Patton Oswalt

New Jersey for Democracy
Huffington Post
Democracy for America
Sam Seder Show
Center for American Progress
Habitat for Humanity

previous posts
  • While that cat is away the mice will cut off all h...
  • I am posting a draft of the letter I am going to b...
  • I have got something to say...oh yes indeed I do.....
  • Friday night...Tavie and I are riding the light ra...
  • My locker mate from school found me on the net...l...
  • This is what the Dr. Phil personality test said ab...
  • So, my little sister seemed slightly insulted that...
  • Here I am, alone on a Friday night...reading a str...
  • So much to head will not let me rest. I ha...
  • The three boys across the hall are moving
  • Wednesday, July 09, 2003
    Hope hope hope Sarah C. comes here for a visit. I have only spent time with her face to face once and yet I love her to pieces.

    I have a bad case of work rage right now...I need a punching bag or a sound proof room to scream in while I am there.

    Former charge and her Mom on the way right now and instead of cleaning I am sitting here at the computer..
    What happened to me????
    Sunday, July 06, 2003
    This was one of the best 4th's in a long time. Started off with a slumber party for my former charge and Terry's daughter, who are friends since the age of 3. We had a blast. Lots of snacking and movie watching and talking about teenage stuff. They are such great girls. I could not love them more.
    Then watching fireworks from so many differant views (all while staying in the same place) with Tavie and erin. Best part of a good night was catching the fireworks from the City (had to drive for those).
    Yesterday was fabulous. Love Cheryl's apartment so much. View of the water, able to walk a few steps from the yard and look into the water and watch the fishes and crabs and seaweed all dancing about. Good to spend time with her. Miss her a lot.
    Trip home saw fireworks blasting suddenly into the darkness around cool.
    Good times....