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Saturday, July 19, 2003
Fuck the bank, fuck the bank, fuck the bank. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:16 AM | shower me with attention
Me and Kirsten and erin saw Wigfield tonight, which was devastatingly funny and briefly made me recall the fleeting Strangers With Candy-era Stephen Colbert crush.
We were rained on. I can't think of anything interesting to say. Dear Diary, I've got nothing to say today, maybe tomorrow. Dear Diary, Today I have nothing to say, maybe tomorrow. Dear Diary... Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:39 AM | shower me with attention Friday, July 18, 2003
Ha ha ha! Random goodness. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:15 PM | shower me with attention
I'm blogging a lot tonight because Andrew fell asleep early on the couch where the good tv is and everyone in the world is asleep (except the putty-tats) so I have no one to talk to (learn to talk, putties!). Not that anyone was wondering, since I always blog too much.
Last week, Erin and I were discussing tv shows whose last season never should have occurred, so we mentally erase them and pretend they never happened: 1. All in the Family. Edith is still alive and kicking, and Archie's Place is just a dream. 2. Roseanne. Speaking of "just a dream", nice attempt at trying to erase it yourselves, but you made the reality a nightmare, too? Dan never died, my friends. Dan is still alive. Jackie can be a lesbian if she wants, but Dan is still alive. 3. Perfect Strangers. They never got married and moved into that stupid house together. What the fuck was that? 4. DuckTales. Bubba Duck and Gizmo Duck should die long, painful deaths. How I loathe them both, ruining one of the best cartoon shows of all time. Some borderline cases: 5. NewsRadio: As an outspoken advocate of both the fifth season and Jon Lovitz's addition to the cast, I refuse to put this on the official list. But, after time and healing, I am able to admit that it may well have had to go on the list, had they actually moved to New Hampshire. 6. Family Ties. The last season was still good, but Jennifer's HAIR should never have happened. The biggest irony in the history of the show is the episode where Jennifer repeatedly makes fun of Alex for having a big head. Watch those glass walls there, honey, that stone'll go right through 'em. Crimping was never, ever a good idea. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:42 AM | shower me with attention
Willpower is the ability to ignore your perception of the futility of your sacrifices.
It is an unjust world that in order to get a piece of paper that will allow me to earn enough money to live a decent life, I should be forced to learn things that I hate learning. Not just that I'm not-particularly-interested-in, but that I actively hate because they make me feel so, so stupid. Like math and languages that I am way too old to learn according to the natural laws of human linguistic capability. (Perhaps it was a mistake to learn about the Critical Age Hypothesis before I actually began getting my language credits.) I hate math*. I hate it. I hate it. Hate. It's horrible-- it's vicious. It's violent and unjust. It doesn't help me in any way. It just proves that I am incapable of learning. It lowers me. Math lowers me. It demeans me. Math exists to make me suffer. *By "math" I am referring specifically to College Math Taught By Incompetent Instructors. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:33 AM | shower me with attention
I was watching this movie called Cube last night. It was pretty good. Canadian. It had Nicki DeBoer in it, who is notable to me because she was on Kids in the Hall, and specifically because I stood next to her during the first KITH show I saw during my first KITH tour.
Anyhow, these people are (seemingly) randomly put inside a gigantic cube full of rooms that are booby-trapped, and they have to find their way out. Only it's not so random, because you see that each of the people has a specific function in the group. There's Angry Guy, who gets everyone moving and beats people up if he thinks they're out of line; Paranoid Lady, who's also a doctor and is useful for providing both conspiracy theories and medical advice; Mysterious Guy, who turned out to have designed part of the cube and knows a little about it; Retarded Guy, who turns out to be an idiot savant with an important talent; and Math Girl, who's a high-school student with an impressive mathematical facility. DeBoer plays Math Girl. So I'm caught up in the drama of the story, and a lot of the drama centers around Math Girl discovering mathematical things about their prison that may lead them to escape. And we're getting to a big climactic scene, and I'm all caught up in the drama, and she and Mysterious Guy have both figured out something Very Important That Is the Key To Their Escape. And they both look at each other and shout, "PERMUTATIONS!" And as much as I love brainy movies where the key to the whole adventure is that some nerd is using their nerdiness to get everyone out of a jam, this just irritated me because it reminded me of what a terrible math teacher I have and how if he'd just explained permutations in a straightforward manner, I wouldn't want to tear my hair out. I pretty much kinda understand them now, by the way, and combinations too, but I still don't know to goddamned apply them to goddamned vague word problems. If they would just teach you exactly how to identify a problem, and what formula to plug in, math would be okay. But it's vague in all the wrong places, math is. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:04 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, July 17, 2003
Finally, something to look forward to in the very near future! I'm so there, baby. I need some Scott in my life and I need it now. Or Tuesday, at the latest.
