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Saturday, July 12, 2003
Stupid blogger. You suck. Let me publish already. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:15 PM | shower me with attention
I present a List of Things That Rule:
1. Pirates. 2. Johnny Depp. 3. References to Disney rides. 4. Gift baskets. 5. Mix CDs. 6. Mexican food. 7. The Mr Show book. 8. Inspiration from the Mr Show book. Blinding, brilliant inspiration like a key fitting into a lock. Thank you, Naomi Odenkirk. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:48 AM | shower me with attention Friday, July 11, 2003
It's Free Slurpee Day. Have one on me. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:54 PM | shower me with attention
Holy crap.
"I didn't used to like asparagus, but I do now..." -Kevin McDonald Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:21 AM | shower me with attention
Happy birthday, Kirsten! Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:11 AM | shower me with attention Thursday, July 10, 2003
I've finally watched Manhattan. One of those movies that I keep getting false starts at. Been trying to see it for years.
So, where is this New York? Was it so different the year of my birth? Where are the upper-class intellectuals with their art galleries and their orgasms and their analysts and their dachshunds? The dialogue's more realistic, but the picture's just as imaginary to me as Nora Ephron's ridiculously candy-coated Upper West Side fantasyland. Manhattan made me wistful. I want to live there. It doesn't really look like that. I heard my mom was watching this movie in the theatre when she went into false labour. I always picture that scene in black-and-white. Hey, the sun. Hello, Thursday. Why are you in Tavie's head? 6:31 AM | shower me with attention
Why do I have to discover these things to obsess about at 3 in the morning when there's no one to talk to but my blog? I can't even call erin and ask her exactly how many CDs she lent me. Over a year ago. Maybe two. None of which I have listened to.
All I know is there's at least one missing because I'm certain there was a CD with a picture of Amy Poehler on the cover, and I ain't finding it. And it's too late to call the Chief Suspect, who is sleeping in a hotel in Calgary right now, and ask her where she may possibly have moved any CDs that may have fallen out of my Box of Things To Never Ever Touch Ever. Okay. Rationalize. There will be no finding any missing CDs tonight. They can't have left the apartment. Perhaps there are less missing than I think. Perhaps it's only the one. Which has to be in the apartment somewhere. Or available on eBay. Reading these last posts in chronological order is like reading Diary of a Madman or something. Slow descent into lunacy. Jesus. While I'm going insane, what the hell have they done to Nick@Nite? All these marathons of shows I have no interest in. What happened to my Holy Trinity? I need Balki. I need Mr Moore. I need Alex P Keaton. Is there nothing to distract me from my own madness? Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:11 AM | shower me with attention
There are some missing. I know it.
Why do people lend me stuff? People need to not lend me stuff. I didn't ask anyone to lend me their Yo La Tengo collection. Why would someone want to do that? Why would someone willfully send their property into the House Where No One's Property Is Respected? Why can't anyone leave my stuff alone, especially when it's not my stuff? Now I'm going to have to turn the whole apartment upside down because people can't keep their hands off my shit. I'm fucking agitated. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:27 AM | shower me with attention
I think I got them all.
I need to make sure. I'm not at all sure. Why the fuck would someone touch CDs that were clearly in the BOX OF THINGS NOT TO BE TOUCHED EVER???? Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:11 AM | shower me with attention
Now that the semester is over and I have four days until classes start again, I don't know what to do with myself. Har-dee-har.
Well, really. I feel simultaneously sleepy and restless. Too twitchy to watch tv, but too tired to do the one constructive thing I can think of to do (go through my Big Box Of Things No One Is Allowed To Touch with a dustrag, preparing to move it all over to Mint Manor where it will be safe and sound. I worry, too: I noticed that someone had moved The Box, and that there was a Yo La Tengo CD mixed in with the stack of my parents' CDs; this freaks me out, as the Yo La Tengo CDs are all erin's. Did someone see them sitting in the box, think they had gotten there by accident, and move them to a pile of CDs? Or was this an isolated incident, one lone misplaced CD? I am too fearful right now to check. Maybe in a few minutes. If anything happens to those CDs, I will have to replace them all, which will render me both guilty and penniless.) I can't stand it. I'm going to go look. Why are you in Tavie's head? 1:37 AM | shower me with attention Wednesday, July 09, 2003
Today Andrew helped me and sis get rid of this old dust-mountain of a computer desk that had been housing some ancient computer equipment-- we're talking early 90's stuff. We kept only the LCIII itself (might work) and its monitor (works), the cables, the iMac (broken but full of data) and its accompanying keyboard (questionable), and some ancient software to give to Andrew's dad, if he can find it under the dust it's caked with. Everything else went-- 14.4 modem (broken), olllllld external CD-ROM drive (broken), speakers (broken), ancient Stylewriter II printer (broken). Oh, we kept the old 300 modem. That's some sort of relic, and it's the first thing we ever used to get online, in the 80's I think (it didn't stick, not til the 2400 in 1993), so I consider it an historical artifact.
