cards before now, but there are five colours and four conjugations of verbs I need to memorize, so I'm going to try to force a little synaesthesia. Gonna flunkety flunk Latiny-atin. Q. Why doesn't my family have a Christmas tree yet? A: Because I'm too busy not learning Latin. Off to art class, where I will try to pass off my ugly stipple banana (try #2) as "homework". Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:20 PM | shower me with attention
My DVDs came!!!
I have to go to school in 20 minutes, and tonight I have to do a lot of homework. But THEN... wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Thank you, Santy Claus! Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:34 PM | shower me with attention Sunday, December 14, 2003
It's snowing, it's snowing! We baked gingerbread men and Gina is fighting with TiVo, which she got yesterday as her Christmas present to herself. Tara and Nicole are still here and yesterday The Mighty Goose was here, decorating stockings and the Mint Manor tree, and watching old-skool Degrassi with us. Merry merry. I almost forgot I have two finals left! Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:55 PM | shower me with attention |