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Saturday, October 04, 2003
The Kool-Aid dyeing came out beautifully, anyway. Two of the skeins are a mottled, heathery mauve with oranges, reds, pinks and greens. One is green blending to purple blending to bright, brilliant red. And one is a pretty range of blues, greens and greys. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:04 PM | shower me with attention
There was a... miscommunication... about the kittens.
My friend Cammy fell in love with Xander and was planning to come and meet him this weekend. Edna had told us to try and find homes for them and we told her that a friend had expressed some interest. This afternoon we looked out the window and saw her granddaughter and great-grandson taking Xander and Barker away to "play with them" for awhile. He had talked his parents into letting him keep two, and he picked those two. (They were remarkably clean due to the expensive, Erin-purchased flea shampoos we gave them last week.) The kid didn't know that Xander was already promised to someone-- it was just an unfortunate incidence of timing. But I feel really, really horrible about the whole thing. I don't even know how to tell Cammy that the kitten she fell in love with was given away without our knowledge. I think this is the same kid, by the way, who named the Mama cat "Noodles". So chances are that Xander and Barker are going to go live down in Virginia as Midnight and Fluffy, or something. :( Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:55 PM | shower me with attention Friday, October 03, 2003
Fucking hell. About 20 minutes ago I was putting down a mug of coffee, not looking, and instead of hitting the table it hit the floor and the handle smashed off into a million pieces. And coffee got everywhere. But that's not the point: the point is, it was my favourite mug, the one that Tara got me when we went to see the Mr Show tour last year.
Fucking hell. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:39 PM | shower me with attention Thursday, October 02, 2003
I found the "test skein" and dyed it with Berry Blue Kool-Aid. Wow. It looks amazing. Deep, rich teal. I am very excited.
I can't wait to dye the big hanks. They're hanging in my bathroom now, drying. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:43 PM | shower me with attention
I dreamed I had a disproportionately large butt. Not like in those stupid old Saturday Night Live sketches or anything, but more like the kind of butt some women get when they get to middle age and everything sort of spreads out down there.
I don't have such a butt in real life (my butt is one of the few parts of my body I have no beef with, so to speak), so in the dream I remember looking in the mirror all dismayed, like, "Oh, great, now YOU'VE gone, too?", but then sort of getting into it and thinking, "Well, look at that, some junk in the trunk! Nothing wrong with that!" So, that's weird. By the way, I searched five different stores today for sugar-free Kool-Aid, to no avail. Just as I was giving up, I talked to my mom on the phone and she pointed out that they had it downstairs in the deli next to our apartment building. And so they did! Smart mom! So I am very disappointed that the tiny skein of "test yarn" I washed out last night has gone mysteriously missing. I blame Stinka and Monsta, the little brats. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:01 PM | shower me with attention
My dear Andrew remembered to bring the yarn his mum's been saving for me. Yarn is falling from the heavens into my lap! (The other day my own mum surprised me with five skeins of soooooft, yellow superwash to make into baby items for our friend Amanda, who's pregnant.)
The hanks Andrew brought are supposedly older than we are. You can't tell from looking at them though. They're a natural heather-grey, handspun by a friend of his mom. Very heavy with lanolin, and nice and strong-- ideal for knitting outer garments like scarves or hats or mittens (or gloves!). I'm excited because I've been waiting for an opportunity to try Kool-Aid dying. I'll have to wash out some of the lanolin so the colour will take. I think I'll try it this weekend at Mint Manor. I wonder how much there is. There are four hanks but I don't know the weight or yardage. Maybe after I wash them (taking away the weight from the grease) I can try weighing them and estimate the yardage. The thickness seems to be worsted. Blah, blah, blah, I know. Why don't I have more knitting friends who would find my yarn talk interesting? Well, as long as I'm on the subject, I'm past the second stripe on the second glove, and Andrew tried on the first one tonight and pronounced it "perfect"! So now the only trick is to make the second one match. Then I'm gonna finish the baby sweater I started spontaneously last week with the leftover yarn ("Harvest") from my Sitcom Chic. Then I'll have to find a baby for it. I'm thinking of this one, because she'll probably be at the closest age for the size I'm making. And also she's the only girl-baby I know. Why are you in Tavie's head? 12:41 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, October 01, 2003
Whatever happened to Tevin Campbll? He was so cute in A Goofy Movie. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:39 PM | shower me with attention
1. Did anyone read the Jack Black article in this week's Sunday Times magazine?
2. I now shall pimp Sis's lovely Lord of the Rings yaoi ("male, homosexually themed") anthology on my blog. It's pretty spiffy-looking. Hey, my dad did the border-design and lettering on that cover! Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:13 PM | shower me with attention
God has given me a raging waking headache as punishment for paraphrasing our conversations on my blog. My sweet sister has made me coffee... without my asking. I adore her, I adore her.
