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Saturday, November 29, 2003 Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:54 AM | shower me with attention
I was just thinking how nice it would be to be able to grow a full beard. This would serve on multiple levels: it suits both my Jesus and long-hair fetishes (and how about my Yitzhak fetish?); it would look cool and weird; and, most importantly, it would hide my double chins. I had a dream once where I grew a full beard and it was one of the best dreams I ever had.
I don't want to be a man, mind you; I want to be a beautiful, feminine, sexy woman, with a full beard. And perky breasts. Of course such a thing is not possible to imagine in our culture. Only men have beards. Also, when I get down to it, all I really want a beard for is to hide the double chins. In which case, diet and exercise might go further to meet this end than simple hair growth. Dear Santy Claus: Please get me a treadmill and some hand weights for Christmas... and have your elves wire my jaw shut... Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:11 AM | shower me with attention Friday, November 28, 2003
Feast on this novel concept: I fell asleep again around midnight, and woke up shortly before 7 am. If that doesn't sound halfway decent-to-normal, I dunno what does!
Of course, I woke up gasping from a terrible nightmare, one of my specialties, the kind where there's a meteor racing towards the earth and I'm fleeing from balls of fire (in this version, I was running with Jackie and Fred from later seasons of Roseanne), but still, a morning waking is a morning waking! (If I don't make light of it I'll never want to go to sleep again. I hate those nightmares.) Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:19 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, November 27, 2003
AND I'm awake again! See, I no longer need sleep in my life! Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:21 PM | shower me with attention
In another hour I'll have been awake 24 hours! And this is post-Tryptophan. I wonder if I can get to the point of hallucinations.
I will not fret about all the homework I have to do until after I've gotten to sleep. If I ever get to sleep. Thanksgiving meal was good. It was great having extra people there, although my dad was as loud and obnoxious as he could be, insulting Gina in an attempt to make a joke almost the second she walked through the door. But still, the turkey was good. Sleep, wuzzat? Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:04 PM | shower me with attention
(I never went to bed! HooooooOOOOOoo! I DON'T NEED SLEEP ANYMORE EVER!!!) Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:16 AM | shower me with attention
My Impromptu 2 a.m. Thanksgiving Day Mix CD:
1. "Thankful Heart" - Michael Caine & The Muppets 2. "Thanksgiving Song" - Adam Sandler 3. "All Good Gifts" - Godspell Movie Soundtrack 4. "Food, Glorious Food" - Oliver! OCR 5. "Thanks for the Memories" - Bob Hope 6. "We Gather Together" - Unknown instrumental 7. "Kind and Generous" - Natalie Merchant 8. "Thank U"* - Alanis Morissette 9. "Chip the Glasses, Crack the Plates" - The Hobbit soundtrack, Rankin & Bass 10. "Screaming and Yelling" - Carole King 11. "Baby It's Cold Outside" - Stephen Page & Rita 12. Theme from Golden Girls ("Thank You for Being a Friend") 13. "Harvest Moon" - Elliot Smith 14. "Appalachian Spring (Simple Gifts)" - Aaron Copland 15. "Thanksgiving" - George Winston 16. "Cold Turkey" - John Lennon 17. "We Need a Little Christmas" - Angela Lansbury and cast of Mame Really want XTC's "Harvest Festival", but, sadly, Apple Venus Vol 1 is at my other home. Also wanted "Food" from Altman's Popeye, and Tom Lehrer's "Everybody Eats", but they are exceedingly difficult to find. *Or, what my mom calls "The Song Where She Sounds Like She's Being Goosed" Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:52 AM | shower me with attention
Happy Throgsgrafen Day! Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:21 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, November 26, 2003
The sooner we get Thanksgiving over with, the sooner Christmas can begin. With that in mind, I'm gonna get a headstart and link this. More gravy, please! Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:51 AM | shower me with attention
Holiday plans? Yes, I got 'em. I'll be eating this Thanksgiving, just like last year. Eating. Fancy, no?