In 20 minutes I'll go take my two finals, and this summer session will be complete. Then on Monday I'll start the next summer session. Because I am, as we have established, a masochist. I'm gonna try these finals on no studying. That'll be a first for me. Usually I do it with almost no studying, but I think I might even fail to give my notes the usual cursory glance on the one-subway-stop-ride to school. So we'll see what happens. I think as long as I can explain how a mouse works (trackball moves rollers, gears, sends signals through a sensor, something like that, who cares, standard mice are almost obsolete anyway) and use the phrase mise-en-scene in a sentence, I'll be okay on these two exams. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:55 PM | shower me with attention
It's 3 am and I'm watching The Wizard of Oz with Andrew and Kate. There's nothing finer than that.
It's my very most magic movie. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:08 AM | shower me with attention Tuesday, July 08, 2003
So last night was fun. Class let out early because the film, Daisies, a surreal little piece from the Czech New Wave movement, kept screwing up, and they had decided to shut off the air conditioning in school after 5 pm for some insane reason. It's new policy; night students have to melt.
Instead of going home I met Kirsten at her friend's house, where some friends I haven't seen in a long time were sitting around playing Uno. Good girls; they used to go on vacations with our family when we were teenagers. Then we went out and had some drinks and flirted with the Irish bartender. It was very pleasant. He noticed K's and my dates of birth on our IDs, and addressed us both as "Twin" for the rest of the evening. I must get out more. Why are you in Tavie's head? 2:18 PM | shower me with attention
I am naked and tipsy.
It's pretty sweet. Don't picture it, though. Why are you in Tavie's head? 3:12 AM | shower me with attention Monday, July 07, 2003
Wuh-oh, I'm having masochistic fantasies again: I do believe I told someone yesterday they should get me a birthday cake that says in icing, "NO CAKE FOR YOU, FATTY", and then not let me eat it.
I need to do some mental housekeeping. Tidy things up. My brain looks like Donald's did in Donald Duck in Mathemagic Land. Mess. Speaking of which, Inca is not understanding about the new litterbox. We realized this yesterday when I came into the dining room and he was standing next to the New York Times, which had a big, spreading yellow puddle all over it. What to do, what to do. My parents are in Calgary for the week, the louses. Calgary, of all places. Why are you in Tavie's head? 4:06 PM | shower me with attention Sunday, July 06, 2003
This is not a time for me to watch tv without a tape in the VCR, apparently. Tonight it was 1776, which happened to be on tv as we were getting ready to leave Mint Manor tonight, only right before we left, a sequence came on that I had never seen before.
I had just discovered when we watched it last Friday that the reason the song "Cool, Considerate Men", which I loved on the album and on stage, was cut from the film was because its acerbic portrayal of right-wing politics offended President Nixon, and Jack Warner, the pussy and great friend of Nixon's, had it cut from the movie (as well as 25 minutes of footage.) So of course it makes sense that they'd show the full version of the movie, but I've never heard of it being broadcast on tv before. I'd certainly never seen it. I got disproportionately excited about seeing it on tv serendipitously like that. We must get the DVD of this movie. Why are you in Tavie's head? 11:59 PM | shower me with attention
I saw my Cheryl again for the first time since the Hedwig thing last August in Toronto. Ten months was the longest stretch of not seeing her since we met four years ago. Too long.
She has a beautiful apartment, which I napped in. I didn't mean to nap, but I had innocently thought that I could last the whole day on zero nights sleep. Apparently I am no longer the hardy creature I was five years ago. I walked her dog Buddy, the most tolerant Shelti in the history of dogs. He's the first dog I ever walked, you know. He's high up on my collection of Other People's Dogs. I collect Other People's Dogs. I have a Shelti named Buddy, a Bichon Frise named Electra, and a German Shepherd/Chow named Carly. It was a satisfactory Independence Day weekend, with enough fireworks to make up for having been in Sweden last fourth of July. Although fireworks always make me miss Disney World. Why are you in Tavie's head? 5:34 PM | shower me with attention |