Oh my head. I did finish half my homework last night, and it wasn't so terrible. In fact, I remember reading that article years ago, and I do like that Symbolic Anthropology stuff. But, evidently, overdosing on Symbolic Anthro will cause one to wake with a raging headache. I think Symbolic Anthro is 40-proof. Even with the Tom Robbins chaser I downed at the end, it left me quite hung over. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:00 PM | shower me with attention
God controls the television programming. God said that There Shalt Be Nothing on Television After 1 A.M. This Eve So Thou Shalt Be Forced to Do Thine Homework.
I said, But God, I am so very tired of homework. I never liked it in the first place and there is so very much of it that it's like dishes. The pile never gets smaller, God. The more I do the more they assign. I'm so bored, God. I'm so bored. Please, Lord, let there be some Sports Night or M*A*S*H or Roseanne, O Benevolent and Generous Deity. And God said, No, Thou Shalt Read Turner and Geertz and Write Thine Response Papers and By the Way Thou Also Hast Latin, Music and Art Assignments Piled Up, Little Shaver, So Get Cracking. Besides, Thou Likest Turner and Geertz. They're Thine Favourite Anthropologists. And I said, Oh, God, you're so tiresome. Stop talking in Capitalized Sentences. And God said, Any More Backtalk and I'll Take Away Thine West Wing Reruns on Bravo as Well. And I reached for my textbook. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:22 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, September 30, 2003
I like to sit for hours rating kittens. And I give every one a '10'. Is that sad? Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:55 PM | shower me with attention
Rate my kittens.
Okay, so it's an old picture. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:14 AM | shower me with attention
I have one lambswool glove that I have made my own self, one cuff of a second glove, one test tomorrow, two kitties ricocheting around my ears, four flea-bites, no romance in my life, and a powerful thirst for organic milk.
What do you have? Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:46 AM | shower me with attention Monday, September 29, 2003
They have Tom Robbins books in the school library. My life just got exponentially better.
Normally I hate taking books out of the library to read for pleasure. I think it's a big tease. I like to own books (and especially Tom Robbins books, which bear repeat visits). But I am so, so poor that I don't have the $14 to spend on any book. So I'll just read it now and buy it used, some day, when I have money... By the way: the girl at the computer terminal next to me, here in the small bank of computers int he cafeteria that come with chairs, is a fucking cunt and I wish she would choke on her latte. Bitch has been surfing Friendster for an hour as I stand behind her with my heavy load of art supplies, desperate for a seat and a chance to check my mail. Die, blondie. Die. I'm a little moody today. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:02 PM | shower me with attention
When there is silence my ears ring. I believe this is called tinnitus.
They don't ring in response to loud noises. They ring in response to the absence of noise. I most often hear it when I'm out in the country, or even the suburban wilds of Westchester. Tonight I put in a pair of earplugs to get my homework done amidst the familial clatter, and the ringing absolutely deafened me to the point where it drowned out Margaret Mead's words on a printed page. It screamed in my head like an old, rattly telephone. This is probably the primary reason why I can never leave New York. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:07 AM | shower me with attention
Don't read this.
I'm dizzy as hell. I've been dizzy for hours. I dunno why. I've taken my medication, I haven't missed any doses. I've eaten. I've not been drinking alcohol. I haven't done anything out of the ordinary. Also, I've been depressed as all hell lately. Why? I'm healthy and fine, everyone in my family and immediate circle of friends are healthy and fine. I have more schoolwork than I've been used to, and less money due to unemployment due to aforementioned schoolwork, but I'm keeping up with it. So the signs are pointing to it being chemical. Dizzy + depressed = chemical; right? I passed that math class, so I should be able to balance that equation. Chemical is the right answer, yes? Where's my calculator? Can Effexor suddenly stop working? Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:49 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, September 28, 2003
I had this conversation with my mom on Thursday:
Me: Who do you like better, Gene Kelly or Fred Astaire? Mom: Gene Kelly, definitely. Me: Yeah, I love him in Singin' in the Rain. Mom: I've never seen Singin' in the Rain. Me: You've never seen Singin' in the Rain?! Mom: No, I haven't. Me: I can't believe it. That is insane. You have to see it. It's a classic. MOM. Donald O'Connor, he's awesome. Mom: I don't know who that is. Me: You don't know Donald O'Connor? Mom: No, who is that? Me: You know... Soup of the evening/ beautiful soup... Mom: Oh! That's Donald O'Connor, you're right! I DO like him! Me: Me too, I love him. Well he sang the best song in Singin' in the Rain. Make 'em laugh... Then we were both singing "Make 'Em Laugh". I think we were on a bus. Anyway, we had this conversation a few days ago. Now I read that Donald O'Connor died today. Make it stop make it stop make it stop!! Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:46 AM | shower me with attention |