But this year will be different: yes, I still plan to wear the traditional pajamas, and yes, I'll almost definitely be carbing myself a few new chins; but this year, for the first time, my aunt (known as Tante Joan) will be joining us. She usually goes to Thanksgiving at my uncle's family's house, but since he and TJ have split up, and she sold the house, there's nothing but for her to come spend the day in this ramshackle, dusty book-storage warehouse! And then, we discovered that Gina would be spending her Thanksgiving in the Manor watching tv with the cats, so she's coming over too! And then, we discovered that Andrew's family isn't doing anything for Thanksgiving, so before he goes to dine on vegetarian delights with his girlfriend's family, he'll be here, stuffing himself with birdflesh! Seven people sharing a meal in this apartment. Couldn't you just--? Isn't it just the--? Wowie-zowie! And we're eating early-early-early, because at 2 or 3, my parents have to leave for the airport and their trip to Vienna. Sheesh. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:16 AM | shower me with attention
Oh my godddd I want to make this. Why does it have to be on 15 skeins of expensive-y yarn? Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:34 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Yesterday in art class, my teacher:
1. ...admitted-- no, bragged about being a member of some official society of pedants. And if he was joking, he didn't do it very well. "I'm a pedantic snob, and here's my proof!" (No, he didn't say that. That's just what it sounded like by the time it hit my ears.) And yet I don't dislike him. He laughed at my jokes. The whole class did. That's how I stayed awake yesterday: I made jokes, and every time the whole class laughed, I woke up a little more. 2. ...went off on a tangent about synaesthesia. He tied it into art by way of Kandinsky, but I was able to keep my mouth shut even though I wanted to stand up and shout, "I taste words! I taste words!" (Yes, I always think "I see dead people" when I say that, too.) Also, I knew a lot more about synaesthesia in general than he did, but I kept my mouth shut. Except to make jokes. By the way, everyone really liked Scary Jesus Mask. And I think my mom does too. She wants to hang it up. So apparently my aim in art should be to create the stupidest things possible. If I think it's stupid, everyone will love it! Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:54 PM | shower me with attention
I am a big anxious loser who will not be in Latin tonight because of being a sleepy, caffeine-deprived, over-sleeping and yet still feeling sleep-deprived, anxious, anxious, anxious loser.
Nerves nerves nerves. I emailed my professor. He's really swell, he'll help me. My anthro professor was really swell, so why wouldn't my Latin professor be? He calls me Tavie, that's gotta mean he's a really good guy. Please please, I can't go out in that cold with this headache and these nerves. Also my art class turned out fine. So you see, all I need is for it to be okay that I'm not going to Latin tonight. Nerves nerves nerves nerves nerves. Anxious loser. Nerves. Oh my head. It's a holiday. Half my classes didn't show up yesterday because it's Thanksgiving week. This isn't the terriblest thing I've ever done... right right right right right? Yes yes yes yes yes. Nerves nerves nerves nerves nerves. Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:39 PM | shower me with attention
Ha ha, guess what I haven't done yet:
showered slept homework of any kind The most impressive one is the second. Almost 24 hours now! But guess what I HAVE done: cuddled the Maya and the Inca. I have razor-straight priorities! Good night! Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:12 AM | shower me with attention Monday, November 24, 2003
Wait wait wait wait wait-- I thought they found porn or something. So... they haven't got any actual evidence on Michael Jackson? All they have is another allegation?
Nope, that ain't enough for me. I'm back to feeling sorry for this man. This is witch huntery. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:13 PM | shower me with attention
Whew. Anthro professor was so delighted by my having attended the triple-A's that she didn't seem to notice at all that I'd missed three classes, and recommended a companion ethnography for my final project. One down, one to go.
Hey, wireless access at school. I should bring my laptop in more often. By the way, I'm so exhausted right now that I'm pretty sure I'm going to die. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:12 PM | shower me with attention
I love my sister, I love my dad. I love them because they are great people. They have their faults, and so do I. Big deal. They're wonderful people, and they love me, and they're smart and they're good and they're honest and decent and take care of me and love me.
I just needed to say that. In other news, is coffee really the best idea right now? No. But can I make it out of here without it? Also, no. When is this crap gonna end? Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:41 PM | shower me with attention
Primus: Happy Cheryl Day!
Secundus: Well that was exhausting. That trip. I'm back. I've been home for about 20 minutes. In about half an hour I leave for school. I feel very anxious and far behind. I missed a Latin quiz, a couple of anthro homeworks, art crap, I haven't done any reading for my final project, and I haven't showered since yesterday. (Blogging is more important than showering or I'd be doing it now.) I'm a bundle of exhausted anxiety. What else is new. That was me all week. And no real sleep. Four hours last night, maybe. I miss being allowed to sleep in cars. Tertius: But it sure was great to spend time with The McHotsons, Francis and Adrienne! They're tons of fun and I love them and make no apologies for loving them even though you're not supposed to love people right away-- apparently you're supposed to start out not loving them and build up to it or something. I go the other way around. Apparently that's wrong but I don't care. Quartus: Boy did I miss my kitties. Sometimes I'd be spacing out with exhaustion and suddenly I'd see Inca-Stinka's little pink nose floating in space, tantalizing and wanting to be kissed. Honestly, I actually saw it, like an hallucination. Quintus: I got home and no one is here except the turtle and the kitties, but there was MAIL for me on the piano and do you know what it WAS? It was KOOL-AID FROM SERRA! Is it okay if I love her for that? I love her for that! Sextus: Wow, apparently it bugs me a lot more than I thought to be told that you're not supposed to love people easily. I don't see what's wrong with loving people easily. There are all kinds of love and if it's easy for me to feel it for all sorts of people in all sorts of ways, why would that be a bad thing? Septimus: We saw baby chicks being hatched in the science museum right before we had to drop Kitana off at the airport. It was a very whirlwind sort of week. Octavus (who?): Jiggety jog. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:07 PM | shower me with attention |