Sorry, Afr-Am studies class. Scott comes first. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:06 PM | shower me with attention
Is it a bad sign that it's only the fourth day of classes and I'm already sick to death of:
1. The African-American struggle. 2. Math. All kinds. Any manifestation thereof. ? Because, that's what's going on. They're both exhausting. Especially when the teacher gives you the wrong information, and you memorize the wrong information, and then you go and try to work out problems and you can't because you have it all wrong and, by the way, the book is unclear. I got very close today to the state where I storm out of the classroom and drop the class. But I didn't do it because I want to graduate some day. So instead I will go cry somewhere. And if someone would very clearly and definitively explain to me: a. The rule for working out factorials. b. The formula for permutations. c. The formula for combinations. that would be good too. Also, it stinks being a member of an historically and continually oppressing race. Why are you in Tavie's head? 8:10 PM | shower me with attention Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Aimee's on The Tonight Show tonight? Frickita frackata. Why can't I have a working VCR.
And if someone doesn't tape Scott on Conan next week for me I'm gonna throw a tantrum. Hey, I need it. For... for research. Yeeeeah. Anyway, it looks like it's a new appearance. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:02 PM | shower me with attention Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Not only is my math teacher's accent impossible to understand, but he is terrible at explaining things, and tends to leave out crucial parts of the problem when he writes an example on the board. Twice today he left out important information, and we had to alert him to the fact so we could work out the problem.
He's just a really bad teacher. But at CUNY, you gets what you pays for. Why are you in Tavie's head? 9:00 PM | shower me with attention Monday, July 14, 2003
Summer Session II
4:03 pm: Basic Structure of Mathematics. Professor a young adjunct with an almost-impossible-to-understand accent of indeterminate origin. Subject matter confusing, boring and repetitive. I suspect it will remain so but become increasingly difficult to understand and follow along. I will almost certainly require tutoring. 6:03 pm: African American Literature. Professor a young adjunct with intelligent, if not terribly new or exciting, ideas to impart. Reading list manageable and interesting-sounding, and I already own one of the books (Cane, Jean Toomey). Relatively high academic expectations from her mean I may not end up hating this class, and students are unusually articulate and insightful. Not crazy about all the writing, but, c'mon: Oh, I have to go to school, oh, I have to do homework, oh! Life is HARD, man! Big problem: hugely overcrowded. Despite the fact that my previous class was only one floor down, by the time I arrived every chair was taken and several people were forced to stand for two hours. I ended up sitting on the floor. I am not someone built to sit on floors for prolonged periods. My circulation is stubbornly bad and I have to shift frequently. Coupled with my awkwardly-cut-for-sitting skirt, this made for two hours of physical misery. I will leave the math class early tomorrow if I have to. Anything to avoid that again. Why are you in Tavie's head? 7:56 PM | shower me with attention
In the absence of significant external stimuli, are emotions simply the by-product of naturally fluctuating hormones?
I like to watch Sports Night and tear up, just a quirk of Felicity Huffman's and Peter Krause's performances that stuns and touches me momentarily, and watch Family Ties and cry throughout because Alex is graduating and Elyse still has to help him fix his hat, and then when the shows are over, lay back in a wash of melancholia and luxuriate in emotion. Emotion like a bubble bath, it has to be a coincidence of hormones. I think the great romantics were and are just hormonally imbalanced. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:41 AM | shower me with attention
Can I write? Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:39 AM | shower me with attention Sunday, July 13, 2003
A couple of brief changes to the blogroll: although Matt is On My List for not loving me anymore, I have decided nevertheless that he is no longer merely "Goose's Matt", so I fixed that. And I added Dave Roman to the list, because his blog is great and he has such a cool career, dammit.
Today was birthday brunch courtesy of Tante Joan, featuring me, Sis and Gina. It was lovely. Then I came home, said hello to my parents, fresh from Calgary rodeo fun, and fell asleep. Why are you in Tavie's head? 10:06 PM | shower me with attention
I tried to sleep, but it didn't work. I gave it a good, healthy go. I did the crossword. I closed my eyes and got comfy. I lay there for almost an hour.
There's absolutely no point in making one's bed a place of boredom and restlessness. Forcing sleep is just not possible. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:05 AM | shower me with attention
Something brilliant happened to me on Friday. It wasn't turning 24, which was a very blah thing to happen indeed. No, it was something brilliant: I got an idea. An idea for a project. Something that I want to make. Something I want to do. It's not something I can talk about, at least not yet and not here, but it has me terribly excited. I now find that when I'm sitting around idle, or walking down the street, my head isn't full of,
Every single night the same arrangement... No, I'm sick of that song. Something else, something else... Shine on, shine on harvest moon... I'm tired of this. Something else. What, don't I know any songs? Geez. What would you do if I sang out of tune... No, it's no longer me trying to get a new song stuck in my head to replace whatever's in there at the time. Now my brain is actually occupied with shaping this idea into something that I can actually do. It's unutterably exciting. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:59 AM | shower me with attention |